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Posts posted by Reonito

  1. 28 minutes ago, Asashosakari said:

    On the flipside Ichinojo and Chiyoshoma normally ought to be safe now, having defeated Kotoeko and Enho respectively, but two more losses could still make their life miserable if juryo ends up producing four promotable records.

    I think Ichinojo's spot in the top division is rock-solid even if he finishes 6-9 at M13w.

  2. Right, the "forced" slots only come into play when they're necessary; they're not a mechanism to create extra slots when the promotion can be achieved through regular means. This question also comes up when an Ozeki is demoted to Sekiwake—the answer is that this only creates a third Sekiwake slot if both incumbents are KK.

  3. 9 hours ago, Seiyashi said:

    That makes this basho feel like a filler season, and - it's a sign of how crazy it is - absolutely no one is batting an eyelid at Shimanoumi going co-leader from M17 for the third(!) time this year, whereas if Tokushoryu and Terunofuji hadn't won and Tobizaru hadn't come close last basho to breaking a 104-year-old record, everyone would be going berserk.

    M17 yusho are best in small doses. (And I don't think it makes sense to lump Terunofuji with the likes of Tokushoryu and Shimanoumi.)

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  4. 8 minutes ago, Asashosakari said:

    At any rate, with Mitakeumi-Takanosho on the docket for Day 13 we're now likely headed for a "normal" finish to the basho, scheduling-wise, with the Takakeisho-Terunofuji highlight bout in line to happen on Day 14, and Takakeisho-Mitakeumi and Terunofuji-Takanosho on senshuraku.

    Surely they'll pit Shamanoumi against Terunofuji if he beats Takakeisho, and possibly even if he loses? Isn't Takakeisho-Terunofuji the obvious high-interest senshuraku pairing?

  5. 1 hour ago, Seiyashi said:

    Both Ts may be in contention on the score right now, but based on upcoming bout schedule Takakeisho is way more likely to take the yusho. Hence I'm arguing on that basis that he's the shoo-in for the yusho.

    /ˈSHo͞o ˌin/
    1. a person or thing that is certain to succeed, especially someone who is certain to win a competition.