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Everything posted by Reonito

  1. Reonito

    Aki 2024 discussion (results)

    Looks like Kaisho should be his next opponent on day 6...
  2. Reonito

    New recruits Aki 2024

    Ah, thank you
  3. Reonito

    New recruits Aki 2024

    As far as I can tell, this hasn't happened since the 1940s.
  4. Reonito

    Aki 2024 discussion (results)

    The decision and lack of review was egregious, but I'm okay with invoking Hanlon's razor to explain it.
  5. Reonito

    Aki 2024 discussion (results)

    Yeah, I really, really hope it doesn't.
  6. Reonito

    Kyujo for Aki
  7. Reonito

    Videos Aki Basho 2024 - Days 1- 6

    I guessed as much, but in that particular bout there were also multiple potential reviewable elements...
  8. Reonito

    Videos Aki Basho 2024 - Days 1- 6

    So where were you not going to go after the Shodai-Ura bout?
  9. Reonito

    Move training reports to Honbasho Talk?

    Yeah I just browse via "Unread Content" except for a couple of individual topics I want to follow closely during a basho, like Promotion/Demotion.
  10. Reonito

    Guess Ura's Aite - September 2024 edition

    Hi all, having sat out the last 3 tournaments and considered my situation carefully, I am hereby declaring my intai from this game I enjoyed playing for the last few years, and learned a lot about how the torikumi gets put together, but I simply no longer have the time to devote to playing a daily game at the highest level. It was an honor to reach the highest rank, and I am happy to go out with a yusho in the last basho I was able to finish. I will still be on the forum and will lurk in this thread, especially when contemplating torikumi options late in a basho. And I am not ruling the possibility that some day, Reonito II might make an appearance in mae-zumo. But for now,
  11. Reonito

    Training pics&news overview Aki 2024

    Maybe this'll be part of Nakamura beya's more modern approach, along with eating breakfast, taking rest days, etc.
  12. Juryo demotion queue: Tsushimanada (X), Nabatame (5), Tochitaikai (4), Aoiyama (3), Kayo (2), Chiyosakae (2), Tohakuryu (2), Fujiseiun (2), Hakuyozan (1). Wins needed for safety in parentheses. Tsuhimanada is already demotable but could still stay if he wins out and has favorable banzuke luck.
  13. Reonito

    Training pics&news overview Aki 2024

    Not gonna happen. In the very specific and highly unlikely scenario in which he gets exactly 10 at Aki, misses out on promotion due to lack of openings, and then goes nuts and gets 13+ at Kyushu to go 33/3, they'll be perfectly happy asking for another double-digit basho at sekiwake at Hatsu.
  14. Outright dismissals are pretty rare, no?
  15. Reonito

    Training pics&news overview Aki 2024

    It's only happened 3 times, the example would be from the 1930's which I don't put any stock in, two more recent instances were 1985 when they were more generous with extra ranks, and 2007 when there was an opening. But just like not re-ranking komusubi based on wins, I think we can infer they wouldn't feel the need to force it.
  16. Reonito

    Training pics&news overview Aki 2024

    they absolutely can if he gets exactly 10 and there's no opening
  17. Reonito

    GTB Aki Basho -RESULTS- 206 entries

    He's the clear winner, closely followed by Hokutofuji.
  18. Reonito

    GTB Aki Basho -RESULTS- 206 entries

    Okay, I did the search by hand. Since 1958, we've had a handful of rikishi moving from the east to the west side with a 6-9 (most recently, Kotoshoho in 2023). But keeping the exact same rank happened only 3 times before this banzuke: Kainoyama M8w in 1962, Hirowaka M4w in 1967, and Tochinohada M14w 2011 (the technical examination tournament). So you have to either go back ~six decades or look at the basho* right after a bunch of rikishi were forcibly retired for match-fixing to find a precedent for what they did with Hokutofuji and Nishikifuji.
  19. Reonito

    GTB Aki Basho -RESULTS- 206 entries

    But not for those whose injuries were actually severe enough to sit out some bouts I guess...
  20. Reonito

    GTB Aki Basho -RESULTS- 206 entries

    I can't even think of a 6-9 non-demotion at any Makuuchi rank aside from one guy on the 2011 scandal banzuke.
  21. Reonito

    Banzuke for Aki 2024

    I think you predicted this almost exactly
  22. Reonito

    GTB Aki Basho -RESULTS- 206 entries

    There's another hypothesis that I won't go into here but I also guessed they wouldn't reorder them.
  23. Reonito

    GTB Aki Basho -RESULTS- 206 entries

    Also 58, every guess was either a bullseye or a complete miss. I have some many questions. Is this a new banzuke committee? Did anyone even consider Nishikifuji staying?
  24. Reonito

    Alternate sumo gaming world

    Oh man, GTB is only nerd level 5?
  25. Reonito

    GTB Aki Basho -RESULTS- 206 entries

    I recall it just hung instead of taking me to the new page; just tried it now and it took me there fine