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Posts posted by Reonito

  1. 3 hours ago, Kachikoshi said:

    I have an outrageously inconsequential topic to discuss concerning what happens if exactly one person enters maezumo.

    As far as I can tell, this hasn't happened since the 1940s.

  2. 10 hours ago, Kaito said:

    Yeah, I thought Tobizaru had obviously won live. But not a single person from a group sitting ringside thinks it's even worth another look. That call could easily determine the yusho.

    Yeah, I really, really hope it doesn't.

  3. 1 hour ago, Yarimotsu said:

    Before I vote, perhaps a little discussion on how I browse this forum. In the first month I discovered this haven of sumo information, I was kind of put off by the old-fashioned forum interface that buries information behind many clicks. Since then, I have figured out that the pace of this forum as a whole is very manageable and have been browsing at least once a day via a bookmark to the "Activity" or "discover" page, which simply lists all thread activity across the forum for me to pick and choose what I read as I like.

    Does anyone else browse this way? Are there advantages to actually interfacing with the category system I am missing?


    Yeah I just browse via "Unread Content" except for a couple of individual topics I want to follow closely during a basho, like Promotion/Demotion.

    • Like 2

  4. Hi all, having sat out the last 3 tournaments and considered my situation carefully, I am hereby declaring my intai from this game (Bow...) I enjoyed playing for the last few years, and learned a lot about how the torikumi gets put together, but I simply no longer have the time to devote to playing a daily game at the highest level. It was an honor to reach the highest rank, and I am happy to go out with a yusho in the last basho I was able to finish. I will still be on the forum and will lurk in this thread, especially when contemplating torikumi options late in a basho. And I am not ruling the possibility that some day, Reonito II might make an appearance in mae-zumo. But for now, (Sadgoodbyes...)

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  5. 1 hour ago, Joaoiyama said:

    I never understood why the hardest training sessions come at the week before the basho, i feel like they should rest the week before the basho and only keep the body fit. In most combat sports the bulk of the hard training is done about four to two weeks before the day of the fight, last week meant only to recover and keep the motors going. 

    In sumo it's the total opposite, even worse because it's 15 straight days. It'll never change though so no reason to overthink about it.

    Maybe this'll be part of Nakamura beya's more modern approach, along with eating breakfast, taking rest days, etc.

  6. 3 hours ago, Tochinofuji said:

    Looks like we haven't had a komosubi promoted directly to ozeki since 1938, so would be interesting to see. 

    Not gonna happen. In the very specific and highly unlikely scenario in which he gets exactly 10 at Aki, misses out on promotion due to lack of openings, and then goes nuts and gets 13+ at Kyushu to go 33/3, they'll be perfectly happy asking for another double-digit basho at sekiwake at Hatsu.

    • Like 3

  7. 16 minutes ago, Wakawakawaka said:

    I think it would be fun to have a post-GTB poll to present the headscratcher award.. there's always at least one, and there's plenty of candidates this time around.

    I nominate Nishikifuji.

    He's the clear winner, closely followed by Hokutofuji.

  8. Okay, I did the search by hand. Since 1958, we've had a handful of rikishi moving from the east to the west side with a 6-9 (most recently, Kotoshoho in 2023). But keeping the exact same rank happened only 3 times before this banzuke: Kainoyama M8w in 1962, Hirowaka M4w in 1967, and Tochinohada M14w 2011 (the technical examination tournament). So you have to either go back ~six decades or look at the basho* right after a bunch of rikishi were forcibly retired for match-fixing to find a precedent for what they did with Hokutofuji and Nishikifuji.

  9. 1 hour ago, Asashosakari said:

    Elsewhere I offered the half-serious theory a few weeks ago that the ridiculously small demotions we've been seeing the last few years are their attempt to have some sort of kosho replacement, the logic being that "MK = was more injured than the average rikishi" holds true in most cases these days.

    But not for those whose injuries were actually severe enough to sit out some bouts I guess...

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  10. 8 hours ago, Hoshotakamoto said:

    While I can't put myself in precisely the same mindframe I was in 18 hours ago, I'll say it's possible that I was lightly swayed by selective underreporting of negative marks from day 15 on the helper (Laughing...)(Tearsforming...)

    Oh I hadn't noticed that Asanoyama only had 14 bouts on the helper!