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  1. Morning

    Yokozuna Hoshoryu

    Thanks for the pictures. They are really making sure to get all the bang for their new yokozuna buck, aren't they. Official intro on the 31st and it has been what 3 appearances in 3 days?
  2. Morning

    Yokozuna Hoshoryu

    Is there a nice big picture version of Ura as tachi-mochi?
  3. Morning

    Yokozuna Hoshoryu

    Google issue. The kanji are the same as before.
  4. Morning

    Hatsu 2025 discussion (results)

    They could have the bow twirler up-front, that used to be yokozuna duty once upon a time, didn't it? And the bow twirling doesn't get enough appreciation anyway what with everyone running out to get the train.
  5. Morning

    Good news for Euro sumo fams

    Let's hope none of the rikshi get Paris syndrome.
  6. Morning

    Good news for Euro sumo fams

    I guess the ticket sales for London.
  7. One of those is not like the others. Terunofuji has no h in his name and was still active at time of printing, I wouldn't call that historical.
  8. Morning

    New Inosuke and Shonosuke

    Sounds like someone who found his calling. May his continued path a fortunate one.
  9. Morning

    Kyokutaisei intai

    That looks like one very happy man.
  10. Morning

    Kensho Hatsu 2025

    If you formed a Sumoforum Club and collected membership fees, you could sponsor a Sumoforum club kensho via that, couldn't you?
  11. Morning

    London koen- October 2025

    Well, they could skip the "exotic" terms that are just there to look exotic to the lay people and just go with there'll be a tournament (which appears to be what'll happen albeit one that has no effect on the rankings) and the top ranked athletes/wrestlers are slated to compete, including the grand champion (chances are good there'll be a new grand champion by then).
  12. Morning

    London koen- October 2025

    Wasn't there supposed to be something this year or the last in London?
  13. Morning

    Takakeisho is Minatogawa-oyakata now

    Those look quite good
  14. Morning

    Ajigawa at Waseda university

    Are they currently any okamisan that had have formal sports management/business management education themselves? In the recent video from Futogayama beta the okamisan gives all the things she has to do. And afaik Nishonseki was specifically looking for a separate business manager.
  15. Morning

    Rikishi extra activities

    That's a fishing dance, isn't it? Some appear more practiced than others.