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    León, Spain

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  1. Seregost

    Lower division celebs results

    Maybe it's a reference to Young Frankenstein, but in spanish was dubbed as "Fronkonstin", so no idea
  2. Seregost

    Onosato ozeki promotion

    Maybe he can order two more...
  3. Seregost

    Kimarite Statistics - 2024 Aki

    I was about to highlight the same thing
  4. Seregost

    Rikishi or heya support events

    He is the guy on the left? Wow, then
  5. Seregost


    Well, that's s really different "Koto" then
  6. Seregost


    Kotokuzan from Arashio beya, for example, but in this case, AFAIK, the "Koto" is written differently and probably means something not related to the musical Koto that Sadogatake uses
  7. Seregost


    Any possibility they take the Giku or something? (No idea if that makes any sense, my japanese is below 0)
  8. Seregost

    Onosato ozeki promotion

    Maybe offtopic and maybe already answered in another thread too, but...if Onosato, Shirokuma and Kayo were team mates in university and all recruited for Nishonoseki beya, it's common the latter went to the new Nakamura beya when ex Yoshikaze branched out? It looks funny to me.
  9. Seregost

    Aoiyama intai

    I find cool when a wrestler has a "signature" kimarite, like Midorifuji's katasukashi or even Akua's kakenage. But certainly, hatakikomi is not a technique I like to see often. This pushers/hatakikomers like Tohakuryu or Abi look quite boring to me.
  10. Seregost

    Aoiyama intai

    Let's give Oshoma some time to reach them... he managed six just in this tournament.
  11. Seregost

    Aki 2024 discussion (results)

    Well, it looks the real Kirishima is back. 12 wins is a good foundation to rebuild his ozekihood.
  12. Seregost

    Aki 2024 discussion (results)

    So happy Ura was able to endure Abi's attacks, and get away with murder in the last second. One of my favorite rikishi defeating one I dislike is always nice to see for me xD
  13. Seregost

    Aki 2024 discussion (results)

    Well, Onosato was focused today, and he dispatched Hiradoumi with ease, to be even now 2-2 in their matchup. We haven't arrived Nakabi yet, but he's showing overwhelming but also calculated strength this time. Wakamotoharu did great effort today, and bested Kotozakura in a great yotsu battle. Hoshoryu finally decided to stop losing, and jumped like a jaguar over Shodai, who was just a piece of ballast today. At the bottom of Makuuchi, I'm glad the brown bear Takayasu is leaving (momentarily, I'm afraid) his back problems behind and picking wins, and I hope the white bear Shirokuma restarts winning fast. Today Sadanoumi denied him several times the left outside grip and that resulted key in the final outcome.
  14. Seregost

    Training pics&news overview Aki 2024

    No news about Takayasu, but he's not in the kyujo list. I hope he can stay healthy the whole basho.
  15. Seregost

    Banzuke for Aki 2024

    AFAIK, the rule is 2 sekiwake and 2 komusubi. If there are already 2 sekiwake, I think a komusubi needs a really good record (at least 11 wins), to force an extra sekiwake slot.