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About Kotomiyama

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  • Birthday 17/05/1980

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  1. Kotomiyama

    Hatsu 2025 discussion (results)

    Believing that this could be a soft promotion is compatible with thinking that Hoshoryu has what it takes to be a successful Yokozuna. Those are different matters.
  2. Kotomiyama

    Hatsu 2025 discussion (results)

    Sometimes I jump from the couch for sheer excitement after a great bout. Today I did it twice. Before today I didn't think a yusho would be enough to grant a promotion for Hoshoryu, but his performance today was a display of power and hunger. I even saw glimpses of his uncle. Nevertheless, I would like the YDC to be harsh and demand another yusho in March. I don't like a Yokozuna handling kinboshi in the first quarter of a basho...
  3. Kotomiyama

    Hatsu 2025 discussion (results)

    Congratulations to Tamawashi for his kachikoshi. Is there a list of the oldest rikishi who got a kachikoshi on Makuuchi? I wonder if Tamawashi is on the top 10...
  4. Kotomiyama

    Hatsu 2025 discussion (results)

    Glad to see that Kiribayamashima is back!
  5. Kotomiyama

    Hatsu 2025 discussion (results)

    With Abi beating his doppelganger we have avoided a major upset in the balanceof the sumo universe.
  6. Kotomiyama

    Hatsu 2025 discussion (results)

    It is not surprising that Ura is one of the favourites of the fans. What he did today justifies a ticket. Pure magic.
  7. Kotomiyama

    Natto gone?

    At the moment @Kintamayama is our only hope.
  8. Kotomiyama

    Kyushu 2024 discussion (results)

    I kinda liked the basho. In fact I would say that the prospects for 2025 are bright. Sumo is well past the era of dominant rikishi and each tournament is an opportunity for nearly everyone with the necessary amount of ambition, health and luck. Speaking of health: I doubt that Tamawashi will retire in 2025. The guy is standing his ground against opponents that could be his children.
  9. Kotomiyama

    Takakeisho is Minatogawa-oyakata now

    You can count me among his detractors. I didn't like his manners at all, it always seemed to me that he barely bowed when losing a bout. I didn't like his sumo either, too one-dimensional for me. Yet here I am, paying my respects to the great Takakeisho. I have come to appreciate the sheer effort of the man, maximising the attributes that he was born with. He was a true fighter who probably exchanged years of his life for four yusho and an Ozeki rank. I wish him a happy retirement, a fast lose of weight and a healthy life from here on.
  10. Kotomiyama

    Haru 2024 discussion (results)

    Everything was going the epic way and here we are, amidst a tragedy. I love Sumo.
  11. Kotomiyama

    Haru 2024 discussion (results)

    I can't figure why Hoshoryu doesn't become the dominant Ozeki he cam be. Those silly loses in the beginning of the tournament...
  12. Kotomiyama

    Terutsuyoshi Intai

    Farewell mighty Terutsuyoshi. I wish he gets to see other worlds and a live a happy life.
  13. I recently received a Hakuho's tegata. Now it rests in a cupboard and I wonder if one day will it hang on a wall of my house. Frow, it is suspended.
  14. Exactly. You can have a harsh lifestyle, with hard training and austere living conditions, while respecting others and keeping a healthy ambient in the Heya. Lines have been drawn for some years now and there is no going back... and I as a fan want it this way.
  15. Hokuseiho? I don't care, I didn't like the guy. He was wasting a nature's gift and his relarion with the GOAT. Hakuho, on the other hand... I just hope that he learns from all of this. If he wants to revolutionise the NSK, which I am sure he does, he must first set the highest standard for his heya and all of his pupils. And that certainly doesn't include bullying.