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About TimW8

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  1. TimW8

    Konnichiwa from Utah-shu

    SumoJoann, I have family in Texas. It's a beautiful part of the country. Yes I am fluent in Japanese. I served there for two years. I worked very closely with the people. And that's how I grew to love them so. I would be happy to help with this forum in any way I can. I always have time for worthy causes. Let me know if any need arises and I will pitch in. Thanks.
  2. TimW8

    Konnichiwa from Utah-shu

    Thanks orandoshoho. You've eased my mind a little and I look forward to the brotherhood/sisterhood that sumo will bring. My wife and I really enjoy watching the basho together. It's bonding time for us. We both have different rikishi that we cheer for. Sometimes when they wrestle each other it's a win-win situation. Currently my favorite is Tochinoshin. I've always cheered on the Gaijin. I was a Kotooshu fan back in the day and an Akebono fan when I was living in Japan. Any way I enjoy the sport for all the right reasons.
  3. TimW8

    Konnichiwa from Utah-shu

    Please be patient with this newbie. I love sumo but forums are a newer experience.
  4. TimW8

    Konnichiwa from Utah-shu

    Domo. Sumo is one of my passions. I enjoy the sport and love the country and people that started the tradition.
  5. Tim here. Dozo yoroshiku onegaishimasu.