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Everything posted by Kawabata

  1. Kawabata

    Nagoya 2018

    Tochinoshin's not looking great right now either.... Hopefully they're both just going through some keiko blues
  2. Kawabata

    Kisenosato Kyujo

    Not surprising at all, hopefully he'll up his training regiment even more from now on and really will gambarize next basho
  3. Kawabata

    Preparations of the Y/O- July 2018

    After his showing at the last basho, I was genuinely worried this might have been Goueidou's last kadoban. But this kind of performance is very reassuring (he does always seem to be more promising during keiko though of course...), 11-0 against The Shin seems pretty remarkable
  4. Kawabata

    Videos Nagoya 2018 - Promo + Days 1-15

    http://www.cultureunplugged.com/documentary/watch-online/play/51362/A-Normal-Life--Chronicle-of-a-sumo-wrestler I still can't track down the Perseverance version that @orandashoho mentioned before, but this is the other version with the old ending
  5. Kawabata

    World Cup 18 - comments

    Ouch! Though at least you still got to see pickford's save beforehand right?
  6. Kawabata

    Nagoya 2018

    At first I did think that this might be the time that Goeido finally slips up from ozeki-hood, but he does seem to be looking good in keiko (better than Takayasu even), not that has meant much before.... but I'd probably vote that they'll most likely both get their kk now.
  7. Kawabata

    Videos Nagoya 2018 - Promo + Days 1-15

    Ah yes, I remember you told me that in another thread - I still haven't been able to track that version down unfortunately :(
  8. Kawabata

    Videos Nagoya 2018 - Promo + Days 1-15

    The Kyokutaisei doc is called "A Normal Life" Narcos was the one about Wakanohō right?
  9. Kawabata

    Rikishi-kai reports

    They bad-mouth their bosses and gossip about which other employee's are hooking up? (sorry I am freelance and work from home, so its been a while since I interacted with other people colleagues...) Seriously though, if they do just talk about sumo, is it awkward with Kisenosato there? Does Goeidoh make jokes like "I might be kadoban again, but hey, at least I show up, amirite Kakuryū? Eh? Eh?" Do they talk about Hakuho's rice planting obsession? It feels like a very different situation than just colleagues hanging out for an afternoon at a conference. Also as they seem to be enjoying themselves too, except of course for Kaisei, all on his own there :(
  10. Kawabata

    Rikishi-kai reports

    I wonder what the topics of conversation would be with a table like this. Is it awkward? Are they all friends? What do they talk about........? Clearly nobody wanted to hang out with Kaisei though :(
  11. Kawabata

    Asashoryu activities

    Very handsome pupper right there
  12. Kawabata

    Banzuke for Nagoya 2018

    Its to balance the two sides of the top of the banzuke as in the Yokozuna ranks Kisenosato is at Y2e. At least thats as far as I'm aware :) If I'm wrong hopefully someone with more knowledge can correct me here
  13. Kawabata

    Nikkan Sports popularity poll

    He's only 4 places behind the guy who was the first Japanese rikishi to win a yusho in 10 years... Its an unexpected list for sure
  14. Kawabata

    Terunofuji Watch

    Considering his performance in the last basho, it really seems like he shouldn't. But I wonder if he in effect, needs to, in order to keep receiving the kind of medical treatment that he needs. Maybe someone with a deeper inside knowledge can confirm this or not? Its the same question that I ask myself everytime I see Ōrora on the Dohyo, as he is also someone who seems like he needs medical care more than he needs to be competing. But I remember hearing that one of the reasons he continues is so he can keep on receiving treatment for his diabetes...
  15. Kawabata

    Videos Natsu 2018 - Days 1-15

    Hopefully this is the most relevant place for this. Examples of the different Kimarite used in Natsu, thanks to Miselet for this video!
  16. Kawabata

    Rikishi extra activities

    He was sponsored by Mclaren Tokyo, so probably something to do with that
  17. Kawabata

    Another Sekitori Marriage

  18. Kawabata

    Oh! Sumo Exhibition overview

    This is fantastic I take its not something that would be available for the general public to buy though...?
  19. Kawabata

    Next Ozeki/Yokozuna promotion (after Takayasu to Ozeki)

    I reckon Terunofuji would agree there...
  20. Kawabata

    Buying tickets for the Fukuoka tournament

    I am also hoping for either may or september basho next year, so I would very much appreciate more info on either the agency or the better way :)
  21. Kawabata

    Wakaichiro from Texas

    As its Wakaichirō, if you don't have the macron over the o it can be written "ou" to emphasise the long vowel sound that should be pronounced there
  22. Kawabata

    Lower-division Torikumi Natsu Basho 2018

    Here's the match this time around for those interested
  23. Kawabata

    Videos Natsu 2018 - Days 1-15

    Hopefully this is relevent here. For those who haven't already seen it, there's a vintage glimpse into the Shimpan/Kimarite room in this video. The whole video is a pretty enjoyable blast from the past in general I think too
  24. Kawabata

    Videos Natsu 2018 - Days 1-15

    Personally, thats what I like about them :)
  25. NATSU 2018 - DAY 10 ------- Inside the Kokugikan ------- Juryo J14w Wakatakakage (5-5) oshitaoshi J10w Homarefuji (2-8) ------- J8w Takagenji (6-4) oshitaoshi J12e Yago (8-2) ------- Makuuchi J2e Kotoeko (8-2) yoritaoshi M16e Myogiryu (7-3) ------- M16w Aminishiki (2-8) katasukashi M12w Asanoyama (6-4) ------- M17e Nishikigi (7-3) oshidashi M11w Chiyonokuni (8-2) ------- M9e Daishomaru (7-3) tsukiotoshi M14w Takekaze (4-6) ------- M7e Ryuden (2-8) hatakikomi M9w Hokutofuji (4-6) (first 2 pictures from the head collision, then 2 from the restarted bout) ------- M3w Yutakayama (1-9) oshitaoshi M6e Chiyoshoma (2-8) ------- M2w Abi (5-5) uwatenage M1e Tamawashi (3-7) ------- K1e Mitakeumi (7-3) tsukiotoshi M5w Ikioi (7-3) ------ S1e Tochinoshin (10-0) yorikiri M4e Chiyotairyu (4-6) Post Bout Love this glimpse behind the scenes ------- S1w Ichinojo (6-4) oshidashi M4w Shodai (6-4) ------- Y1e Kakuryu (9-1) hatakikomi M5e Kotoshogiku (6-4) aka bowling for with Kotoshogiku If only the Kotoshogiku DEATH STARE™ could be used as an effective weapon during the actual bout... ------- Y1w Hakuho (9-1) okuridashi K1w Endo (3-5-2) Endo displaying poor pulse-taking technique below ------- BONUS PICS Focus on Takanohana ------- Most rikishi when they leave, stop for hand shakes, signs and photo shoots - Tochinoshin did a bit as well (see above at the end of his bout) Chiyonokuni Nishikigi ------- Oyakata on duty ------- The photo frame card had Abi on the back on day 10 ------- There also is a campaign attached to support your favourite rikishi - and 5 may win a photo shoot with him - though that is in August ------- With some imagination, one can make the Endo frame a bit more interesting... ------- In the sumo museum, it has a Raiden exhibition now The trophies on display ------- TBS AsaChan zuumooh badges ------- At the Sumo market outside The Macaron is (unfortunately) just a prop version, but the kensho banner and envelopes are real (though the envelopes are also really empty) The Kensho banners are for Nagatanien and for Mochi-kichi sembei, which also are a present option (also o-cha-zuke from N.) when you get a photo taken with the items - by NSK part time helpers - in the hope you buy more sembei at the nearby Mochi-kichi booth For buying sumo goods 500 worth, one gets a draw at the lottery, and gets at least an ooiri-bukuro at it You may buy a support towel - here for Mitakeumi ------- PREVIOUS DAYS Thanks for looking and thanks to @Akinomaki for the pics (and most of the captions too)