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Posts posted by Yamanashi

  1. Well, there are several variations in the sauce, including mild versions from Osaka and a somewhat spicy version from Hiroshima.  Also regional variations in Kanto area, Sendai, Hokkaido and Detroit.

  2. 12 hours ago, just_some_guy said:

    It's wild looking back on a time when an Ozeki taking a yusho was uncommon and the thought of someone below Ozeki winning was absurd.

    When you view a basho with 10-12 members of San'yaku (Y-O-S-K) -- even if only half of them are healthy, how is an outsider going to get enough wins for a Yusho?

  3. 8 hours ago, RabidJohn said:

    You can't see it under the suit trousers, but it's evident under the NSK uniform trousers in the main pic. Same hinged brace we've seen under his bandages.

    You can see bandages under his suit pants, too.  I meant the spring loaded harness that won't let his knee joints torsion.  Even in the "suit" pictures, he's walking stiff-legged.

  4. Over the last year, the current Ozeki had the following # of wins: Onosato 64, Kotozakura 58, Hoshoryu 63 [in 4 of those basho, Onosato was sub-Ozeki in rank].  I think the dream in Kyushu 2024 was that Onosato was going to clean everyone's clock and rush to the tsuna, solving the tricky situation with Terunofuji's health. 

    Then he gets only 9 wins, but Kotozakura gets the 14-win Yusho and Hoshoryu gets the 13-win J.  OK, it's Kotozakura who will power through with another Yusho and be the Next Japanese Yokozuna.  But Hoshoryu got a Jun Yusho, so it wouldn't be right to ignore his chances to make the grade in Hatsu 2025.  The dream scenario was Kotozakura Yusho  = Yokozuna, or Hoshoryu Yusho, Kotozakura Jun Yusho = 2 Yokozuna!

    Then Kotozakura struggles to get 5 wins.  But the scenario included a Hoshoryu Yusho, so what can they do?  Wait, Hoshoryu lost three times to rank-and-filers with losing records, so a 12-3 Yusho clearly isn't enough.  But he wins a three-way playoff!  So, he gets the rope.  Easy, wasn't it?

    • Like 4

  5. 57 minutes ago, Jakusotsu said:

    Exactly this. And don't expect the ever-changing members to analyze the historic numbers as deeply as "we" do.

    Do you think it might help if eligibility for the YDC included having placed high up in GTB at least twice?

    • Haha 5

  6. Honma (he of the droopy right eye) had a serious foot injury in 2019 that had to be worked on by specialists, but he came back and reached a top rank of Sandanme 52.  There is a farewell video from the senshuraku party at the Naruto Instagram page.  He's planning to work overseas (I think).

    • Like 1

  7. 3 hours ago, Katooshu said:

    Oyamada sure is fun to watch, he might be my favourite from the heya

    I really like him, too.  Skinny but strong, and really fast.  I saw his hikkake against ex-M16 Nionoumi on day 13 -- no muss, no fuss.  On day 9, he tried three different approaches against Ienoshima before getting him with a nice katasukashi.  The only thing he's vulnerable to is a straight-ahead blowout oshitaoshi.

  8. Hatsu 2025 performances Predicted Haru rankings

    By division -- Shikona, incoming rank, Hatsu result, Predicted Haru rank (* = career high)


    Oshoma, M9W, 8-7, M8.  Looks like he’s at his equilibrium rank.


    Oshoumi, J9W, 9-6, J7*.  Solid performance.


    Gyokuozan, Ms20W, 2-5, Ms37.  Hit the wall.

    Oshoryu, Ms48E, 5-2, Ms31.  Still returning from injury.

    Oyamada, Ms50W, 5-2, Ms32.  Moving forward again.

    Hoshuzan, Ms52W, 3-4, Sd3.  Back over the line.


    Murayama, Sd9E, 3-4, Sd21.

    Marusho, Sd15E, 3-4, Sd32.

    Mishima, Sd16W, 5-2, Ms53.

    Karino, Sd30E, 3-2-2, Sd45.  The Wall hits, but he bounced.

    Mukaida, Sd41W, 4-3, Sd27.

    Kawamura, Sd52E, 5-2, Sd23.

    Oshozan, Sd54W, 3-4, Sd68.


    Yamane, Jd6W, 4-3, Sd78*.  After an 8 basho kyujo streak, he's come back to make Sandanme for the first time.

    Honma, Jd57E, 4-3, Jd30

    Predicted Haru basho: 1 Makuuchi, 1 Juryo, 4 Makushita, 8 Sandanme, 1 Jonidan.

    • Like 1

  9. 33 minutes ago, Kotomiyama said:

    With Abi beating his doppelganger we have avoided a major upset in the balanceof the sumo universe.

    Belief in the Uniad nature of Abi was found heretical and was condemned by the Third Council of Constantinople.

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    • Haha 5