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Everything posted by Yamanashi

  1. Yamanashi

    NASA Describes Two Black Holes As Sumo Wrestlers...

    It is believed that almost all young galaxies develop super-massive black holes (SMBH). Like the process where collapsing nebula become denser in the center until forming a star, galaxies become so dense in their centers that the whole central region collapses into a superheavy "star" with masses several million times that of the Sun. This creates a quasar, which is the galactic version of a supernova. After all the fireworks, the remaining SMBH simply sits at the center of the galaxy, occasionally munching on errant gas or a wandering star. When two galaxies are close enough to gravitationally attract one another, the SMBH of each galaxy will orbit each other. The possibility that they would collide and form an even bigger SMBH is not impossible.
  2. Yamanashi

    New kesho mawashi

    I remember them (because I'm old ... ) I thought they were a Mexican-American band; there were a few with hit songs around that time, like Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs, ? and the Mysterians, and The Champs. "Black is Black" was quite a vibe.
  3. Yamanashi

    New kesho mawashi

    And the winner is ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSkGtW-fQ3s
  4. Yamanashi

    Aki 2024 discussion (results)

    I used to get all mad about the "dead body" rule when I thought it was a rule which could be adjudicated based upon clear, unambiguous principles. When I realized that it was a "thing" that they "say" when "stuff happens" and they want to "make a call", I stopped getting all mad.
  5. Yamanashi

    New kesho mawashi

    Also shown: Mt. Fuji, Pope Paul VI, a hippogriff, Ronnie O'Sullivan, Betty Boop, a four-leaf-clover, and the front four of the 1982 NFL Pittsburgh Steelers. [Of course, they're a little hard to see since they're stitched in black thread]
  6. Yamanashi

    New recruits Aki 2024

    I'm sympathetic to your position, but when I look at the actual Maezumo bouts, some of the kids look awfully clueless. It reminds me of the road test for a driver's license exam. I'd rather have them go through that in Maezumo than Jonokuchi.
  7. Yamanashi

    Aki 2024 discussion (results)

    I have seen several rikishi slip w/o any obvious contact so far this basho. They seem to occur in the far left quadrant of the dohyo (as seen from the camera in the TV feed).
  8. Yamanashi

    Aki 2024 discussion (results)

    Looking at the slo-mo, that's the only evidence that would call it for Kotozakura; but it's not anywhere near obvious, and would certainly merit a monoi-i just to clarify. I hope Sumo Chris sends someone a nice big bag of rice; he's set up for six months of material after this.
  9. Yamanashi

    Kyujo for Aki

    That word is rare in America nowadays, but it was very common in the 1930's - 1960's. Examples in cartoons are Bugs Bunny in "The Old Grey Hare" (1944) and Lou Pickles of Rugrats in the 1990's (most viewers didn't know what he was saying). It also managed to get into the English dubs of Pokemon. Wikipedia searches tell you that "Lumbago is an antiquated term for lower back pain."
  10. Yamanashi

    Videos Aki Basho 2024 - Days 1- 7

    I thought, "No, he can't mean 'Next Ozeki Again'; he's probably thinking ahead to the effect of this bout on the future pairings in the lower joi after day 12 or something." Then, as I took a drink of coffee I glanced at my Mr. Dohyo mug and thought, "Wait, what the hell was I thinking?"
  11. Yamanashi

    Aki 2024 discussion (results)

    In Makushita new Futagoyamabeya rikishi (and Sumo Food star), Ms60TD Mita, has first tachi-ai against Sd1 Oyamada, bounces off then slips and falls. The pressure of maintaining the record for consecutive wins disappears immediately, so he should be fine.
  12. Yamanashi

    Aki 2024 discussion (results)

    Maybe there's some way for Onosato to reach Yokozuna with three straight yusho from Sekiwake or something. Right now I think making Ozeki is just asking for trouble.
  13. Yamanashi

    Terutsuyoshi Intai

    [Another advantage to shiko stamping: immovable core, impervious to blows]
  14. Yamanashi

    Low ranked rikishi stories

    Except he's career 614-604 with 81 basho in Makushita.
  15. Yamanashi

    Low ranked rikishi stories

    With 176 basho and no kyujo, he still only has one fusensho win.
  16. Yamanashi

    Takakeisho Determined to Return to Ozeki

    IIRC, he was a fat kid. It's probably genetic, and I don't expect him to look like Ishiura five years out. However, never say never!
  17. Yamanashi

    Takakeisho Determined to Return to Ozeki

    "It's not the years ... it's the mileage." - Indiana Jones Certainly true of the Angry Hamster.
  18. Yamanashi

    Rikishi extra activities

    I remember him well from NHK's J-Trip Plan, a very enjoyable show which, of course, was another casualty of COVID. I wonder what Amy Ota is up to ...
  19. Talk about being unable to "read the heya".
  20. Yamanashi

    Hey guys

    Sorry, I don't respond to Mae-zumo, 'cause they're probably trying to sell me something. [Seriously ] Welcome back in your re-hatched mode. See you in the Haiku thread?
  21. Yamanashi

    Aussie Salt and the Dohyo

    For subscribers only? Can you relate the story?
  22. Yamanashi

    Takakeisho Determined to Return to Ozeki

    Fall comes with typhoons, Rain and wind in Ashiya, I will gambarize.
  23. Please repeat your analysis with 10 basho instead of 25. Then repeat it with 5 basho. (No, don't). My point is that there might be grumbling whenever rikishi A has X Juryo basho and rikishi B has Y Juryo basho, where Y > X. I just used 25 as an extreme case. Note: Forum participants are free to perform the above analysis for all X and Y. It might look cool (in a retro way) in Excel.
  24. I'm sure that's true. However, I was (perhaps foolishly) thinking of the old Olympic standard, where any time an athlete took money for performing that sport they'd be rendered ineligible. It would be very clear, and we wouldn't see the inevitable controversy about whether a one-basho Juryo rikishi should have to wait as long as a 25-basho Juryo rikishi.
  25. That's what I was thinking. Most of them are "encouraged to retire." I'm surprised at the decision re: Juryo. The IFS could have said "no one who earned a salary" and that would be simpler.