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Everything posted by Yamanashi

  1. Yamanashi

    Day 13 pics overview July 2020

    [Wrong quote! How embarassing.] Akiseyama heading south again. Sorry to see him fall; a unique character in the ring. I just happened across his first meeting with Takanoyama: appropriate for COVID times, a "hands-free" tachiai (2011 7 day 6).
  2. Yamanashi

    World’s First Masters Ninja

    There are many others. We just don't see them. They would laugh at our presumption, but that is not their way.
  3. Yamanashi

    This IS the July 2020 Basho thread!! Spoilers!!

    Sorry about the format of the above; early is 2015 11 - 2017 1, when he made it up to K; late is after, when established in sanyaku. Early, he had a tendency to sag in the middle, late he's better in the first half than the second.
  4. Yamanashi

    This IS the July 2020 Basho thread!! Spoilers!!

    Mitakeumi by day early late 1 5 12 2 8 14 3 4 16 4 3 11 5 2 14 6 6 11 7 2 12 8 3 5 9 8 9 10 4 11 11 3 9 12 6 8 13 7 12 14 6 8 15 8 12
  5. Yamanashi

    Hello from Singapore

    It goes back at least to the Edo period, and appears to have its roots in Shinto worship ...
  6. Yamanashi

    Kadoban help

    Ah, you fell for the classic blunder: "Never go against a Sicilian when kadoban is on the line."
  7. Yamanashi

    This IS the July 2020 Basho thread!! Spoilers!!

    I must admit I perked up on days 5 and 6 when Toch pulled a tsukiotoshi and uwatenage back-to-back; good to try something unexpected. But no way to try an arm throw when locked up with Terunofuji!
  8. Yamanashi

    This IS the July 2020 Basho thread!! Spoilers!!

    There's only one choice: young ex-Ozeki with acting experience. Baruto!
  9. Yamanashi

    Kadoban help

    Future Yokozuna, starting w/ Hatsu Dohyo in 1930: 36 Yokzuna 417 basho; 22 total kadoban 22 had 0 kadoban; 11 had 1 kadoban; Kotozakura 5/32; Mienoumi 3/21 incl. a demotion and Ozekiwake win; Wakanohana (66) 3/29 Musashimaru: 32 basho as Ozeki w/o a losing record!
  10. Yamanashi

    This IS the July 2020 Basho thread!! Spoilers!!

    If Elvis had only retired ...
  11. Yamanashi

    Hello from Singapore

    Welcome! Plenty of room for new perspectives.
  12. Yamanashi

    Kadoban help

    Preliminary results: Ozeki only, no future Yokozuna. Starting with Hatsu Dohyo in 1930: 44 Ozeki. 631 basho; 175 kadoban (27.7%); 42 demotions/intai;14 kosho; 6 Ozekiwake wins Some individual kadoban ratios: Saganohana 1/15, Kotogahama 7/28, Kitabayama 5/30, Kiyokuni 4/28, Takanohana (Toshiaki) 4/50, Kotokaze 1/22, Hokutenyu 3/44, Asashio 2/36, Konishiki 6/39, Kaio 13/65, Chiyotaikai 14/65, Kotoshogiku 7/32, Kotooshu 7/47, Baruto 1/15, Goeido 9/33, Takayasu 3/15, Tochinoshin 3/7, Terunofuji 5/14, Takakeisho 2/6.
  13. Yamanashi

    Sumo Reference Updates

    That would be nice!
  14. Yamanashi

    This IS the July 2020 Basho thread!! Spoilers!!

    He should demand a writ of habeas corpus.
  15. Yamanashi

    Kadoban help

    That explains it. Thanks. Even the eternal and unchanging Ozumo twiddles and tweaks the rules now and again.
  16. Yamanashi

    Lower division celebs results

    My guess is knees.
  17. Yamanashi

    Kadoban help

    In looking through the lists, it appears that the (can't remember the term) skip-a-basho played a role on occasion. So far I've seen four cases in the 50's and 60's where apparently a single 0-0-15 didn't count toward demotion.
  18. Yamanashi

    Kadoban help

    The first case I checked was Itsutsushima. Made Ozeki in January 1940, went 5-5-5; next basho, 7-8; next basho, intai at Sekiwake. So there ya go.
  19. Yamanashi

    Kadoban help

    Well, if you start with hatsu dohyo in 1930 onward, there are 44 Ozeki, so that's your universe of samples. Wait, did any rikishi reach Ozeki, go kadoban, then make Yokozuna? I betcha. [The database is currently in 404 heaven now, so everyone go about your business, nothing to see here.]
  20. Yamanashi

    Enho university wrestling in 2014 (age 20)

    If your reading is correct, maybe he's this fellow?
  21. Yamanashi

    This IS the July 2020 Basho thread!! Spoilers!!

    Hanakaze (top rank Sd18), please call your office ...
  22. Yamanashi

    This IS the July 2020 Basho thread!! Spoilers!!

    Exactly what I thought (Asa/Kise). That sideways stance, and the "sticky feet" that can't be moved.
  23. Yamanashi

    Day 6 pics overview July 2020

    "Allemande left with your old left hand, circle the wagon and promenade, then ... uh ... "
  24. Yamanashi

    Lower division celebs results

    With every match, you can see the burning love inside.
  25. Yamanashi

    This IS the July 2020 Basho thread!! Spoilers!!

    Does it mean he's the shadow of the Hanada brothers?