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Everything posted by Yamanashi

  1. Yamanashi

    Sumo related goods

    Great to see a rare picture of head Nekogyoji, Shikimori Harokiti.
  2. Yamanashi

    Sumo’s newest Ozeki — Shodai Naoya

    That sounds uncomfortably like the old Wrassling theme of the unbreakable hold. I remember Kinji Shibuya's Claw hold and Peter Maivia (grandfather of "The Rock") with his Samoan Suplex. Problem is, those holds are fake, and someday when they break your unbreakable Yotsu, you'd better have a Plan B.
  3. Yamanashi

    Hakuho income after intai

    Thanks to @Asashosakari and @Akinomaki for the references. By "endorse" I mean either directly go on a TV commercial or otherwise promote a product in return for pay. It seems like such a good idea, but there aren't nearly as many overweight people in Japan as there are in the U.S. Takanohana writing a book on healthy eating/lifestyle would definitely count. As an aside, of all the high-ranked rikishi I have seen (now or in historical pictures), Yokozuna Takanohana stands out to me as a thin man wearing a fat man's body. Every time I see that body in videos I almost gasp; he looks like he's wearing one of those sumo costumes. It's not surprising that he could shed the weight afterward.
  4. Yamanashi

    Harumafuji activities

    Thanks for this. I started Sumo-watching toward the end of his career, but there is something very likeable about Harumafuji as a person that makes me smile whenever I see one of these stories.
  5. Yamanashi

    Hakuho income after intai

    I know, it's me, but this is really a serious question: have any retired rikishi endorsed weight-loss programs? None come to my mind, but I'm a newbie to Ozumo. It seems to me that it's a no-brainer.
  6. Yamanashi

    Hakuho income after intai

    The "ban" on commercial income by rikishi seems to be a little vague, but there's no doubt that it's less restrictive for an oyakata. Look at the hailstorm of commercials Kisenosato got when he became Araiso. Good-looking Kotooshu still gets a few endorsements for hot cars, cool-looking clothing and shoes. I don't know what the official "connection" is between Hakuho and Hakuho rice right now, but it will certainly be more "transparent" when he's done as a rikishi. And that's probably small potatoes (?) compared to the rest of his endorsements.
  7. Yamanashi

    Hakuho income after intai

    Absolutely! I bet Hakuho is green with envy seeing Araiso-oyakata in his awesome blue windbreaker.
  8. Yamanashi

    Bout-Length Aki 2020

    Thanks for this. I already had done the calculations for Ichinojo, and it checks out. Over 15 days you expect to see definite trends , and there are some (e.g. Shodai and Chiyotairyu short bouts), but there's always that one bout that screws up your statistics (Tochinoshin's henka, Kotoeko bouncing off Ichinojo and out). Maybe over longer periods we can test our theories ("does Takayasu win most of the long slouch-fests?"; "Does Enho always go for short, tactical bouts?").
  9. Yamanashi

    Have a go at a Haiku!

    Kotoshogiku, In Juryo again, just like it's 2-0-0-5.
  10. Yamanashi

    Have a go at a Haiku!

    "'Flying Monkey'! Too Silly for a Sanyaku!" ... "Flying Gorilla"?
  11. Yamanashi

    Have a go at a Haiku!

    Ozeki Shodai, predicted by our prophet Kintamayama
  12. Yamanashi

    Promotion/Demotion/Yusho Discussion Aki 2020

    @Otokonoyama, @Yubinhaad, @Asashosakari, thanks for the information. It just struck me as strange. Is there any such rule for announcing a Yokozuna?
  13. Yamanashi

    Retired after Aki 2020

    "Hiroko, you got your hair done .... uh .... what's that smell? "It's bintsuke! I got my hair done at Tokotama-san's new salon, Oichomage."
  14. Yamanashi

    Promotion/Demotion/Yusho Discussion Aki 2020

    Strange choice of messengers, especially in status-conscious Japan: two former Sekiwakes welcome Shodai to the Ozeki Club. Isn't there some sort of procedural rule about that??
  15. Yamanashi

    September (Aki) Basho- offical thread (yay..)

    Everyone is different. There are those (probably not Kotoshogiku) who see a drop to Juryo as at least a couple more paychecks before you make that irrevocable step and retire. Considering the career record (96 basho as a sekitori, one-third of those as Ozeki!), his deferred salary and other payments should be substantial. I'd think he would want to step into his Oyakata shoes ASAP, but maybe he wants to savor this a little longer.
  16. Yamanashi

    Trivia bits

    Pretty obscure here, but I'm trying to figure out the effect University sumo has on Makuuchi performance. For Aki basho: Out of all 42 rikishi, 7 are Mongolian (& no University), 16 are Japanese w/ University, 19 are Japanese/other (& no University). Weighting this number by M17 = 0, M16 = 1, etc up to Yokozuna = 20, we get: Mongolian 84, University 169, other 185. Per capita: Mongolian 12.0 (~M5), University 10.6 (~M6), other 9.7 (M7). Having two Mongolian Yokozuna and 4 University guys in Sanyaku helps those groups; however, the numbers show a separation among groups. What I take from this is that the effect of entering after college is a slight positive rather than a negative right now. The age gap due to starting later out of University and other factors I will leave to the real stat jocks on this forum.
  17. Yamanashi

    "React"--and lack thereof

    Also, I 'd like to know, just for the information, when does "the day" reset? Is it on Japan time? On some days I get a stop put on at about 9 AM EDT.
  18. Yamanashi

    Persistence Watch - 2020

    Also, he's the major factor for keeping injured rikishi off the BG list. "They also serve who only stand and get yorikiried."
  19. Yamanashi

    Promotion/Demotion/Yusho Discussion Aki 2020

    A possible explanation: Sunday -- constant drinking starting after final ceremonies until early morning Monday -- phone call asking when we can meet; "Hell, not tomorrow, my head is exploding!"; How about Wednesday?; "Yah, yah, goway byebye." Tuesday -- "We should have met today. Oh, what are we talking about tomorrow?" Wednesday -- meeting
  20. Yamanashi

    September (Aki) Basho- offical thread (yay..)

    I wish there were a "Wow" icon. That was a surprise.
  21. Yamanashi

    Videos (all days) - Aki 2020

    I am embarrassed to say it, but I laugh every time at the Hakkaku announcement shtick. Keep it up! The Jonokuni matchups are especially fascinating for their occasional display of uninspired sumo. For example, Day 15 Kotokino vs Kenho: they look like they're trying to steal each other's wallet!
  22. Yamanashi

    Aki talkie

    "I also want to apologize to Kintamayama-zeki for taking so long and making him look like a fool. I hope he is vindicated now!" Gee, that's great. The guy remembers the people who supported him when ... wait WUT?
  23. Yamanashi

    Heya Watch Aki Basho 2020

    Do you think, deep in his heart of hearts, he would have taken fewer heya wins in exchange for one more win for Oshoryu at Ms9?
  24. Yamanashi

    The Wall 2020

    He seems to be hitting that upper Makushita wall. No one at Narutobeya (including his co-winners in the Jk yusho) are much of a challenge. He needs some work with his peers from other heya, I think, maybe some before next basho.
  25. Yamanashi

    Sort of new

    Go to the Off-Topic thread. Select "Have a go at a Haiku!". Pour out your anguish and despair in 5-7-5 blank verse. Repeat until the next banzuke is published.