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Everything posted by Yamanashi

  1. Yamanashi

    Yusho or Rank?

    Congratulations on reaching the top of Sanyaku. I remember you from when I joined. I've always liked the picture with the big fish!
  2. Yamanashi

    Yusho or Rank?

    Yeah, and the Japanese are renowned for their plucky "never say die" attitude, but if you're ten years into a career that peaked at Ms 85 and you haven't sniffed Sandanme in 20 basho, you're probably thinking about maybe a slot at your brother's trucking company. Start talking about "getting a kabu" and no one wants to do keiko with you.
  3. Yamanashi

    Food Prizes

    There must be a significant stockpile of that tea over at Miyaginobeya; they probably "gift" it to the Koenkai members.
  4. Yamanashi

    Yusho or Rank?

    Agree, but that's beside the point. Most rikishi never make it to Makuuchi, so the topic we're discussing is moot. And the vast majority of those who make it to maegashira neither win a Yusho nor make Ozeki. Here's a study I did: for rikishi with hatsu-dohyo on or after 1960, 1) how many have a Yusho w/o reaching Ozeki? 2) how many reached Ozeki and never had a Yusho? 1) 2) I reached the copy limit, but there are seven Ozeki who never had a Yusho: Maenoyama, Yutakayama Katsuo, Asahikuni, Daiju, Masuiyama, Miyabiyama and Takayasu. All retired on this list (i.e. not Takayasu) have received kabu. Now, some on either list are "ronin" who never owned a kabu; I will let the cognescenti of this Forum determine the relative worth of these worthies. This tells me that the Oyakata opportunities are not cut-and-dried on either side. That leaves me with history and reputation, which for me falls on the side of the Ozeki. [Of course, the best way to play this game is the "Kirk cheats at the Kobayashi Maru scenario" approach: win a Yusho and get to Ozeki!]
  5. Yamanashi

    Yusho or Rank?

    That's a nice take. Maegashira yusho winners will be remembered fondly and asked to speak about their experience after they retire. Ozeki's will be oyakata after they retire. One gets his lunch tab picked up, the other gets a career.
  6. Yamanashi

    Heya A-Z with (partial) pictorial history

    Is it because it's a long, tedious pain in the ***?
  7. Yamanashi

    Yusho or Rank?

    I can't disagree about anything in Seiyashi's long post. It has slowly dawned on me, though, that when I read about or see bouts of some rikishi of the past, if I find they made Ozeki I think "well, that's a historic status." Sekiwake ... nice career. Aoiyama has a career high as Sekiwake. Historic (other than as a Bulgarian)?
  8. Yamanashi

    Food Prizes

    Now if it were already cooked ... In my imagination I see some young Jonidan, mouth open under the chute, gurgling "Oi...shi!!!"
  9. Yamanashi

    Yusho or Rank?

    Sometimes I turn on the "Highest rank" tag and view old banzuke. It's amazing how many Makuuchi have Sekiwake as their high-water mark. Example: Natsu 2017 has 15 out of 36 non-Y/O who were or had been as high a Sekiwake in their career.
  10. Yamanashi

    Outside my window, is a truck..

    The blurb says "don't miss the Fighters' Steak and the Victors' Steak". I expected sea bream, but maybe that's only seasonally available.
  11. Yamanashi

    Food Prizes

    I get your point, but if you're going to store something half the weight of a compact car, you probably can't get it all on a typical storage shelf.
  12. Yamanashi

    Food Prizes

    Thanks for the info. I guess the weight is my concern. 1000 kg = 2200 lbs. Guess it goes on the floor!
  13. Yamanashi

    Heya A-Z with (partial) pictorial history

    This project is very important as a piece of historical documentation, and I thank you for taking it on. [There's still some work to be done: several mismatches between names and portraits.]
  14. Yamanashi

    Food Prizes

    Remembering our recent thread about rice going bad in another heya: where is Tokitsukaze-beya going to store that much rice?
  15. Yamanashi

    Best Way to Get Into Sumo?

    There are a few great colleges in Oregon. If sumo is your goal, go to school there and train there. Hawaiians moved to Japan. Japanese kids pick a college that has a sumo program. If you're not focused enough to sacrifice your college choice to do Sumo, then you won't make it when you get to Japan. In that case, keep making excuses here like the last two guys and then drop off the list. With all due respect.
  16. Yamanashi


    I found the same Youtube you did, through googling. I have gotten an error message on all three tries.
  17. Yamanashi

    Favorite TV Series

    Those are the guys from the Genesis "Land of Confusion" video, right? Always found them vulgar and not very insightful (but I'm not a Brit); if you're parodying your warped image of a person, it doesn't ring very true. Pro tip: if you see your political enemies parodied and you think "that's not funny!" it probably isn't funny.
  18. Yamanashi

    Outside my window, is a truck..

    Seems to be a German company. I can't read much German and no Hebrew, but: http://rga.co.il/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/brock_1-1.pdf
  19. Yamanashi

    September (Aki) Basho- offical thread (yay..)

    All have shikona starting with T, all weigh more than Enho, all have wrestled against Chiyootori, and all have at least one foreign parent except for Takakeisho. @WAKATAKE, you magnificent bastard, I read your tweets!
  20. Yamanashi

    Favorite TV Series

    Don't know if I mentioned this, but starting in March I binge-watched various documentaries online ( I found I couldn't grade tests and reports in pdf format for very long w/o wanting to jump out a window). Time Team was a revelation! My wife trained as an archaeologist, and I'm a big history buff, so these were great. I must have watched 110 of them. (They did start to suck in the last couple of seasons). Lately, I've been watching Rick Beato's videos ("What makes this song so great", etc.) and a video series on languages and linguistics (NativLang). All of it free, free, free, and not a single snarky teen or moronic social commentary. My wife is smitten with Mudlarking videos.
  21. Yamanashi

    Sumo’s newest Ozeki — Shodai Naoya

    NHK's Begin Japanology did a show on this (poor quality sound, and all text backwards!):
  22. Yamanashi

    Broken link

    Yep. (TBH, I've never clicked it before.)
  23. Yamanashi

    How to get back into Sumo after a long time away?

    You haven't been gone that long, as I fondly remember your posts and I joined in Sept. 2017. Glad to have you back in action, especially in the Haiku corner.
  24. Yamanashi

    Sumo related goods

    Great to see a rare picture of head Nekogyoji, Shikimori Harokiti.
  25. Yamanashi

    Sumo’s newest Ozeki — Shodai Naoya

    That sounds uncomfortably like the old Wrassling theme of the unbreakable hold. I remember Kinji Shibuya's Claw hold and Peter Maivia (grandfather of "The Rock") with his Samoan Suplex. Problem is, those holds are fake, and someday when they break your unbreakable Yotsu, you'd better have a Plan B.