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Everything posted by Yamanashi

  1. Yamanashi

    Hatsu 2025 discussion (results)

    A: "Hey, it looks like the Mongolians are running over everyone in Makuuchi this basho." B: "You mean Terunofuji and Hoshoryu?" A: " Uh, well ... "
  2. Yamanashi

    Hatsu 2025 discussion (results)

    Yeah, we fell for it again, didn't we?
  3. Yamanashi

    Day 5

    @Kintamayama, many thanks for your ... uh ... description of a weekend visit to Cincinnati. I look forward to more of this content!
  4. Yamanashi

    Natto gone?

    Big time sports make money by selling TV rights. When/if Ozumo gets big enough, the NSK will have its own international TV deal. MLB and NFL can make stunning amounts of money because the US is rich and there's a large audience. Japan isn't, and NSK would need to have an international TV deal to make it worthwhile. The major problem is it's Sumo -- if there were International Sumo stables with basho in different countries, it wouldn't be Sumo.
  5. Yamanashi

    Bald rikishi

    So far he's the rikishi who most looks like Lex Luthor (sorry, Rekus Rothoru).
  6. Yamanashi

    Kyujo Updates - 2025 Hatsu

    Hey, you jinxed him!
  7. Yamanashi

    selected lower-division matches from Hatsu 2025

    I had to look at it four times to convince myself that he didn't put his heel down.
  8. Yamanashi

    Lower-division Torikumi Hatsu Basho 2025

    The classic battle of the Resistible Force against the Moveable Object.
  9. Yamanashi

    Hatsu 2025 discussion (results)

    Day 2: Tamawashi doesn't look old at all. He could go another three years barring injury. Oshoma did what we thought was impossible: consistently find Takarafuji's neck. Chiyoshoma now looks like a smooth hipster guy, instead of a rattled henka machine. Takayasu vs. Endo looked a little too much like an OB event -- including the 360° spin. Takerufuji did something between a hit-and-shift and a HNH. Was he actually just aiming his chest at the shoulder of Meisei? Kirishima at least looked like he belongs near the San'yaku ranks; Atamifuji did not.
  10. Yamanashi

    Wakamotoharu vs.Omos

    Can anyone tell me the Japanese term for "pencil neck"? I want to listen for it at the next dustup.
  11. Yamanashi

    Hatsu 2025 discussion (results)

    In keeping with a Winter Basho, on day 1 the NSK presents Sumo On Ice!
  12. Yamanashi

    Kensho Hatsu 2025

    oink oink, ka-ching ka-ching.
  13. Yamanashi

    Talking Sumo With Raja and H. E. Demon Kakka

    Maybe Takanosho hopes nobody from Japan knows about this episode ... Wasn't H.E. originally known as Demon Kogure?
  14. Yamanashi

    Sumo Reference Updates

    Good news: error has changed from 503 to 404. As the old Math joke goes, "well, we know how to solve it from this point."
  15. Yamanashi

    Wakamotoharu vs.Omos

  16. Yamanashi

    Uniqlo- official sponsor of the Kyokai

    My guess (2 yen): ~50-100 for oyakata would be great ad space for the price. OTOH ~600 for rikishi would be a waste of ad money, and UNIQLO never wastes ad money.
  17. Yamanashi

    Uniqlo- official sponsor of the Kyokai

    Considering what I see the rikishi wearing inside the heya, I'm not sure the general public would be caught dead wearing it inside their houses.
  18. Yamanashi

    Have a go at a Haiku!

    "Is it 504?" [Sumodb, fingers crossed] "Is it 403?"
  19. Yamanashi

    Sumo Reference Updates

    working for me now
  20. Yamanashi

    Natsu 2024 discussion (results)

    Hey, a guy named Shoma Akua asked me for your contact info. He says he wants you to diss him publicly.
  21. Yamanashi

    Sumo Reference Updates

    Working as of 0013 EST (East coast US). Yay!!
  22. Yamanashi

    Narutobeya happenings

    Kyushu 2024 performances - Hatsu rankings By division -- Shikona, incoming rank, Kyushu result, Hatsu rank (* = career high) Makuuchi Oshoma, M4W, 4-11, M9W. Looked a little overwhelmed. Juryo Oshoumi, J14W, 10-3-2, J9W*. Came back for day 14-15; won on Senshuraku while taped all over. Makushita Gyokuozan, Ms36W, 5-2, Ms20W*. Continues to rise; now approaching the Ms joi. Oshoryu, Sd11E, 5-2, Ms48E. Still returning from injury. Oyamada, Sd13W, 5-2, Ms50W. Coming back from his first bad patch. Hoshuzan, Sd16W, 5-2, Ms52W. Turned it around this basho. Sandanme Murayama, Sd19E, 4-3, Sd9E. Near his career high (Sd2) Marusho, Sd4W, 3-4, Sd15E. Mishima, Sd43E, 5-2, Sd16W. Karino, Sd88E, 6-1, Sd30E*. 20-8 and 4 KK after his kyujo in Maezumo. Mukaida, Sd22W, 3-4, Sd41W. Kawamura, Sd35W, 3-4, Sd52E. Oshozan, Sd18E, 1-6, Sd54W. Cinderfella loses his slipper. Would have been epic if he had made Makushita. Jonidan Yamane, Jd31W, 5-2, Sd86*Jd6W. After an 8 basho kyujo streak, he's come back to make Sandanme for the first time. [No promotion because they cut off the end of Sandanme]. Honma, Jd6E, 1-3-3, Jd57E. Injured, obviously. Hatsu basho: 1 Makuuchi, 1 Juryo, 4 Makushita, 7 Sandanme, 2 Jonidan, 0 Jonokuchi.
  23. Yamanashi

    Narutobeya happenings

    I follow Narutobeya on Twitter and Instagram, so I'm creating this topic to record my news and views (sometimes incorrect/lamebrain; that's why I've cordoned it off in its own topic!)
  24. Yamanashi

    Onosho Intai

    One of the Tadpoles (along with Mitakeumi and Takakeisho). How the mighty have fallen (apparently, they eventually wobble and do fall down).
  25. Yamanashi

    Onosho Intai

    As predicted. Surprised about the "no kabu" situation, though.