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Everything posted by Terarno

  1. Terarno

    Sekitori Banzuke

    At Sekitori Oracle, I was W-Makushita 35 for Natsu Basho, and I did a terrible 2-13 during this tournament. But when I look to the new Banzuke, I'm still W-Makushita 35, with the "Kosho" status under my shikona as a result for Natsu. I guess it's better than with a 2-13, but I'm afraid it's not fair for the other players.
  2. Terarno

    Another kesho mawashi on ebay

    Hi everybody. Several members of the Info-Sumo.net forum wrote to this seller, and we asked him where the mawashi comes from. He dared to say he had it from his wife's grand-grand-father, who of course was an important Japanese family... We've denounced this auction, but Ebay doesn't care.