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Everything posted by Terarno

  1. Terarno

    Day 1 Lower division torikumi

    Awesome ! Thanks a lot, Naganoyama ! (Applauding...)
  2. Terarno


    Did somebody notice the gap in the banzuke ? West Makushita 82 is missing. (Eh?)
  3. Don't mess with "Le Wak". Do what he says. Now. (In a state of confusion...)
  4. Terarno

    Ying and yan?

    For Yin & Yang, the entry deadline allows to post your prediction just before Juryo start, I guess. But it's of course safer to keep some margin, don't wait too long. And remember : 1 Sanyaku 3 Maegashira 2 Juryo (Blushing...)
  5. Terarno

    East and West

    Takemikazuchi was the "East God" and Takeminakata the "West God". They were fighting for the "possession" of the Japan land.
  6. Terarno

    East and West

    It has something to do with the two gods, many centuries ago, who were fighting each other. One was the "East God" and the other the "West God". Sumo is a celebration of this great battle. And I guess east is better than west because the east god won ?
  7. Terarno

    21 Kyushu Basho 2005

    Hi ! 1. Kaio 2. Tochiazuma 3. Futeno 4. Kotomitsuki 5. Fns 6. Tamanoshima 7. Dejima 8. Fns 9. Fns 10. Iwakiyama 11. Tokitenku 12. Tosanoumi 13. Fns 14. Toyonoshima 15. Hakurozan 16. Tamaasuka 17. Fns 18. Kotonowaka 19. Kasuganishiki 20. Shimotori 21. Tochinonada Thanks. Terarno (Nodding yes...)
  8. Terarno

    Kotooshu promotion scenario

    Mmmmh... 10 would be a minimum, I think. And not ugly ones, by dancing around the dohyo. A promotion with 9-6 and not being part of the Yusho race would be weird, right ?
  9. Terarno

    Banzuke Surfing Kyushu 2005

    Hi ! I pick : E-Jonidan 120 Tanakayama, please. I don't know anything about this kid, except that his Oyakata is Terao, so he should kick some a$$. Go Shikoroyama Beya ! Thanks. Terarno
  10. Terarno

    TRIO Day 13

    C'est peut etre la bonne occasion de coller de force
  11. Terarno

    TRIO Day 13

    A t-on une solution de repli pour se retrouver sur un chat pendant le stream ?? (je m'installe sur le chat de sumoforum, il n'y a meme pas besoin de mot de passe)
  12. Terarno

    TRIO Day 13

    Equipe A, 2-1. Thanks. Terarno C'est quoi ce chantier sur le forum ???? (In a state of confusion...)
  13. Terarno

    Rib Breaking Keiko

    Day 1 at Shikoroyama Beya. Lesson n
  14. Terarno

    Day 8 pics Aki 2005

    Man : "Look at all those Bench points Robocop gets along with kenshos"
  15. Terarno

    UPDATE! Day 3 Absence

    Here we are, Kaio is kuyjo for day 4.... :-D (In a state of confusion...)
  16. Terarno

    Baruto Juryo debut

    Ugly against Yotsukasa, Baru-t'oh ! (a la Homer)
  17. Terarno

    Day 1 kyujo

    Hayateumi's first bout was not scheduled today. Wait and see. Et arr
  18. Terarno

    Draft Sumo Gamma Test?

    Thanks ! ;-)
  19. Terarno

    Draft Sumo Gamma Test?

    I don't want to intrude in a sealed Torikumi. If it's too late for me, I'll wait for Kyushu Basho. ;-)
  20. Terarno

    Draft Sumo Gamma Test?

    I've registered on strongoak.net, but I'm not in the Torikumi... What did I do wrong ? (On the banzuke...) ;-)
  21. Terarno

    21 Aki Basho 2005

    1. Tochiazuma 2. fns 3. Iwakiyama 4. Wakanosato 5. Kotomitsuki 6. Aminishiki 7. fns 8. fns 9. Dejima 10. fns 11. fns 12. fns 13. Tamanoshima 14. Tokitsuumi 15. fns 16. fns 17. Toyozakura 18. Kasugao 19. Ishide 20. fns 21. Kisenosato Thanks. Terarno (Hugging...)
  22. Terarno

    Sekitori-Cubicle Alpha Test

    Is this game running ? Can I play ? (Lifting weights...)
  23. Terarno

    Size(height) of wrestler decreasing?

    A big jaw is typical for people suffering this kind of "disease". They just keep growing, and sometimes surgery is the only way to prevent death at a very young age (30 or 40). George Muresan, basketball player from Roumania, had such surgery while he was already 2m30 tall. But since those Rikishis only exist through the stories of "witnesses", maybe at this time someone 1m90 tall among an average 1m60 could give birth to stories like "did you see that giant ??", "yeah, he must be at leat 1m90 tall", "oh, maybe 2 meters !!!". And 300 years later, the guy is 2m26 tall on an internet forum.
  24. Terarno

    Terao today..

    Please come back, Terao ! (Dribbling...)
  25. Terarno

    Banzuke Surfing Aki 2005

    Hi ! Jonokuchi 29 east Fujimura, please. Thanks. Terarno (A sekitori...)