Kenneth Minami

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About Kenneth Minami

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  • Birthday 06/08/1968

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  • Favourite Rikishi
    Musashimaru, Futahaguro

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  1. Kenneth Minami

    Yokozuna Hoshoryu

    The more I look at the new Yokozuna, the more I’m sure that tsuna looks great on him. And he definitely has the charisma of a Yokozuna. As for the conflicting opinions regarding his promotion, I personally see a high level of support for him among Japanese fans. This news should not be considered as a majority opinion. Wish him a successful career.
  2. Kenneth Minami

    Yokozuna Hoshoryu

    8 Years ago shin-Yokozuna Kisenosato made the same mistake at his first dohyo-iri in Meiji Jingu, and everyone was happy about that. I don’t think you will find any news about that mistake.
  3. Kenneth Minami

    Tochinoshin intai

    I have a friend with American and Georgian citizenship. So I suppose it’s not the case now :)
  4. Kenneth Minami

    What basho/bout is this image from?

    If both toriteki (under-juryo rikishi) in torikumi have oicho-mage, it is always shokkiri.
  5. Kenneth Minami

    Gagamaru activities

    I did enjoy Georgia. A small, poor country with ancient culture, great food and amazing nature. I can’t say it was totally “wow”, but this country is definitely worth a visit. You can write me a private message if you want and I’ll give you Instagram of the people who conducted a tour for more details.
  6. Kenneth Minami

    Gagamaru activities

    Few days ago I came to Batumi, Georgia. Today at 9 a.m. I was walking to the beach and saw Gagamaru passing by. It took me a while to understand that it was him…Looks like he’s lost at least 10 kilos after his danpatsu-shiki
  7. Kenneth Minami

    Courtesy calls by rikishi and oyakata

    His hair is back!
  8. Kenneth Minami

    Juryo promotions for Aki 2022

    Kinbozan was firstly mentioned in 2015 on Kazakh TV as a potential deshi of Asashoryu.
  9. Kenneth Minami

    Sumo obituaries

    Musashimaru, Asahifuji and Takanohana in my opinion don’t look genki too. Or it may be just ageing…
  10. Kenneth Minami

    Sumo obituaries

    8 Yokozuna passed away in a period of the last 10 years. Even 6 years after the death of Chiyonofuji it’s so sad to see him in this list… He managed to outlive only Futahaguro, who had been gravely ill more than 10 years before his death. 2013:Taiho (72) 2015: Kitanoumi (62) 2016:Chiyonofuji(61) 2017:Sadanoyama(79) 2018:Wajima(70) 2019:Futahaguro(55) 2021:Tochinoumi(82) 2022:Wakanohana(69)
  11. Kenneth Minami

    Sumo obituaries

    He was 56th Yokozuna and one of those who didn’t manage to show his full potential on dohyo, in my opinion. I was quite worried when Magaki-beya rikishi had difficult times when he was ill and could not look after them properly.. Rest In Peace!
  12. Kenneth Minami

    Takaryu intai

    He had problems with his legs, maybe this is one of the main reasons of his retirement.
  13. Kenneth Minami

    Yoshibayama, the accidental yokozuna

    The gyoji with a beard was Shikimori Inosuke 19th, who had a serious allergy to any kind of shaving.
  14. Kenneth Minami

    Rikishi Status - 2021 Aki

    Liked that guy. I remember he was nearly crying when he saw that Aminishiki, whom he considered his idol ,was injured
  15. Kenneth Minami

    Yumitorishiki mini-drama

    It was Oga, by the way.