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About maorencze

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    Prague, Czechia


  • Favourite Rikishi
    Mitakeumi, Ishiura, Ura

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  1. maorencze

    Aki 2024 discussion (results)

    Look more carefully. Tamawashi, Sadanoumi, Ryuden, next basho likely Meisei, Ichiyamamoto, Shonannoumi, maybe even Mitakeumi and Gonoyama (depends on how far down they fall), from Juryo for sure Takerufuji destroys him, thats nine of 15. Though I admit I didnt check whether any of those is Shishi's heyamate
  2. maorencze

    Natsu 2024 discussion (results)

    Ah damn
  3. maorencze

    Natsu 2024 discussion (results)

    Lesson learned the hard way for Hiradoumi I guess - dont piss off a Mongolian Y/O by false-starting, almost never ends well. Hakuhou or the dai-guy before him would send him to 5th row with a GLARE. Kotozakura proved what I saw in 1st bout as well, all business and yesterday was just bad luck / bad break in a bout with well-prepared well-executing ex-titlist opponent. Terunofuji...why he entered? But oh well, he still hasnt given up on his 10th, chronic health issues notwithstanding. Lets see if he can muster up 15 healthy(ish) days to win one more then call it quits. Takakeisho is done and its a saaaad thing to see, but with his style and bodytype it was bound to happen earlier than later I'm afraid. Hoshoryu...I wonder how much does the knee hamper his lateral mobility? Atamifuji is no slouch, Abi is very fast and Daieisho is a cannonball when he times his tachiai right, gonna wait for Takayasu, Oonosato or Oho bout before making a completely subjective, inexperienced, uneducated and baseless opinion about Hoshoryu's mobility issues though. People (including his opponents) quite often forget just how much of a power beast Ura had to turn himself into with all that weight lifting to get back from his injuries. This is not the same wrestler that relied solely on his bag of tricks and skill to win (putting himself in danger way too often), this version is maybe a tiny bit slower and not as adventurous at times, but the power, the POWER! I wonder who's the favourite right now? Daieisho seems to have his tachiai game on point this basho which could take him far again, Ura is solid, lets see what Kotozakura and (not-yet-technically-matured) Oonosato have in them since this is going to be a 13-2 winning result (I purposedly have left out and will leave out of an mentions the one-whose-name-we-dont-speak-out-loud-to-prevent-any-jinxes)
  4. maorencze

    Hatsu 2024 discussion (results)

    Well-rounded Is Takakeisho, just as wide as he is tall
  5. maorencze

    Preparation of the Y/O- Aki 2023

    He just mixed the order of those two letters, common mistake
  6. maorencze

    The end?

    Works just fine in Czechia
  7. maorencze

    Hatsu 2023 discussion (results)

    Two yusho is two yusho, is two yusho, is two yusho, or is it not? If Takakeisho goes D-Y-Y, how could they justify denying him promotion, number of wins be damned? Makes no sense, really, "back-to-back yusho or equivalent", in case of D-Y-Y its back-to-back-to-back,, really, what more?
  8. maorencze

    Ex-Takanoyama emerges

    Beats me, but he said he caught quite a lot of flak from her
  9. Thank you sir, you shirley have made my day a bit brighter!
  10. maorencze

    Ex-Takanoyama emerges

    Interesting content in following interview (not on YouTube, available in Czech only, via the website of largest Czech sports news outlet). Seems like Takanoyama was quite under fire from his stable's okamisan after the death of his shisho, she blamed him for her husband's death. What is left unsaid but seemed quite obvious was that this pressure ultimately bore heavy influence on Takanoyama's decision to leave Japan for good. He also talked about his scandal with extramarital baby, said he planned on retiring to save face of his stable, but his shisho convinced him otherwise. Those two issues stood out the most to me from that interview (approx. 40mins long)
  11. Spotting 6 mistakes in my own entry after going through this entry again two days later does NOT predict very good result...I guess there's no use crying over spilt milk, though how exactly could I have made those mistakes goes beyond me. Seems like starting from bottom of banzuke with your entry only takes you so far (if you're a moron like me at least)
  12. maorencze

    TORCHBEARER 2022: invitation, rules, and your picks

    Thank you Shimodahito for invite. Let's go with Enho, J10E (rank I suspect Enho will hold at last banzuke of 2022)
  13. maorencze

    Results GTB- Kyushu Basho 2021- 139 entries, 11 newbies

    There was a whole stretch that was difficult to place exactly, due to "where to put Asanoyama, Takayasu, Hoshoryu, Hokutofuji, Kotonowaka, Ishiura" question, that had direct influence on placement of Chiyoshoma and Terutsuyoshi, and also Shimanoumi and Kotoeko (and to a degree Chiyonokuni). Overpromote or overdemote? Not that many clear candidates to any one spot IMHO. But its likely thats just me overthinking and overcomplicating things.
  14. maorencze

    Results GTB- Kyushu Basho 2021- 139 entries, 11 newbies

    Oh boy, this...THIS Clusterf*@k !!! M6 through M18 is a total crapshoot (and that's assuming NSK dont go 3+ Sekiwake and/or 3+ Komusubi) Hoping for a kachikoshi
  15. maorencze

    Aki 2021-GTB - RESULTS!! - 140 entries (22 newbies)

    34 points...well, for this mess of a banzuke I'll take it gladly (8-7 result with that ) I think Mitoryu will be busy inventing new expletives in several languages for next few days...I would be, if I were in his place