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  1. Haidouzo

    Mukade Beya (Formerly STI) Sumo Gaming Banter Thread

    Sounds like I may have saved myself from demotion in SG, too!
  2. Haidouzo

    Mukade Beya (Formerly STI) Sumo Gaming Banter Thread

    I would have assumed I would keep the Baka Cup by default. Perhaps you two could have a Dummkopf Cup or a Verrukt Cup.
  3. Haidouzo

    Mukade Beya (Formerly STI) Sumo Gaming Banter Thread

    Sorry, STI. Just put in my kyujo/kosho for the head-to-heads. My data still isn't ready yet and I will have no time for it before more deadlines, and I'm not sure I really have the hour-ish every day for the 15 days of the tournament. Also probably slightly demoralized from demotion to juryo in Bench. I'll see about May, I suppose.
  4. Haidouzo

    Mukade Beya (Formerly STI) Sumo Gaming Banter Thread

    Uhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... No. Thanks!
  5. Haidouzo

    Mukade Beya (Formerly STI) Sumo Gaming Banter Thread

    A miserable basho topped off by a 5-10 in Bench from M14W, which should surely spell demotion. Thankfully safe even with 3-12 in SG (though I've seen what 7-8 does from sanyaku so perhaps I'm speaking too soon), but if I manage to end up in Juryo there this year, that might be just the inspiration I need to intai. 4-11 in DST after a 0 on senshuraku. Already in the bottom group there anyway. 7-8 but 85th of 182 in ISP, so I suppose that might squeak by as effectively a KK for a top 50% finish. 49th of 68 in Odd. 36th of 61 in Salarycap will take me out of sanyaku. 5-10 in Quad will send me well away from sekiwake. Blew it on senshuraku for 7-8 in Toto. Back to old 7-8 8-7 7-8 8-7 tricks there, I suppose. Also blew it on senshuraku in TTT, for a 12-way tie for 8th and the only Masters point... half-point for me this basho. Dead last in Hoshitori for 0-15 from J1. 29th of 75 in JG, which is surely my best pre-basho showing. Just horrible in NC and dropping out of makuuchi there, too. 4-11 in Bingo will send me back to makushita there. 3-12 in POG should have me back in Juryo. 69th of 88 in Roto. 28th of 65 in Oracle for my only other certain pre-basho KK. 9-6 in UDH as of day 13--shouldn't take a lot of luck to keep sekiwake there. I can't imagine it can get much worse. ...only half a point worse. GANBARIMASU for an anniversary of The Greatest Show on the Dohyo in March. (I'm not holding my breath.)
  6. If he's still in WA, it's 5:53AM there right now.
  7. Haidouzo

    Mukade Beya (Formerly STI) Sumo Gaming Banter Thread

    I declared long ago my strong belief that it's easier to yusho in makuuchi than it is in makushita from Ms1-10 (or so). I was strongly disagreed with by many. Here's one more data point.
  8. Haidouzo

    Mukade Beya (Formerly STI) Sumo Gaming Banter Thread

    A win only in Toto, for 7-7. In a tie for 6th in TTT now, thanks to the Machine overly liking Goeido's chances. 3-11 is an absolute nightmare in SG. I may not even face the Panda in March. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GET ANOTHER KINBOSHI NOW? GANBARIMASU
  9. Haidouzo

    Mukade Beya (Formerly STI) Sumo Gaming Banter Thread

    Almost all losses. Only a win to hold off MK in Toto. (Plus TUG, where I think I'm looking at another Ozeki-worthy KK. I'm not sure I've had more than one MK.) GANBARIMASU
  10. Haidouzo

    Mukade Beya (Formerly STI) Sumo Gaming Banter Thread

    75 points against. Sick at home today so that's all I've got for now. (Okay, fine--now in a jun-yusho herd in TTT.)
  11. Haidouzo

    Mukade Beya (Formerly STI) Sumo Gaming Banter Thread

    Tiebreak win in Bench, perfect day in DST (far too late...), and a win in ISP. Overruled the Machine again and it cost me the win in Toto, but 5-6 instead of 6-5 shouldn't make much difference. Also cost me a point in SG, but that only brought me another loss in the Baka Cup. Lost in TTT but still tied for the yusho lead, now with two more in the mix. TTT is it. GANBARIMASU
  12. Haidouzo

    Mukade Beya (Formerly STI) Sumo Gaming Banter Thread

    I read the news and assumed Chiyo was withdrawing, so I played the games that way--thankfully. I suppose this ends up counting as overruling the Machine, which is not the first time this basho. Turned a TTT loss into a win. Wins in DST, ISP, Quad, Toto, and TTT. 5-way tie for the yusho in TTT thanks to a no-show from Kotononami. TTT has been one of the strongest games for the Machine. I'd want to guess that much is just dumb luck, but this is years of playing now. GANBARIMASU
  13. Haidouzo

    Mukade Beya (Formerly STI) Sumo Gaming Banter Thread

    Evidence suggests so ;) It has one strong (mid-basho) adaptive variable, but it's obviously not cutting it this time around.