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Everything posted by Gospodin

  1. Gospodin

    Haru 2022 Discussion Thread (SPOILERS!)

    Perhaps the phrase "Not gegen Elend".
  2. Gospodin

    YDC convenes after Hatsu 2022

    What I was trying to say is: have other rikishi been suspended for three to six tournaments in the past, or were those the first ?
  3. Gospodin

    YDC convenes after Hatsu 2022

    The penalties for Ryuden, Abi and Asanoyama are the longest suspensions I remember, all others were one basho for gambling and two for a Yokozuna (so no issues with dropping from a rank here), or outright expulsion/forced retirement. Is there any precedent for the suspensions of the former three ?
  4. Gospodin

    Hatsu 2022 discussions (results)

    Shodai is simply puzzling for some time. I am wondering why he cannot employ his, basically fine, read-and-react style consistently. One valid argument that was already brought up is him getting in upright position too easily. But other than that, perhaps one of the more technically knowlegeable members here can chime in. It would be greatly appreciated.
  5. Gospodin

    Hatsu 2022 discussions (results)

    Reminds me the ol´ game "three in a row" or whatever it´s in English, we played clandestinely during boring lessons. Black is ahead 3-1, but Mitakeumi can still tie it with a win Apologies for going off-topic.
  6. Gospodin

    Hatsu 2022 discussions (results)

    I suppose you are referring to the 33+ yo, post-2004 version of Kaio, who overall is probably the most successful ozeki ever.
  7. Gospodin

    Hatsu 2022 discussions (results)

    The NFL playoffs, the Australian Open, perhaps ? Seriously, I don´t either, but a probable Ozeki corps of a current Shodai and Takakeisho, together with a talented rikishi but not known for his great training habits, that´s something I am going to need a few days to let it sink in. We have been really spoiled for a very long time.
  8. Gospodin

    Hatsu 2022 discussions (results)

    I know, just a little game theory :-). Having been the arch villain already once, I think Terunofuji would weather that storm. He was injured then, and supposedly is now. And if Hakuho could pull that off..
  9. Gospodin

    Hatsu 2022 discussions (results)

    To state the obvious, Mitakeumi will go all-out at the tachiai, looking for a quick finish. If I were Terunofuji, I´d do a henka. That might also keep Mitakeumi honest in the ensuing playoff bout.
  10. Gospodin

    Hatsu 2022 discussions (results)

    What was Terutsuyoshi trying there a the tachiai ? Chiyonokuni was almost a foot behind the shikiri. I suppose a little hop and presenting his head to him was not Terutsuyoshi´s plan.
  11. Gospodin

    Hatsu 2022 discussions (results)

    IIRC it was his first basho in Makuuchi where he once crouched all the way back at the tawara to start a bout.
  12. Gospodin

    Hatsu 2022 discussions (results)

    It´s not his fault, but with one ozeki out and the second struggling, the field is even weaker than usual. I think this and a loss to a maegashira will be held against Mitakeumi. I doubt he will be promoted. Also, his past record isn´t exactly an endorsement as well. He´s performing on ozeki-maintenance level for some time now, as somebody here (can´t remember who, apologies) coined it, without any outstanding results.
  13. Gospodin

    Hatsu 2022 discussions (results)

    I was joking, referring to the discussion about Okinoumi. His style also works pretty well for him, except against sanyaku regulars.
  14. Gospodin

    Hatsu 2022 discussions (results)

    It´s clear Tamawashi is going nowhere against Mitakeumi, yet he tries the same thing all over again, making it boring to watch. Why doesn´t he change something ?
  15. Gospodin

    Hatsu 2022 discussions (results)

    Granted, but what else should Okinoumi do, given his abilities ?
  16. Gospodin

    Hatsu 2022 discussions (results)

    It´s a pity that the presumably most talented of the Chiyo gang had his career derailed by so many injuries.
  17. Gospodin

    Hatsu 2022 discussions (results)

    Hoshoryu is still a work in progress. Today was great, but lately he became too fond of leg trips.
  18. Gospodin

    Hatsu 2022 discussions (results)

    To me it appears they have figured him out a bit, trying to deny him any kind of grip or hold, and keeping him constantly in motion.
  19. Gospodin

    Kyushu 2021 discussion

    Truly impossible to compare, a different era. However, I´d really like to know how a 6-1-1-2d could get him demoted from Ozeki, while a 7-2-1 record a few years later resulted in his promotion to Yokozuna I suppose kachikoshi alone didn´t automatically mean to at least stay at a rank.
  20. Gospodin

    Kyushu 2021 discussion

    kawaigari. Right after his ozeki promotion, to make sure he doesn´t lose his motivation for the next step
  21. Gospodin

    Hakuho retires

    It coincided with the end of Hakuho´s complete dominance.
  22. Gospodin

    Hakuho retires

    Not that it matters at all, but in my country blue suits are the ultimate testament of really bad taste. They even beat furs for men. Brrrr...
  23. Gospodin

    Hakuho retires

    In my opinion the Kyokai didn´t do themselves a favor with reminding Hakuho in writing of the rules basically everybody has to adhere to. That gives them much less leeway on how to deal with infractions of other members, or they will be publicly accused of double standards. That´s one thing they can´t afford.
  24. Gospodin

    Hakuho retires

    A wild guess: could it be that the Kyokai´s recent experience with a dai Yokozuna-turned-oyakata prompted them to be, say, a bit more careful with rikishi that enjoyed demigod-like reverence joining their ranks ? (And I need a tagline: "Say it ain´t so, Hak !" )
  25. Gospodin

    Aki Basho 2021 - Discussion Thread (Spoilers!)

    Same for Mitakeumi a day earlier it seems....They should at least withhold the kensho for "efforts" like that. A disgrace.