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Everything posted by Gospodin

  1. Gospodin

    Nagoya 2022

    Courtesy of @Asashosakari http://sumodb.sumogames.de/Query_bout.aspx?show_form=0&year=199301,199503&shikona1=Yagami,Yakaze&shikona2=Odagawa,Okinoishi
  2. Gospodin

    Nagoya 2022

    I am wondering when exactly, and why, it almost vanished. I remember them being quite frequent into the naught years. Or does my memory betray me here ?
  3. Gospodin

    Nagoya 2022

    Would a few torinaoshi as "fillers" be too unfitting ?
  4. Gospodin

    Nagoya 2022

    Chiyomaru´s left leg really put up a nice resistance effort against Terutstuyoshi .
  5. Gospodin

    Nagoya 2022

    I am stating the obvious here, but key is to get him in an upright position right at the tachiai and following through.Judging from his recent week two performances I am not convinced that anybody can do that.
  6. Gospodin

    Nagoya 2022

    Without looking it up, to me it was a kind of read-and-react from Terunofuji. Granted, a tad late after a mediocre tachiai and his immediate counter failing, but he kept his calm, ring sense and strength to dispose of Endo.
  7. Gospodin

    Nagoya 2022

    Takakeisho is using his left paw to great effect this basho. But I sincerely doubt it will be enough for Terunofuji. As for Endo - his dismal record comes from his now well-established struggles against oshi wrestlers. And yes, he drove Terunofuji to the edge, but to me it looked like the Yokozuna was never out of control of this bout.
  8. Gospodin

    Nagoya 2022

    That´s exactly why/where things got awry.
  9. Gospodin

    Nagoya 2022

    I think the gyoji didn´t as well. First he stopped the bout, but Wakamotoharu went on, which he (thought) obliged him to make a (useless) call. That´s where the chaos ensued, and the repositioning took way too long.
  10. Gospodin

    Nagoya 2022

    @Kintamayama please include the repositioning in full in your digest. Terunofuji`s look was hilarious.
  11. Gospodin

    Nagoya 2022

    A really different culture [remembering a dozen concerts/games where I´ve been hit by full beer cups ;-)]
  12. Gospodin

    Nagoya 2022

    Any reason whyy they are so keen on that ?
  13. Gospodin

    Nagoya 2022

    Why am I not surprised that Kotonowaka can resort to a very good left uwatenage if needed ?
  14. Gospodin

    Nagoya 2022

    Can one of the experienced, knowledgeable members on this forum explain what Terunofuji was thinking by handing a morozashi to a rhino ? Yes, he is extremely strong, and he gives up a lot of them, but to an opponent of that size ?
  15. Gospodin

    Nagoya 2022

    I think the difference is he didn´t throw him, but used the arm bar to force him down/out.
  16. Gospodin

    Nagoya 2022

    What´s making it even more impressive is that oshi specialists tend to peter out earlier than yotsu wrestlers.
  17. Gospodin

    Nagoya 2022

    The gyoji in Takakeisho´s bout gave nothing about that both hands down rule. Both of Takakeisho´s hands were nowhere near the ground at the tachiai, I was really surprised he didn´t call a matta.
  18. Gospodin

    Nagoya 2022

    Abi is ranked in Sanyaku.
  19. Gospodin

    Shohozan intai

    I remember that basho, for the very atypical kimarite he employed. He came back from a stint in Juryo and looked like a changed wrestler.
  20. Gospodin

    Natsu 2022 Discussion Thread - here be spoilers

    Injured back and all, but It still baffles me how nimble Ichinojo was in his Makuuchi debut.
  21. Gospodin

    Natsu 2022 Discussion Thread - here be spoilers

    Remembering the years of discussions here for "disappointing" time and again, it´s somehow surreal to read through a conversation whether he did now.
  22. Gospodin

    Natsu 2022 Discussion Thread - here be spoilers

    My money´s down he does. Even if he is permanently restricted by his injury, his talent should take him to lower Makuuchi at least.
  23. Gospodin

    Natsu 2022 Discussion Thread - here be spoilers

    Are his X-rays he posted still available here ? With all due respect: regardless of the martial art, if you are caught in an armlock you accept your fate and give in.
  24. Gospodin

    Natsu 2022 Discussion Thread - here be spoilers

    I am 100% certain you are referring to Kaio/Chiyotaikai after 2004. Chiyotaikai peaked early, as the majority of oshi wrestlers do, and Kaio was arguably one of the strongest Ozeki ever until his last yusho. BTW I really miss his kotenage. That lightning quick left grab of the wrist out of nowhere, pull and pat on his opponent´s shoulder was great technique. Nobody employs it like that today.
  25. Gospodin

    Natsu 2022 Discussion Thread - here be spoilers

    So the Yokozuna took responsibility and restored order in the end.