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  • Birthday 12/06/1972

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  1. Morningstar

    Banzuke for Hatsu 2025

    A win is NOT worth 2 ranks. I have no idea where this came from, but that is just not how it works. In general, they take your wins minus your losses and sort everyone up or down from there. Then because they will have a lot of people landing on the same spot, they sort things out in committee. What each committee feels is the best way to do this changes all the time. 2 ranks might be a rule of thumb that works many times, but it is far from a hard and fast rule. Back in the day when all we had was BBS's and usenet groups to talk about sumo shit like this would come up. Where people would come up with a rule and declare it to be true. But as the decades have proven over and over, there are no hard and fast rules. Not even KK must go up and MK must go down.
  2. Morningstar

    Onosato ozeki promotion

    No, they are a kind of pants that evolved from the old-time robes into something you could ride horses with. Then when the Bushi class took power, they became more formal as the rich and powerful wore them as their class dress vs the robes the former people in power in the Emperors Court still wore. Compared to what the Gyogi wear, which is closer to what the aristocratic court member would wear, but with less stupid hats and redundant layers. The modern versions are very simplified from the stupidly complex stuff high ranking members of society used to have to wear. When I was in Japan a couple of years ago, part of the tour we took of a palace in the Kyoto area that had been converted into a museum had a whole section of clothing and how it evolved over time. I wish I could remember the name of it right now, but it escapes me.
  3. Morningstar

    Promotion/Demotion Discussion

    Short of a Yusho or a high scoring playoff loss, I think it will really depend on how the Ozeki and Yokozuna situation looks. If Takakeisho gets a losing record and Kirishima does not get his ten wins, and Terunofuji is still out, they may promote him just to shore up the top ranks and hopefully get another Yokozuna sooner rather than later. However, if they are looking strong, then they will probably wait and see how things turn out in September.
  4. Morningstar

    Promotion/Demotion Discussion

    The big question for me is will they count last times result for Onosato as part of an Ozeki run or not. Although he was M5 he did face all the named ranks who available and got a Jun-Yusho out of it. If Kirishima is healthy and gets his ten, we could see five Ozeki with hopefully at least one on a strong Yokozuna run in September. That would be interesting. Especially if Wakatakakage is tearing it up making it back to the top.
  5. Morningstar

    Promotion/Demotion Discussion

    One would think with the recent precedent of someone going 5-10 from much lower (J10 & J11) than J8 yet staying, that a 4-11 at j8 would be safe. But they sure do love to play favorites and run backroom deals.
  6. Morningstar

    YDC convenes -after Aki 2023

    Short of some kind of scandal, if he wins in November he will get promoted. They know they need someone to replace Terunofuji soon. Any Ozeki winning 2 in a row will do.
  7. Morningstar

    Houshouryuu Ozeki

    Adopted and raised by a wolf, born Trojan princes. Also, descendants of the Gods, and lots of other typical stuff. Pretty standard fare for Mediterranean civilizations.
  8. Morningstar

    Videos Haru Basho 2023 - Days 1-15

    I want to thank @Kintamayama for his videos. I always look forward to watching them during (and after) the Basho. This time I especially enjoyed his Juryo highlight matches with Ochiai & Enho as well as other interesting bouts in the 2nd division.
  9. Morningstar

    The end?

    The only Sumo I watched was Kintamayama's stuff because it felt the most like news reporting with highlights, was short and to the point, and keep a lot of unneeded drama out of things. So, I have next to no experience with other channels. Kintamayama's videos would have been covered under fair use here in the US, as they were short exerts of the larger whole (short highlights of the important parts of the match), added new information/were transformative (with his stats and other added info), covered topics of public concern (sporting results), and do not impact the commercial value of the original. Sadly, Youtube has their own policy that is far stricter than the law requires. Some of the other channels that posted the whole top division matches with a little voice over to rant about whatever they feel like are on far shakier grounds. If I was practicing law in the IP realm (I do not, and none of this is legal advice), I'd think it would be very hard for them to win against someone posting a ~15 min highlight reel with some added reporting than someone posting all 3+ hours of the top division. Anyway, back to work studying for by Bar Exam.
  10. Morningstar

    The end?

    If the strikes are just against your translations of interviews, then you should file a counter-notice. Because your translations are transformative (i.e. changing the language), about something that is in the public interest (i.e. newsworthy), and non-commercial (you are not monetized I think), you have an argument for fair use.
  11. Morningstar

    Sumo Do Sumo Don't - TV Series Remake!

    Watched the first three episodes and have a pretty good impression. Very formulistic and follows the basic tropes closely. No surprises so far. I'm looking forward to the next episode.
  12. Morningstar

    Is Sumo On the Ropes?

    Dude's bio reads like one of the Edgelord dipshits on the talking about Sumo site. The piece is just silly and full of logic holes.
  13. Morningstar

    Mitakeumi new ozeki pics overview

    Yusho, Marriage, and Ozeki promotion all in short order. I hope he is recovered enough by March from all the celebration. I also wish him a happy married life and great sucess.
  14. I would like to think that the punishment will be proportionate with the kind of gambling they did. I'm not aware of any details having leaked out, but there is a huge difference in my mind between Pachinko and Mahjong Vs betting on Sports or worse yet Sumo. If they bet on Sumo, then expulsion is the likely outcome, just small amounts on games then maybe a fine and short suspension, on Sports or large amounts then everything is on the table. Last time I was in Japan Pachinko and Mahjong parlors were everywhere. I learned to play Mahjong and Shogi in a back ally parlor in a part of Yokohama I was technically not allowed to be in. Frankly if this is what they got in trouble for, the NSK should have just laughed it off and told them to be more discrete.
  15. Morningstar

    Miyagino beya out of Aki

    Previously infected and/or vaccinated persons can still catch and transmit the virus. It is also transmittable by asymptomatic persons. Infact according the the World Health Organization two days before symptoms show is when it is most transmittable. So the ban on participation is totally reasonable if not disappointing for those of us wanting to see win number 46 for Hakuho and Hokuseiho first Juyro tournament. But, we will just have to look forward to their dominance in November.