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Status Updates posted by PhorCillic

  1. Rikishi game back. Finally - you don't know how much problems I had with putting it back. D:

  2. One day of break in Rikishi game. Sudden server maintenance.

  3. Weird situation. I paid for a server, yet provider suspended....... O_O

  4. Brand new server. Finally a paid one. Data backup: 8th August.

    23.08 - full Turn 1 (Days 1 + 2)
    24.08 - Datacheck if everything started correctly
    25.08 - Full Turn 2 (Days 3 + 4)
    Then normal schedule.

  5. Due to financial problems "ridiculous" August Basho in Rikishi game will start one day later. 

  6. Struggling against a server in Rikishi Game.... T_T