Sumo Joe

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About Sumo Joe

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  1. Sumo Joe

    Just Introducing Myself

    Thank you for the welcome, Tikozan! Very kind of you.
  2. Sumo Joe

    Just Introducing Myself

    Thanks for the welcome, Masumasumasu. Best regards!
  3. Sumo Joe

    Just Introducing Myself

    Thank you for the greetings, yorikiried by fate and Swami!
  4. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu. My name is Sumo Joe. I own the not-for-profit blog It's an entertaining place where people with an interest in Japan can visit, enjoy posts on a variety of topics, and comment. While the blog addresses many aspects of Japanese life and culture, there's a special affinity for sumo there. I'm looking forward to learning from you all about this great and ancient sport. Arigatou gozaimasu.