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Everything posted by rzombie1988

  1. rzombie1988

    Aki 13 Comments

    25 isn't especially young. By the time he turned 25, Kakuryu had spent 12 basho in the upper echelon of makuuchi (i.e. ranked in sanyaku or facing all sanyaku as a maegashira). Kotoshogiku 20 basho, Kisenosato 28 basho. Jokoryu may be new, but he's not young. Way too early to be closing the book on Jokoryu. He's got a long career ahead of him and it's too soon.
  2. rzombie1988

    Aki 13 Comments

    Jokoryu is young. It took Kakuryu and Kotoshogiku around 6 years from Makuuchi to reach Ozeki level. Kisenosato took 8 years from Makuuchi to Ozeki. Not everyone is a prodigy like Hakuho. I think it's pretty impressive to make Makuuchi after a year and a half, but what do I know.
  3. rzombie1988

    Greatest Sumo Ever?

    Akebono - He was on top during one of the most competitve periods ever and had quite a hard path to get there. He had the tough task of going through the TakaWaka combo plus Musashimaru, Takanohana's stablemates and other challengers at the time. He also went out winning his last basho. Probably his biggest knocks are that he never went undefeated in a basho and he didn't win as many as others. Musashimaru should also get some credit due to being in the same time frame and having tons of success. Would be interesting to see how well Takanohana would have done if he didn't benefit from his stable. Asashoryu - Won tons of basho's but also thrived in a period where competition was not as strong(though he did have have a lot of competition early). He did end up also winning his last basho and definitely would have won more had he not gotten in trouble. He had 5 perfect basho's. Hakuho - Pretty much gauranteed to tie Taiho's basho record, unless he gets injured. He is so far ahead of his opponents and has been on top for a long time. He already has 10 perfect basho's and has only lost more than 3 matches once since 2008 which is absolutely amazing. He also gets a + as he started to get the better of Asashoryu near the end of Asa's run. Taiho - I haven't seen much of him. But, he had 7 perfect basho's and has the record for the most basho wins. I don't know enough about him to comment.
  4. rzombie1988

    Yokozuna/Ozeki preperandum - Nagoya 2013

    Kotoshogiku for the first time reaching 180kg. This year he is improving his tachi-ai tackling and inserting his right. Kotooshu is recovering: "If I can go into the basho without getting injured ..." Kotooshu is recovering: "If I can go into the basho without getting injured ...I still won't win more than 8".
  5. rzombie1988

    Kitanoumi kanreki dohyo-iri

    True story, I did those and I think I had longer(but not fatter) hands than most of them.
  6. rzombie1988

    Yokozuna/Ozeki preperandum - Nagoya 2013

    I'd prefer they just stick with the 2 tournament wins in a row rule for Yokozuna. Winning 2 in a row isn't easy but atleast it is some kind of standard. Doesn't matter anyway as if you can't win 2 in a row, there's no reason to think you will suddenly get better by being declared a Yokozuna early. Talent always wins in the end. I don't think we will be seeing any new Yokozuna though until Hakuho goes or starts performing badly. At a minimum, someone would probably need two 13-2 basho's while hoping Hakuho has a worse basho and I don't see any of the current Ozeki being able to do it.
  7. There is no way he would turn down a Yokozuna promotion.
  8. rzombie1988

    Odd or Interesting Sumo Names

    What are some of the oddest or most interesting sumo names? I always thought Orora's name was a little odd. I was also wondering if anyone knew any rikishi that had the same name twice. Basically like a "Wakawaka" or a "Kotokoto" or something of that nature.
  9. rzombie1988

    Guessing Baruto's future

    I'd get the surgery if I were him. His knee needs fixed and the current plan isn't working. He's only going to hurt himself more and drop further down at the moment. Atleast with the surgery, he has a chance, and if he drops down, it was inevitable anyway.
  10. rzombie1988

    Odd or Interesting Sumo Names

    I don't know which one I like most out of those - Bingoyama, Banjo or Hogan.
  11. rzombie1988

    Hatsu Basho 2013 - Discussion Thread

    I reviewed the final day of the tournament with pics/gifs/final standings and final thoughts here: http://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2013/01/sumo-january-hatsu-basho-day-15-final.html Make sure to check out Takanoyama's match today. That was some excellent sumo.
  12. rzombie1988

    Hatsu Basho 2013 - Discussion Thread

    Did anyone else have a problem with Tochinowaka's match today? I thought he won it.
  13. rzombie1988

    Day 10 results and day 11 pairings, Makuuchi and Juryo

    Two questions: 1) The Yokozuna's only meet on the last day(providing there are only two), right? 2) If both Yokozuna's win all matches until the last day, would Hakuho have to win the Harumafuji match then have to fight him again the same day in a playoff for the championship?
  14. rzombie1988

    Hatsu Basho 2013 - Discussion Thread

    I did call it by its official name but it is a move that is looked down upon. I wasn't really impressed with his tactics. I expect more from a Yokozuna against a one legged wrestler. Lets see him pull that on Hakuho.
  15. rzombie1988

    Hatsu Basho 2013 - Discussion Thread

    You do realize that it's not in Tokitenku's job description to contribute to a suspenseful yusho race by rolling over for certain opponents? This isn't pro wrestling, and he's not enhancement talent.And Harumafuji did not henka. I don't bother with people who discriminate others for things they like, so you won't get any further responses from me.Back to the sumo discussion please.
  16. rzombie1988

    Hatsu Basho 2013 - Discussion Thread

    I am so sick of all the henka's. Seriously, did Harumafuji have to pull that bogus stuff to take out ONE LEGGED Baruto of all people? I know they called it an okuridashi, but Haruma side-stepped him then did the move. Cheap. I'm also tired of Tokitenku's crap. I don't think he'd engage a 10 year old. He keeps screwing over people who have possible shots at winning to get his cheap victories.
  17. rzombie1988

    Hatsu Basho 2013 - Discussion Thread

    At times an at makes sense. You should never mock a mans ability in metamorphosis! Statistically, he does. Am I saying he's going to beat him? Unlikely. Sucks that Osunaarashi went down. Hope he can win the rest to hopefully set up a possible victory next basho. He really got manhandled.
  18. rzombie1988

    Hatsu Basho 2013 - Discussion Thread

    Statiscally, Baruto has the best chance of being Harumafuji out of Harumafuji/Hakuho/Kotooshu, but I think right now, he is the worst match for Baruto. Baurto hasn't been Kotooshu since last January, hasn't beaten Hakuho since November 2011 but beat Harumafuji last March.
  19. rzombie1988

    Hatsu Basho 2013 - Discussion Thread

    I thought Tokitenku was a total dick today in side stepping Tochinoshin. No reason for that especially since Tochinoshin is doing very well and you never know how long he would have stayed undefeated. If he snuck in a win on a yokozuna, it could have happened, but it's too late now. I know it's legal, but I think its bs and I wish they would make side stepping illegal. I also didn't like Sadanofuji basically grabbing his opponent by the throat to push him out.
  20. rzombie1988

    Day 4 lower division results

    I've been keeping up with Orora, Ranbo and Osunaarashi. Orora looks completely embarassing out there and Ranbo hasn't been much better. Osunaarashi has been really good and impressive though so far and at this point, 7-0 doesn't appear to be a farfetched outcome.
  21. rzombie1988

    Hatsu Basho 2013 - Discussion Thread

    These are my reasons I'm thinking it was on purpose: If you look at these you can see that Hakuho was looking at the dohyo and his opponent's feet where it was very clear that he already lost. In the last one, it is also clear that he extended his arm the full way, making it seem likely that the push was on purpose. In fact, he's looking at his opponent's back!
  22. rzombie1988

    Hatsu Basho 2013 - Discussion Thread

    I make them myself :-) Now if I only had a feed off of my television(and if I had HD) and not the internet, we could have some serious fun!
  23. rzombie1988

    Hatsu Basho 2013 - Discussion Thread

    I didn't think so either. Here's why: And this one: It looks like he just evaded it, somehow. The dohyo did seem rather slippery today. Kotooshu in particular can't seem to get a good hold on it. Tochinowaka is at 4-0. His match against Sadanofuji, who is always tough, will be interesting tommorow. I was really surprised to see Aoiyama go down to Gagamaru so easy. I thought Hakuho was a little rough in throwing his opponent off the dohyo today: He really seemed to give him an extra push. My full report with pics/gifs here: http://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2013/01/sumo-january-hatsu-basho-day-4.html
  24. rzombie1988

    Hatsu Basho 2013 - Discussion Thread

    Slapping someone unconscious is quite difficult me thinks. There is a slight difference between today's tachi-ai slap (harite) and the more powerful elbow swing (kachi-age) which caused Myogiryu to reboot two basho ago. Today, Myogi remembered, remembered the Hak of September and was in fact very well prepared this time. It shows that for every move their is a counter move if it is kachi-age or henka. I definitely think Hakuho has some weaknesses. He relies too much on his right side and if you look, he always starts far away from the starting line, anticipating an attack. If anyone wants to see my thoughts on Day 3's action with pictures and gifs, the link is here(Sorry if it is not allowed): http://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2013/01/sumo-january-hasho-basho-day-3.html Speaking of sumo's being too rough, Harumafuji had a gusher today: I loved it when the Irish announcer suggested that Fuji's pimple got struck :-D
  25. rzombie1988

    Hatsu Basho 2013 - Discussion Thread

    I'm not seeing it with Baruto. I don't see him taking down Hakuho or Harumafuji, so that'll put him down to 3 and I think one of the shorter/quicker guys will be able to get one on him. I guess he can pull a win off against Kotooshu, I think he will lose against Kakuryu and he usually loses against Kisenosato. Right there that will put him to 5 loses and I don't think he will go perfect against the rest. I'm thinking 8-7 is where he will end up at best. If you check this pic here you can see how he was off balance from the start against Kotoshogiku: He really wrestled the match with one leg only.