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Everything posted by Susanoo

  1. Susanoo

    Norizo Cup 2024.9

    Pre-registration for the first-time participants. Entry page. Very active rikishi[choose one rikishi among the rikishi who are ranked Sekiwake or below banzuke.] 20 points per 1 win, -10 points per 1 loss, 50 points per 1 Sansho.[Yasumi(rest)is not counted] Active rikishi[choose 1-3 rikishi among ....] 10 points........, -10 points........, 30 points........[Yasumi(rest)is not counted] Non-active rikishi[choose 1-3 ........] 10 points per 1 loss, -10 points per 1 win.[Yasumi(rest)is not counted] Entry lists [confirm] Norizo Cup - Entry lists ( A precaution to make your participation certain. First, Log in from the icon "Entry page" in NC home page.>Pick your choices in Series 142 entry page.>Press the icon "Entry confirm" at the bottom of the page.>In Entry confirm page [check lists for your pick], press the icon "Confirm OK" at the bottom of the page.>Press the icon "Entry lists" in NC home page. You can confirm your entry which was certainly recieved by it.  事前登録(初参加時) Norizo Cup - Pre-Register ( 投票ページ Norizo Cup - Entry Page ( 投票状況 のりぞう杯/投票状況 ( 最も活躍する力士を関脇以下から1人選択。 1勝につき20点、1敗につき-10点、三賞受賞1つにつき50点(休みは含めず) 活躍力士を関脇以下から1~3人選択。 1勝につき10点、・・・-10点、三賞・・・30点(休みは含めず) 活躍しない力士を関脇以下から1~3人選択。 1勝につき-10点、・・・+10点(休みは含めず)
  2. Susanoo

    Norizo Cup 2024.9

    Day2 Matchups 4) Ounosato ○vs M1[Takanoshou, Tobizaru●] Realize or not 2)  Yes [37 : 30] No (the result of participant's sellection) There will be at least 3 Maegashira Rikishi who have no losses against the Rikishi who have at least 1 Juuryou experience in the last 6 Basho. 6 Rikishi lost against them and 35 Rikishi left after day1. 8 Rikishi lost against them and 27 Rikishi left after day2. 3) Yes [46 : 21] No A Rikishi who is ranked in Sanyaku or above Banzuke will get 3 wins the earliest against the Rikishi who have Ozeki experience, and a Rikishi ranked in Sanyaku or above will get the most number of wins against them finally. Abi[S1e] ○ –Mitakeumi today. Ouhu[M2w] ○ –Takakeishou today. Takanoshou[M1e]○ against Houshouryuu. Mitakeumi[M3e]○ –Takakeishou. 6) Yes [42 : 25] No In the Rikishi who are ranked in the Banzuke higher than Maegashira 1, either one of M1 will have the most number of wins against the Rikishi who are ranked in the Banzuke higher than the Banzuke of himself. Ouhu[M2w] ○ today. Takanoshou[M1e]○ Tobizaru[M1w]○ 8) Yes [40 : 27] No At least 1 Rikishi will win against Wakatakakage[M7e] and will lose against Shodai[M4e]. won : Churanoumi lost : Kotoshouhou, Ura[today] 10) Yes [35 : 32] No The total number of the wins of Ura with the Kimarite Oshi-. and Tsuki- will be equal to or more than the total number of his losses with the Kimarite Oshi- and Tsuki-. He won with Oshidashi on day1 and lost with Oshidashi today. Special Question Which of the 2 Rikishi[Tamawashi(M10e), Sadanoumi(M11e)] born in the Shouwa[until 1989.1.7] era will get 5 wins faster, and on what day? Tamawashi[10e]●● -Rouga, Sadanoumi Sadanoumi[11e]○○ –Kagayaki, Tamawashi
  3. Susanoo

    Norizo Cup 2024.9

    Day1 Matchups 10) Takayasu[M15e] ○vs M15-17●Takarafuji Realize or not 1) There will be at least 1 match it takes at most 5 seconds with Yorikiri on day 1. Hokutofuji ○(10.62s)● Nishikigi Ryuuden (6.63s) Ounokatsu Sadanoumi (5.76s) Kagayaki Wakamotoharu (5.37s) Daieishou Shirokuma (5.05s) Kitanowaka No[13/67] to 10pts 2)  Yes [37 : 30] No There will be at least 3 Maegashira Rikishi who have no losses against the Rikishi who have at least 1 Juuryou experience in the last 6 Basho. 6 Rikishi lost against them and 35 Rikishi left after day1. 3) Yes [46 : 21] No A Rikishi who is ranked in Sanyaku or above Banzuke will get 3 wins the earliest against the Rikishi who have Ozeki experience, and a Rikishi ranked in Sanyaku or above will get the most number of wins against them finally. Takanoshou[M1e]○ against Houshouryuu. Mitakeumi[M3e]○ –Takakeishou. 5) Yes [39 : 28] No The Kimarite Katasukashi that didn’t appear in the Makuuchi matches in the previous Basho will appear in at least 4 Makuuchi matches. It appeared in Shokkuchi[the first match in Makuuchi matches] by Chiyoshouma[J1e] on Shonichi. 6) Yes [42 : 25] No In the Rikishi who are ranked in the Banzuke higher than Maegashira 1, either one of M1 will have the most number of wins against the Rikishi who are ranked in the Banzuke higher than the Banzuke of himself. Takanoshou[M1e]○ Tobizaru[M1w]○ 8) Yes [40 : 27] No At least 1 Rikishi will win against Wakatakakage[M7e] and will lose against Shodai[M4e]. won : Churanoumi lost : Kotoshouhou 10) Yes [35 : 32] No The total number of the wins of Ura with the Kimarite Oshi-. and Tsuki- will be equal to or more than the total number of his losses with the Kimarite Oshi- and Tsuki-. He won with Oshidashi on day1. Special Question Which of the 2 Rikishi[Tamawashi(M10e), Sadanoumi(M11e)] born in the Shouwa[until 1989.1.7] era will get 5 wins faster, and on what day? Tamawashi[10e]● -Rouga Sadanoumi[11e]○ -Kagayaki
  4. Susanoo

    Norizo Cup 2024.9

    Recieved entry lists. Kirinoumi----- 2024/09/06 12:38:14 entry complete. Warusaru----- 2024/09/06 14:30:04 entry complete. yukihyou----- 2024/09/06 15:14:52 entry complete. Wamahada----- 2024/09/06 16:02:39 entry complete. Oortael----- 2024/09/06 19:07:54 entry complete. Metallica----- 2024/09/06 19:51:01 entry complete. Asshet De Rosa----- 2024/09/06 21:21:42 entry complete. tsupparitaro----- 2024/09/06 22:38:34 entry complete. Balon----- 2024/09/06 23:30:41 entry complete. Shatsume----- 2024/09/07 01:00:50 entry complete. Joputosu----- 2024/09/07 06:24:41 entry complete. Yarimotsu----- 2024/09/07 05:58:54 entry complete. daisyouyama----- 2024/09/07 06:46:21 entry complete. Kunibiki----- 2024/09/07 09:35:30 entry complete. Kaito----- 2024/09/07 10:32:30 entry complete. Pandaazuma----- 2024/09/07 10:35:56 entry complete. ScreechingOwl----- 2024/09/07 10:37:42 entry complete. JYONO----- 2024/09/07 12:07:17 entry complete. Bill----- 2024/09/07 12:55:01 entry complete. big-jordan----- 2024/09/07 13:34:41 entry complete. ma-tyan----- 2024/09/07 14:10:05 entry complete. Oskanohana----- 2024/09/07 15:50:48 entry complete. .Bunbukuchagama----- 2024/09/07 17:04:06 entry complete. Terarno----- 2024/09/07 18:06:08 entry complete. Hakunojo----- 2024/09/07 18:07:44 entry complete. Fujisan----- 2024/09/07 18:21:50 entry complete. DAI----- 2024/09/07 20:07:36 entry complete. yamanoyama----- 2024/09/07 20:36:14 entry complete. Kaiowaka----- 2024/09/07 21:18:24 entry complete. kotohirayama----- 2024/09/07 21:44:15 entry complete. Kotononami----- 2024/09/07 22:31:19 entry complete. tohru----- 2024/09/07 23:22:31 entry complete. yosouou----- 2024/09/08 00:31:36 entry complete. reeeen----- 2024/09/08 00:32:08 entry complete. Flohru----- 2024/09/08 00:45:23 entry complete. chishafuwaku----- 2024/09/08 01:28:08 entry complete. kotochikushi----- 2024/09/08 01:35:56 entry complete. Ruziklao----- 2024/09/08 01:48:51 entry complete. Ganzohnesushi----- 2024/09/08 03:45:12 entry complete. Kitakachiyama----- 2024/09/08 03:53:59 entry complete. Frinkanohana----- 2024/09/08 04:51:49 entry complete. Yanen----- 2024/09/08 05:22:00 entry complete. Athenayama----- 2024/09/08 05:31:56 entry complete. Kajiyanosho----- 2024/09/08 06:57:56 entry complete. Kishikaisei----- 2024/09/08 08:09:45 entry complete. Takanorappa----- 2024/09/08 08:31:46 entry complete. wakaiouzenjou----- 2024/09/08 09:40:05 entry complete. Nantonoyama----- 2024/09/08 09:42:26 entry complete. ogawa----- 2024/09/08 09:51:05 entry complete. ooborayama----- 2024/09/08 09:58:20 entry complete. kawaji----- 2024/09/08 10:02:13 entry complete. sengyoumi----- 2024/09/08 10:16:24 entry complete. TochiYESshin----- 2024/09/08 10:22:30 entry complete. Gansekiiwa----- 2024/09/08 10:51:10 entry complete. Asashosakari-----2024/09/08 11:26:07 entry complete. Eeve----- 2024/09/08 11:49:07 entry complete. Choshu-Yuki----- 2024/09/08 12:09:59 entry complete. joaoiyama----- 2024/09/08 12:10:14 entry complete. ottottoto----- 2024/09/08 14:25:36 entry complete. Unkonoyama-----2024/09/08 14:58:03 entry complete. GONZABUROW-----2024/09/08 15:02:47 entry complete. Hironoumi----- 2024/09/08 15:46:01 entry complete. Onzoushi_oyakata----- 2024/09/08 15:54:37 entry complete. ................................................................................................................ Thank you very much to all participants.
  5. Susanoo

    Norizo Cup 2024.9

    Matchups対戦 There are 3 choices [either side or no matches]. 1 win of lower banzuke side decides a win of lower side. 1 loss of higher banzuke side decides a loss of higer side. 下位側は1勝で勝ち、上位側は1敗で負け。 20 points par a correct answer. 30 points to the case of correct answer rate are at most 30%. 40 points to that are at most 20%. 50 points to at most 10%. At most 30 points to the correct answer with "no matches". どちらか又は対戦無しの3択。正解+20点、正解率30%未満+30点、20%未満+40点、10%未満+50点。「対戦なし」正解時は最高30点まで。 1) selected as [50 : 17 : 0] Kotozakura vs M2[Atamifuji, Ouhou] 琴櫻-前頭2枚目(熱海富士、王鵬) 2)  [38 : 29 : 0] Houshouryuu vs M3[Mitakeumi, Wakamotoharu] 豊昇龍-前頭3枚目(御嶽海、若元春) 3)  [37 : 24 : 6] Abi vs M5[Ura, Shounannoumi] 阿炎-前頭5枚目(宇良、湘南乃海) 4)  [51 : 16 : 0] Ounosato vs M1[Takanoshou, Tobizaru] 大の里-前頭筆頭(隆の勝、翔猿) 5)  [40 : 27 : 0] K[Daieishou, Hiradoumiu] vs M4[Kotoshouhou, Shoudai] 小結(大栄翔、平戸海)-西前頭4(琴勝峰、正代) 6)  [32 : 32 : 3] M6[Meisei, Gounoyama] vs Oushouma[M9w] 前頭6枚目(明生、豪ノ山)-欧翔馬(西前9) 7)  [38 : 29 : 0] M7[Wakatakakage, Churanoumi] vs Ichiyamamoto[M9e] 前頭7枚目(若隆影、美ノ海)-一山本(東前9) 8)  [41 : 25 : 1] M8[Endou, Midorifuji] vs Kagayaki[M11w] 前頭8枚目(遠藤、翠富士)-輝(西前11) 9)  [35 : 31 : 1] M10[Tamawashi, Rouga] vs Bushouzan[M12e] 前頭10枚目(玉鷲、狼雅)-武将山(東前12) 10)  [40 : 26 : 1] Takayasu[M15e] vs M15-17 高安(東前15)-前頭15~17枚目 *************rejected**************************: Kotozakura[Oe] vs Houshouryuu[Ow] Abi[Se] vs Wakamotoharu[M3w] Ounosato[Sw] vs Hiradoumi[Kw] Kirishima[S2e] vs Atamifuji[M2e] Takakeishou[S2w] vs Daieishou[Ke] Tobizaru[M1w] vs Ura[M5e] Takanoshou[M1e] vs Mitakeumi[M3e] Ouhou[M2w] vs Shounannoumi[M5w] Shoudai[M4e] vs Churanoumi[M7w] Meisei[M6e] ○vs● Gounoyama[M6w] Wsakatakakage[M7e] vs Takayasu[M15e] Endou[M8e] ○vs● Midorifuji[M8w] Ichiyamamoto[M9e] vs Bushouzan[M12e] Oushouma[M9w] vs Ounokatsu[M14w] Rouga[M10w] vs Ryuuden[M14e] Sadanoumi[M11e] vs Takarafuji[M15w] Tamawashi[M10e] vs Kagayaki[M11w] Kinbouzan[M12w] vs Kitanowaka[M16w] Hokutofuji[M13e] vs Nishikifuji[M17e] Nishikigi[M13w] vs Shirokuma[M16e]
  6. Susanoo

    Norizo Cup 2024.9

    Yuushou優勝100points 100点 1) [ selected by 6 participants] Kotozakura with Yuushou-kettei-sen. 琴櫻、優勝決定戦有り 2) [ selected by 16 participants] Kotozakura without Yuushou-kettei-sen. 琴櫻、優勝決定戦無し 3) [ selected by 7 participants] Houshouryuu with at least 7 wins against Maegashira Rikishi. 豊昇龍、平幕から7勝以上 4) [ No one selected] Houshouryuu with at most 6 wins against Maegashira Rikishi. 豊昇龍、平幕から6勝以下 5) [ No one selected] Abi or Takakeishou. 阿炎か貴景勝 6) [ selected by 1 participant] Ounosato with at least 14 wins. 大の里、14勝以上 7) [ selected by 10 participants] Ounosato exactly 13 wins. 大の里、13勝 8) [ selected by 11 participants] Ounosato with at most 12 wins. 大の里、12勝以下 9) [ selected by 4 participants] Kirishima. 霧島 10) [ selected by 1 participant] Komusubi. 小結 11) [ selected by 1 participant] M1-3 前頭1~3枚目 12) [ selected by 3 participants] Wakatakakage with at least 1 loss in day1-6. 若隆影、6日目までに黒星有り ×13)× on day1 [ selected by 1 participant] Wakatakakage with no losses in day1-6. 若隆影、6日目までは黒星無し 14) [No one selected] Takayasu with at least 1 win against the Rikishi ranked in Sanyaku or above Banzuke by day12. 高安、12日目までに三役以上の力士から白星有り 15) [ selected by 1 participant] Takayasu with no wins against the Rikishi ranked in Sanyaku or above Banzuke by day12. 高安、12日目までに三役以上の力士から白星無し 16) [ selected by 5 participants] Other Rikishi. その他の力士
  7. Susanoo

    Norizo Cup 2024.9

    Special Question 特別 Score distribution. 得点配分 1000 points are divided per number of the correct answers.[the maximum points to a correct answer is 200 points] 1000点を正解者数で頭割り(上限200点) [Question] Which of the 2 Rikishi[Tamawashi(M10e), Sadanoumi(M11e)] born in the Shouwa[until 1989.1.7] era will get 5 wins faster, and on what day? 昭和生まれの幕内力士2人、玉鷲と佐田の海、ズバリ、今場所先に5勝目をあげるのはどっちで何日目!? One or both on day5. [No one selected] どちらか(あるいは両者)が5日目 Tamawashi on day6. [No one selected] 玉鷲が6日目 Sadanoumi on day6. [No one selected] 佐田の海が6日目 Tamawashi on day7. [selected by 9 participants] 玉鷲が7日目 Sadanoumi on day7. [ 2 participants] 佐田の海が7日目 Tamawashi on day8. [ 14 participants] 玉鷲が中日 Sadanoumi on day8. [ 5 participants] 佐田の海が中日 Tamawashi on day9. [ 10 participants] 玉鷲が9日目 Sadanoumi on day9. [ 4 participants] 佐田の海が9日目 Tamawashi on day10. [ 4 participants] 玉鷲が10日目 Sadanoumi on day10.[ 2 participants] 佐田の海が10日目 Tamawashi on day11-12.[ 8 participants] 玉鷲が11日目か12日 Sadanoumi on day11-12.[ 7 participants] 佐田の海が11日目か12日目 Tamawashi on and after day13.[No one selected] 玉鷲が13日目以降 Sadanoumi on and after day13. [ 2 participants] 佐田の海が13日目以降 Both will get at most 4 wins. 両者ともに今場所4勝以下 ********************rejected********************** 3 Rikishi who reached Kachikoshi in Makuuchi in the previous Basho, and they are in their own highest Banzuke, but can't wipe away the impression as juuryou Rikishi yet. Who will get 5 wins the fastest and on what day among Churanoumi[M7w], Rouga[M10w] and Bushouzan[M12e]? 先場所幕内で勝ち越し自己最高位に居るがまだ十両力士のイメージを払拭し切れていない3力士、美ノ海(西前7)狼雅(西前10)武将山(東前12)、ズバリ、今場所先に5勝目をあげるのは誰で何日目!? Churanoumi on day 5-7. 美ノ海が7日目までに Rouga on day 5-7. 狼雅が7日目までに Bushouzan on day 5-7. 武将山が7日目までに Churanoumi on day 8-9. 美ノ海が8~9日目 Rouga on day 8-9. 狼雅が8~9日目 Bushouzan on day 8-9. 武将山が8~9日目 Churanoumi on day 10-11. 美ノ海が10~11日目 Rouga on day 10-11. 狼雅が10~11日目 Bushouzan on day 10-11. 武将山が10~11日目 Churanoumi on day 12-13. 美ノ海が12~13日目 {Rouga on day 12-13. 狼雅が12~13日目 Bushouzan on day 12-14. 武将山が12~14日目 Churanoumi on day 14-15. 美ノ海が14~15日目 Rouga on day 14-15. 狼雅が14~15日目 Bushouzan on day 15 or none of the 3 reach 5 wins. 武将山が15日目か3人とも4勝以下
  8. Susanoo

    Norizo Cup 2024.9

    Realise or not あるない Realize[Yes]=20Points, Not realize [No]=10points ある20点、ない10点 1)No[13/67] on day1 There will be at least 1 match it takes at most 5 seconds with Yorikiri on day 1. 初日幕内の取組で寄り切りで5秒以内の決着 2) Yes [37 : 30] No There will be at least 3 Maegashira Rikishi who have no losses against the Rikishi who have at least 1 Juuryou experience in the last 6 Basho. 過去6場所の中で十両経験を持つ幕内力士相手に今場所無敗の平幕力士が3人以上 3) Yes [46 : 21] No A Rikishi who is ranked in Sanyaku or above Banzuke will get 3 wins the earliest against the Rikishi who have Ozeki experience, and a Rikishi ranked in Sanyaku or above will get the most number of wins against them finally. 大関経験者から最も早く3勝するのも最終的に大関経験者から最多勝星を獲得するのも三役以上の力士 4) Yes [34 : 33] No The most number of wins of final results among 3 Shin and Sai[new and re-]- Nyuumaku Rikishi will be equal to or more than the most number of that among 3 Shin and Sai- Juuryou Rikishi, and in a comparison of the second most number of wins between 2 groups and the third that, the former will be equal to or more than the latter, too. 新再入幕3人中の最多勝星は新再十両3人中の最多勝星を下回らず、それぞれの2番目、3番目の比較でも同様下回らない 5) Yes [39 : 28] No The Kimarite Katasukashi that didn’t appear in the Makuuchi matches in the previous Basho will appear in at least 4 Makuuchi matches. 先場所幕内で一番も出なかった肩透かしによる決着が幕内で4番以上. 6) Yes [42 : 25] No In the Rikishi who are ranked in the Banzuke higher than Maegashira 1, either one of M1 will have the most number of wins against the Rikishi who are ranked in the Banzuke higher than the Banzuke of himself. 前頭筆頭以上の力士で自身より番付上位者からの勝星が最も多いのは前頭筆頭の力士 7) Yes [34 : 33] No In the Rikishi who are ranked in M8-17, a Rikishi will reach Kachikoshi the earliest in Makuuchi and a Rkishi will reach Makekoshi[without Yasumi by Kyuujyou] the earliest in Makuuchi. 幕内で最も早い勝ち越し者と(休場なしで)最も早い負け越し者はともに前頭8枚目以下の力士 8) Yes [40 : 27] No At least 1 Rikishi will win against Wakatakakage[M7e] and will lose against Shodai[M4e]. 若隆景(東7)に勝って正代(東4)に負ける力士 9) Yes [44 : 23] No At least 1 Rikishi will have at least 1 match against Ounokatsu[M14w] and Takayasu[M15e] and will win all the match in it, and at least 1 Rikishi will have at least 1 match against Kitanowaka[M16w] and Nishikifuji[M17e] and will lose all the match in it. 阿武剋(西14)高安(東15)と対戦がありその機会の全てに勝ち、北の若(西16)錦富士(東17)と対戦がありその機会の全てで負ける力士 10) Yes [35 : 32] No The total number of the wins of Ura with the Kimarite Oshi-. and Tsuki- will be equal to or more than the total number of his losses with the Kimarite Oshi- and Tsuki-. 宇良、押し~、突き~の決まり手での白星数が最終的にそれらによる黒星数と同じかそれを上回る 11) Yes [37 : 30] No At least 1 Makuuchi Rikishi will lose against the same Rikishi with the same Kimarite in 4 consecutive Basho including this Basho. 4場所連続同じ相手に同じ決まり手で負けることになる幕内力士 12) Yes [34 : 33] No In comparison of the total number of Makuuchi Rikishi who will get at least 10 wins between the following 2 groups, that of the 7 Rikishi who finished the previous Basho with exactly 9 wins will exceed that of the 9 Rikishi who finished the previous Basho with at least 10 wins. 先場所二桁勝利を上げて今場所幕内の9人の中からよりも先場所9勝止まりだった今場所幕内の7人の中からより多くの二桁勝利者が出る 13) Yes [45 : 22] No At least 4 Rikishi will reach Makekoshi in 6 Maegashira Rikishi who are in their the highest Banzuke ranking in their career. 自己最高位の平幕力士6人中4人以上負け越す 14) Yes [45 : 22] No At least 1 Maegashira Rikishi who will win against Makuuchi Yuushou Rikishi, and will get no Sanshou. 幕内優勝者に勝っていて三賞をもらえない平幕力士 15) Yes [34 : 33] No There will be at least 2 days when at least 2 Maegashira Rikishi will be in Yuushou leading group on and after day11[at the end of a day]. 11日目以降でその日の最後に平幕力士が優勝争いトップに2人以上居る日が2日以上 *****rejected********************* A Makuuchi Rikishi will lose on day1 and will reach the Yuushou. 初日黒星から優勝する幕内力士 * In the Rikishi who are ranked in the Banzuke M2-4, either one of M3 will have the most number of wins against the Rikishi who are ranked in the Banzyke lower than the Banzuke of himself. 前頭2~4枚目の力士で自身より番付下位者からの勝星が最も多いのは前頭3枚目の力士 * In the matches among the Rikishi who are ranked in the Banzuke M5-7, a Rikishi will win in all realized that matches and a Rikishi will lose in all realized that matches. 前頭5~7枚目間の取組で取組機会の全てに勝つ力士と取り組機会の全てに負ける力士 * At least 2 Rikishi who will have more number of the wins against Sanyaku or above ranking Rikishi than that against Maegashira Rikishi. 平幕からの勝ち星より三役以上からの勝ち星の方が多い力士が2人以上
  9. Susanoo

    Norizo Cup BANZUKE 2024.9

    2024. 9 NC-Banzuke Ye,Oskanohana[Ye-10<10] Yw,Kitakachiyama[Yw-8<9] O1e,Pandaazuma[O1e-10<10] O1w,Kaito[O1w-9<9] O2e,Asashosakari[O2e-8<8] Se,Kajiyanosho[Sw-10<8] Sw,ooborayama[Se-8<8] K1e,TochiYESshin[K1e-9<8] K1w,Yanen[K1w-9<8] K2w,Kirinoumi[M2w-12<13]with Kantou-shou M1e,Asshet De Rosa[M4e-10] M1w,daishoyama[K2w-7] M2e,Bill[M2e-8<9] M2w,Oortael[M3e-9] M3e,BlackPinkMawashi[M8w-11] M3w,Flohru[M9e-11] M4e,Hironoumi[M4w-8<9] M4w,Bunbukuchagama[M5e-8<9] M5e,hashi[M1e-6] M5w,Athenayama[M3w-6] M6e,Norizo[M8e-9<8] M6w,Yarimotsu[J4w-11]with Ginou-shou M7e,Gansekiiwa[M7w-8<10] M7w,kotohirayama[J14w-13]=NC Saikou-Yuushou M8e,tohru[M14e-10] M8w,Beeftank[M12e-9<8] M9e,reeeen[M6e-5] M9w,kawaji[M9w-7] M10e,Iepi[M1w-3] M10w,yukihyou[M11e-8] M11e,Choshu-Yuki[M15w-10] M11w,GONZABROW[M13w-9] M12e,tsupparitaro[M6w5] M12w,Shatsume[M11w-7] M13e,Joputosu[M13e-8<10] M13w,yamanoyama[J2e-9<8] M14e,Kotononami[M16w-9<8] M14w,kikkuzakankurou[M7e-4] M15e,sengyoumi[M5w-3] M15w,Susanoo[M10e-5] M16e,DAI[J2w-8] M16w,chishafuwaku[M12w-5] J1e,Hakunojo[J1e-7] J1w,Metallica[M16e-6] J2e,Oyama[M15e-5] J2w,Kaiowaka[M14w-4] J3e,yosouou[J12e-9]with Shukun-shou J3w,ma-tyan[J8w-8<9] J4e,Eeve[J9w-8] J4w,joaoiyama[M10w-kyuujou1] J5e,ScreechingOwl[Ms1w-8] J5w,Terarno[Ms2e-8] J6e,Asapedroryu[M2w-8] J6w,andonishiki[Ms5e-8] J7e,Unkonoyama[J5w-6] J7w,JYONO[J4e-5] J8e,Balon[J6e-6] J8w,Kishikaisei[J3w-3] J9e,hagiwara[M7e-5] J9w,Ganzohnesushi[J7w-5] J10e,Onzoushi_oyakata[J6w-4] J10w,Golynohana[J1w-kyuujyou1] J11e,Fujisan[J11e-7] J11w,Kintamayama[J5e-2] J12e,Frinkanohana[J10e-5] J12w,kotochikushi[J10w-5] J13e,Warusaru[J13e-7] J13w,Wamahada[J11w-5] J14e,wakaiouzenjou[J9e-4] J14w,big-jordan[J8e-3] Ms1e,Anjoboshi[J13w-5] Ms1w,Tetsuba[M3e-kyuujou2] Ms2e,ottottoto[J14e-2] Ms2w,kaiou[J12w-kyuujyou1] Ms3e,Ruziklao[Ms3e-7] Ms3w,Nantonoyama[Ms3w-6] Ms4e,Takanorappa[Ms4e-6] Ms4w,WAKATAKE[Ms4w-4] Ms5e,Kunibiki[Ms1e-2] Ms5w,Suwihuto[Ms5w-kyuujou2] Ms6e,OGAWA[Ms6e-kyuujou2] Ms6w,kannpei[Ms6w-kyuujou3] Ms7e,Hidenotora[Ms7e-kyuujou5] Ms7w,Netsuzakura[Ms7w-kyuujou6] Ms8e,utinonami[Ms8e-kyuujou5] Ms8w,Bariihachibenson[Ms8w-kyuujou4] Out of Banzuke glacier[Ms9e] ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2024、9 NC番付 東横綱,Oskanohana 西横綱,Kitakachiyama 東大関1,Pandaazuma 西大関1,Kaito 東大関2,Asashosakari 東関脇,Kajiyanosho 西関脇,大ボラ山 東小結1,TochiYESshin 西小結1,やねん 西小結2,Kirinoumi 東前頭1,アシェット・デローサ 西前頭1,大翔山 東前頭2,Bill 西前頭2,Oortael 東前頭3,BlackPinkMawashi 西前頭3,Flohru 東前頭4,広之海 西前頭4,Bunbukuchagama 東前頭5,はし 西前頭5,Athenayama 東前頭6,のりぞう 西前頭6,Yarimotsu 東前頭7,岩石岩 西前頭7,琴平山 東前頭8,トール 西前頭8,Beeftank 東前頭9,レーン 西前頭9,川志 東前頭10,いえピー 西前頭10,雪氷 東前頭11,長州由紀 西前頭11,ごんざぶろう 東前頭12,突っ張り太郎 西前頭12,Shatsume 東前頭13,Joputosu 西前頭13,山の山 東前頭14,Kotononami 西前頭14,きっくざ勘九郎 東前頭15,仙漁海 西前頭15,素戔嗚 東前頭16,DAI 西前頭16,chishafuwaku 東十両1,Hakunojo 西十両1,滅多力 東十両2,Oyama 西十両2,Kaiowaka 東十両3,予想皇 西十両3,マーチャン 東十両4,エーヴ 西十両4,joaoiyama 東十両5,ScreechingOwl 西十両5,Terarno 東十両6,Asapedroryu 西十両6,andonishiki 東十両7,Unkonoyama 西十両7,馬六 東十両8,Balon 西十両8,Kishikaisei 東十両9,萩原 西十両9,Ganzohnesushi 東十両10,御曹司親方 西十両10,Golynohana 東十両11,Fujisan 西十両11,Kintamayama 東十両12,Frinkanohana 西十両12,琴筑紫 東十両13,Warusaru 西十両13,Wamahada 東十両14,鷲が嶺 西十両14,大上段 東幕下1,Anjoboshi 西幕下1,Tetsuba 東幕下2,オットット 西幕下2,怪黄 東幕下3,Ruziklao 西幕下3,Nantonoyama 東幕下4,Takanorappa 西幕下4,WAKATAKE 東幕下5,くにびき 西幕下5,Suwihuto 東幕下6,OGAWA 西幕下6,かんぺい 東幕下7,Hidenotora 西幕下7,Netsuzakura 東幕下8,内の浪 西幕下8,Bariihachibenson 番付外 glacier
  10. Susanoo

    Norizo Cup 2024.7

    Pre-registration for the first-time participants. Entry page. Very active rikishi[choose one rikishi among the rikishi who are ranked Sekiwake or below banzuke.] 20 points per 1 win, -10 points per 1 loss, 50 points per 1 Sansho.[Yasumi(rest)is not counted] Active rikishi[choose 1-3 rikishi among ....] 10 points........, -10 points........, 30 points........[Yasumi(rest)is not counted] Non-active rikishi[choose 1-3 ........] 10 points per 1 loss, -10 points per 1 win.[Yasumi(rest)is not counted] Entry lists [confirm] Norizo Cup - Entry lists ( A precaution to make your participation certain. First, Log in from the icon "Entry page" in NC home page.>Pick your choices in Series 142 entry page.>Press the icon "Entry confirm" at the bottom of the page.>In Entry confirm page [check lists for your pick], press the icon "Confirm OK" at the bottom of the page.>Press the icon "Entry lists" in NC home page. You can confirm your entry which was certainly recieved by it.  事前登録(初参加時) Norizo Cup - Pre-Register ( 投票ページ Norizo Cup - Entry Page ( 投票状況 のりぞう杯/投票状況 ( 最も活躍する力士を関脇以下から1人選択。 1勝につき20点、1敗につき-10点、三賞受賞1つにつき50点(休みは含めず) 活躍力士を関脇以下から1~3人選択。 1勝につき10点、・・・-10点、三賞・・・30点(休みは含めず) 活躍しない力士を関脇以下から1~3人選択。 1勝につき-10点、・・・+10点(休みは含めず)
  11. Susanoo

    Norizo Cup 2024.7

    NC saikou-yuushou kotohirayama-san[13-2] Shukun-shou yosouou-san[[9-6] Kantou-shou kiriniuomi-san[12-3] Ginou-shou Yarimotsu-san[11-4] Congratulations to avobe winners and many thaks to all participants. Until next Basho, stay keep healthy.
  12. Susanoo

    Norizo Cup 2024.7

    Day15 Matchups 9) M10[Shoudai, Midorifuji] vs Bushouzan[M16w] 前頭10(○正代、○翠富士)-●●武将山(西前頭16) [52/] Realize or not 2) At least one Rikishi who will have both at least 2 wins against Sekiwake and at least 2 losses against M5-17. 関脇から2勝以上し前頭5枚目以下から2敗以上する力士 Daieishou got 2 wins against Sekiwake and 2 losses against Churanoumi[M12w] and Ouhou[M6w]. Yes[43/] 12) There will be at least 1 Makuuchi Rikishi who lose with Katasukashi for the first time. 初めて肩透かしで負ける幕内力士 It finally never appeared! No[31/] 14) At least 1 Rikishi among the Rikishi who had exactly 7 wins as the final result in the previous Basho will finish this Basho with exactly 7 wins, too. 先場所7勝止まりで終わった幕内8力士の誰かは今場所も最終成績7勝 Yes[64/] Atamifuji-5 wins Takayasu-0 × Ura-4 × Ounoshou-0×  Tamawashi-7 Shoudai-8× Hokutofuji-6× Rouga-8× Yuushou Terunofuji with other cases. 照ノ富士、その他のケースで [2/] 100pts to both Yarimotsu-san and Osukanohana-san. Good job!
  13. Susanoo

    Norizo Cup 2024.7

    Day14 Matchups 5) Takayasu[M3e] vs M5-7 only East[Onosho, Takanosho, Kotoshoho] 高安(東前頭3)-東前頭5~7(阿咲、隆勝、琴勝) No matches [5/] This is an unavoidable outcome by Takayasu’s Kyuujyou. 6) Gounoyama[M3w] vs M5-6 only West[Oho, Sadanoumi] 豪ノ山(西前頭3)-西前頭5~6(王鵬、佐田の海) It was invalidated due to a mistsake in the question. 7) M8[Ryuden, Kinbozan] vs Ichiyamamoto[M11e] 前頭8(竜電、金峰山)-一山本(東前頭11) No matches [3/] 8) Oushouma[M9e] vs M11-12 only West[Nishikigi, Churanoumi 欧勝馬(東前頭9)-西前頭11~12(錦木、美ノ海) No matches [3/] Realize or not 2) At least one Rikishi who will have both at least 2 wins against Sekiwake and at least 2 losses against M5-17. 関脇から2勝以上し前頭5枚目以下から2敗以上する力士 Daieishou got 2 wins against Sekiwake and 1 loss against Churanoumi[M12w] and has a match against Ouhou[M6w] on day 15. Hiradoumi got 2 wins against Sekiwake and 1 loss against Wakatakakage[M14e] and has a match against Kotoshouhou[M7e] on day 15. Wakamotoharu got 2 wins against Sekiwake and 1 loss against Takanoshou[M6e] and a match against Ryuuden[M8e] on day 15. 11) There will be at least 1 match it takes at least 50 seconds in the matches among the Rikishi who are ranked in M3-6. 前頭3~6枚目の8力士間で50秒以上掛かる取組 No matches on day14-15. No[25/] Shounannoumi vs Takanoshou[35s] on day1 is the longest in them. By the way there ara 3 matches in all makuuchi Rikishi by day14. Oushouma- Midorifuji[54s] on day4 Oushouma-Rouga[58s] on day11 (it’s the longest by day14.) Chiyoshouma-Kinbouzan[51s] on day12 12) There will be at least 1 Makuuchi Rikishi who lose with Katasukashi for the first time. 初めて肩透かしで負ける幕内力士 Kastasukasshi itself hasn’t appeared yet. 13) There will be at least 2 matches between the Rikishi who have exactly 6 wins and the Rikishi who have exactly 7 wins on day 15, and the later will win all that maches. 千秋楽6勝の力士と7勝の力士の対戦が2番以上有り全て7勝の力士が勝利 Not even a single match is scheduled. No[48/] 14) At least 1 Rikishi among the Rikishi who had exactly 7 wins as the final result in the previous Basho will finish this Basho with exactly 7 wins, too. 先場所7勝止まりで終わった幕内8力士の誰かは今場所も最終成績7勝 Atamifuji-5 wins Takayasu-0 × Ura-4 × Ounoshou-0×  Tamawashi-7 vs Kirishima on day15 Shoudai-8× Hokutofuji-6 vs Wakatakaskage on day15 Rouga-8×
  14. Susanoo

    Norizo Cup 2024.7

    Day13 Matchups Realize or not 2) At least one Rikishi who will have both at least 2 wins against Sekiwake and at least 2 losses against M5-17. 関脇から2勝以上し前頭5枚目以下から2敗以上する力士 Daieishou got 2 wins against Sekiwake and has a match against Churanoumi[M12w] on day 13 and has a match against Shounannoumi[M5w] on day 14. Hiradoumi got 2 wins against Sekiwake and 1 loss against Wakatakakage[M14e] so far and has no match for this question on day14. Wakamotoharu got 2 wins against Sekiwake and 1 loss against Takanoshou[M6e] so far and no match for this question on day 14. 14) At least 1 Rikishi among the Rikishi who had exactly 7 wins as the final result in the previous Basho will finish this Basho with exactly 7 wins, too. 先場所7勝止まりで終わった幕内8力士の誰かは今場所も最終成績7勝 Atamifuji-5 wins Takayasu-0 × Ura-4 × Ounoshou-0×  Tamawashi-6 Shoudai-8× Hokutofuji-6 Rouga-7
  15. Susanoo

    Norizo Cup 2024.7

    Sorry for my mistake. This question is invalid unless the results of two different questions are settled as a victory for the same side at the end.
  16. Susanoo

    Norizo Cup 2024.7

    Day12 Matchups Komusubi[Daieishou, Hiradoumi] vs Mitakeumi[M2w] 小結(●大栄翔、平戸海)-○御嶽海(西前頭2) [19/] Wakamotoharu[M2e] vs M4[Tobizaru, Ura] ●若元春(頭2)-前頭4(○翔猿、宇良) [21/] Realize or not 1) At least one Rikishi who will lose against 3 Sekiwake ,and will win in all oppotunities of the matches against Yokozuna-Ozeki. 3関脇に負け対戦機会のある横綱大関戦の全てに勝つ力士 All the Rikishi up to M5 are already out of this requirement, and the Rikishi below M6 does not have a single match yet. No[60/] 2) At least one Rikishi who will have both at least 2 wins against Sekiwake and at least 2 losses against M5-17. 関脇から2勝以上し前頭5枚目以下から2敗以上する力士 Daieishou got 2 wins against Sekiwake and has a match against Churanoumi[M12w] on day 13 and has a match against Shounannoumi[M5w] on day 14. Hiradoumi got 2 wins against Sekiwake and has a match against Wakatakakage[M14e] on day 13 and has no match for this question on day14. Wakamotoharu got 2 wins against Sekiwake and 1 loss against Takanoshou[M6e] so far and no match for this question on day 13-14. 4) Poll results [Yes50 : 25 No] There will be at least 1 day when the total number of wins from day 1 of all 4 Sanyaku or above Banzuke ranking only West Rikishi equal to or more than it of all 5 Sanyaku or above only East. 西方三役以上4力士の初日からその日までの合計勝星が東方三役以上5力士のそれと同じまたは上回る日 East 49 : 29 West after day12. No[25/] 7) In the results of matches among 5 Rikishi[Terunofuji, Kotozakura, Houshouryuu, Ounosato and Kirishima], there will be at least 3 kinds of Kimarite with a word "-nage". 照ノ富士、琴櫻、豊昇龍、大の里、霧島の5力士間の対戦で「投げ」の付く決まり手は3種類以上 Terunofuji [Kotenage] Kirishima Houshouryuu [Kubinage] Kotozakura Kotozakura [Uwatenage] Ounosato Yes[51/] 11) There will be at least 1 match it takes at least 50 seconds in the matches among the Rikishi who are ranked in M3-6. 前頭3~6枚目の8力士間で50秒以上掛かる取組 Due to the two rikishis Kyuujou, the number of matches itself is also few. 12) There will be at least 1 Makuuchi Rikishi who lose with Katasukashi for the first time. 初めて肩透かしで負ける幕内力士 None of Katasukashi has come out yet. 14) At least 1 Rikishi among the Rikishi who had exactly 7 wins as the final result in the previous Basho will finish this Basho with exactly 7 wins, too. 先場所7勝止まりで終わった幕内8力士の誰かは今場所も最終成績7勝 Atamifuji-4 wins Takayasu-0 × Ura-4 Ounoshou-0×  Tamawashi-6 Shoudai-8× Hokutofuji-5 Rouga-6
  17. Susanoo

    Norizo Cup 2024.7

    Day10-11 Realize or not 4) Poll results [Yes50 : 25 No] There will be at least 1 day when the total number of wins from day 1 of all 4 Sanyaku or above Banzuke ranking only West Rikishi equal to or more than it of all 5 Sanyaku or above only East. 西方三役以上4力士の初日からその日までの合計勝星が東方三役以上5力士のそれと同じまたは上回る日 East 37 : 26 West after day11. 6) Terunofuji will get at least 5 wins in 6days[day 6-11]. 照ノ富士、6日目~11日目の6日間に5勝以上 ○○○○○● from day6 Yes[21/]
  18. Susanoo

    Norizo Cup 2024.7

    Day9 Special question Hou many wins will [New Komusubi] Hiradoumi get against Sanyaku or above Banzuke ranking Rikishi? 新小結の平戸海、ズバリ今場所の役力士戦は何勝!? He got 1 win against Ouzeki and 3 wins against Sekiwake. Exactly 4 wins [include at least 2 wins against Sekiwake]. 4勝(関脇から2勝以上) 200pts to [3/] =Kotohirayama-san, Yosouou-san and Takanorappa-san! Good job! Realize or not 4) Poll results [Yes50 : 25 No] There will be at least 1 day when the total number of wins from day 1 of all 4 Sanyaku or above Banzuke ranking only West Rikishi equal to or more than it of all 5 Sanyaku or above only East. 西方三役以上4力士の初日からその日までの合計勝星が東方三役以上5力士のそれと同じまたは上回る日 East 31 : 20 West after day9. 6) Terunofuji will get at least 5 wins in 6days[day 6-11]. 照ノ富士、6日目~11日目の6日間に5勝以上 ○○○○ from day6
  19. Susanoo

    Norizo Cup 2024.7

    Day8 Matchups 10) [East 54:21 Rouga] M13-14 only East[●Hokutofuji,○ Wakatakakage] vs ●○Rouga[M15w] 前頭13~14枚目番付東方のみ(北勝富士、若隆景)-狼雅(西前頭15) [21/] Realize or not 4) Poll results [Yes50 : 25 No] There will be at least 1 day when the total number of wins from day 1 of all 4 Sanyaku or above Banzuke ranking only West Rikishi equal to or more than it of all 5 Sanyaku or above only East. 西方三役以上4力士の初日からその日までの合計勝星が東方三役以上5力士のそれと同じまたは上回る日 East 27 : 18est after day8. 6) Terunofuji will get at least 5 wins in 6days[day 6-11]. 照ノ富士、6日目~11日目の6日間に5勝以上 ○○○ from day 6
  20. Susanoo

    Norizo Cup 2024.7

    Day7 Special question Hou many wins will [New Komusubi] Hiradoumi get against Sanyaku or above Banzuke ranking Rikishi? 新小結の平戸海、ズバリ今場所の役力士戦は何勝!? He got 1 win against Ouzeki and 3 wins against Sekiwake. Realize or not 4) Poll results [Yes50 : 25 No] There will be at least 1 day when the total number of wins from day 1 of all 4 Sanyaku or above Banzuke ranking only West Rikishi equal to or more than it of all 5 Sanyaku or above only East. 西方三役以上4力士の初日からその日までの合計勝星が東方三役以上5力士のそれと同じまたは上回る日 East 24 : 14est after day7. 6) Terunofuji will get at least 5 wins in 6days[day 6-11]. 照ノ富士、6日目~11日目の6日間に5勝以上 won on day6-7
  21. Susanoo

    Norizo Cup 2024.7

    Day6 Special question Hou many wins will [New Komusubi] Hiradoumi get against Sanyaku or above Banzuke ranking Rikishi? 新小結の平戸海、ズバリ今場所の役力士戦は何勝!? He got 3 wins against Sekiwake. Realize or not 4) Poll results [Yes50 : 25 No] There will be at least 1 day when the total number of wins from day 1 of all 4 Sanyaku or above Banzuke ranking only West Rikishi equal to or more than it of all 5 Sanyaku or above only East. 西方三役以上4力士の初日からその日までの合計勝星が東方三役以上5力士のそれと同じまたは上回る日 East 19 : 12est after day5. 6) Terunofuji will get at least 5 wins in 6days[day 6-11]. 照ノ富士、6日目~11日目の6日間に5勝以上 won on day6 9) Tamawashi[M9e] who is almost 40 will have at least 1 loss against the Rikishi who are in their 20s with the Kimarite with a word “Oshi-“ or “Tsuki-“. 玉鷲(西前9)39歳、20代の力士から「押し」「突き」の付く決まり手での黒星 defeted agniust Kotoshouhou[24yo] Yes[66/]
  22. Susanoo

    Norizo Cup 2024.7

    Day5 Realize or not 4) Poll results [Yes50 : 25 No] There will be at least 1 day when the total number of wins from day 1 of all 4 Sanyaku or above Banzuke ranking only West Rikishi equal to or more than it of all 5 Sanyaku or above only East. 西方三役以上4力士の初日からその日までの合計勝星が東方三役以上5力士のそれと同じまたは上回る日 East 16 : 9 West after day5. 5) In the matches among 5 Sekiwake-Komusubi, someone will get 4 wins and at least 1 Rikishi will have 0 wins. 関脇と小結5力士間の対戦で誰かが4勝、誰かは0勝 Daieisho●○○ Hiradoumi○○● Ounosato○●○ Kirishima●● Abi● No[41/]
  23. Susanoo

    Norizo Cup 2024.7

    Day4 Realize or not Matchups 1) [East 29:46 Meisei] Sekiwake or above only East[○Teruno, ○Kotozaku, ●Abi, Kirishi] vs ●●○Meisei[M1e] 関脇以上番付東方のみ(照富、琴櫻、阿炎、霧島)-明生(東前頭1) [46/] Realize or not 4) Poll results [Yes50 : 25 No] There will be at least 1 day when the total number of wins from day 1 of all 4 Sanyaku or above Banzuke ranking only West Rikishi equal to or more than it of all 5 Sanyaku or above only East. 西方三役以上4力士の初日からその日までの合計勝星が東方三役以上5力士のそれと同じまたは上回る日 East 13 : 6 West after day4. 10) Asanoyama[M12e] will have at least 8 wins against the Rikishi who are ranked in the Banzuke lower than him. 朝乃山(東前12)自身より番付下位の力士から8勝以上 No[47/] Special question Hou many wins will [New Komusubi] Hiradoumi get against Sanyaku or above Banzuke ranking Rikishi? 新小結の平戸海、ズバリ今場所の役力士戦は何勝!? He got 2 wins against Sekiwake.
  24. Susanoo

    Norizo Cup 2024.7

    Day3 Matchups 1) [East 29:46 Meisei] Sekiwake or above only East[○Teruno, ○Kotozaku, Abi, Kirishi] vs ●●Meisei[M1e] 関脇以上番付東方のみ(照富、琴櫻、阿炎、霧島)-明生(東前頭1) Realize or not 4) Poll results [Yes50 : 25 No] There will be at least 1 day when the total number of wins from day 1 of all 4 Sanyaku or above Banzuke ranking only West Rikishi equal to or more than it of all 5 Sanyaku or above only East. 西方三役以上4力士の初日からその日までの合計勝星が東方三役以上5力士のそれと同じまたは上回る日 East 10 : 5 West after day3. Special question Hou many wins will [New Komusubi] Hiradoumi get against Sanyaku or above Banzuke ranking Rikishi? 新小結の平戸海、ズバリ今場所の役力士戦は何勝!? He got 1 win against Sekiwake.
  25. Susanoo

    Norizo Cup 2024.7

    Dasy2 Matchups 1) [East 29:46 Meisei] Sekiwake or above only East[○Teruno, Kotozaku, Abi, Kirishi] vs ●Meisei[M1e] 関脇以上番付東方のみ(照富、琴櫻、阿炎、霧島)-明生(東前頭1) 10) [East 54:21 Rouga] M13-14 only East[Hokutofuji,○ Wakatakakage] vs ●Rouga[M15w] 前頭13~14枚目番付東方のみ(北勝富士、若隆景)-狼雅(西前頭15) Realize or not 3) At least 3 Rikishi who will have 5-0 on day5 in Sanyaku or above Banzuke ranking Rikishi. Poll results 三役以上で初日から5連勝以上する力士が3人以上 Only Terunofuji left. No[44/] 4) Poll results [Yes50 : 25 No] There will be at least 1 day when the total number of wins from day 1 of all 4 Sanyaku or above Banzuke ranking only West Rikishi equal to or more than it of all 5 Sanyaku or above only East. 西方三役以上4力士の初日からその日までの合計勝星が東方三役以上5力士のそれと同じまたは上回る日 East 7 : 2 West after day2. 8) Wakamotoharu[M2e] or Takayasu[M3e] will have 2 wins at the earlieast against the Rikishi who have the Makuuchi-Yuushou experiences. 幕内優勝経験者から最も早く2勝するのは若元春(東前2)か高安(東前3) Takarafuji○ Tamawashi○ Mitakeumi○● Wakamotoharu○○ Atamifuji○● Daieishou○● Meisei○● Yes[ 38/] 15) There will be at least 1 match between 2 Rikishi who fought at least 5 times in the past but there were no matches in the past 1 year, and the winning rate of one side was 20% or less, and this time the one with the worse win rate will win in at least 1 match under those conditions in Makuuchi. 過去5回以上対戦があり一方の力士の勝率2割以下でここ1年は対戦がなかった取組が今場所幕内で実現し分の悪かった力士が勝利 Churanoumi●●●●●Nishikigi [results in Juryo in 2020.11~2021.9] The unexpected man in an unexpected match took revenge and made this question a reality. Yes [36/]