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382 ExcellentAbout Susanoo
- Birthday 04/03/1961
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Konnichiwa Asashosakari-san. I think that you are doing nothing wrong and this is an error on the system. I was also concerned about that, but I left it because I thought it would not affect the Banzuke itself. I will take this opportunity to ask the person in charge of the system about this matter. Susanoo
Konnichiwa Kachikoshi-san. I'm very sorry that I forgot you, a thankful first -time participant. You are the Makushita-Yuushou winner and you are promised a promotion to Juuryou. I will start over with the announcement of winners and reorganaize the Banzuke. Please look forward to your new Banzuke as the only succesful Rikishi in Makushita! Susanoo
2025. 3 NC-Banzuke Ye,Oskanohana[Ye-10] Yw,Kitakachiyama[Yw-8] O1e,Kaito[O1w-8] O1w,Pandaazuma[O1e-8] O2e,Asashosakari[O2e-5] Se,ooborayama[S1e-9<9] Sw,Yanen[K1e-8] K1e,Asshet De Rosa[K1w-8] K1w,kawaji[K2e-8<12<13] K2w,Kajiyanosho[S1w-7] M1e,Bunbukuchagama[M1w-8] M1w,Flohru[M2e-8] M2e,Bill[M2w-8] M2w,daishoyama[S2w-6] M3e,Choshu-Yuki[M5w-9] M3w,chishafuwaku[M11w-11]=Makuuhi-Yuushou with Kntou-shou. M4e,tsupparitaro[M4w-8] M4w,hashi[M7e-9] M5e,Kirinoumi[M3w-7] M5w,Gansekiiwa[M6e-8] M6e,kikkuzakankurou[M6w-8] M6w,Athenayama[M3e-6] M7e,joaoiyama[J8e-9] M7w,ScreechingOwl[M8w-9] M8e,Norizo[M9w-9] M8w,JYONO[J9e-12] with Ginou-shou. M9e,kotochikushi[J12w-12]=NC Saikou-Yuushou M9w,kotohirayama[M5e-6] M10e,yukihyou[M14w-10]with Shukun-shou M10w,TochiYESshin[M9e-7] M11e,Kotononami[M15e-10] M11w,ottottoto[M13w-9] M12e,Oortael[M12w-8] M12w,Joputosu[M10w-7] M13e,GONZABROW[M4e-4] M13w,Unkonoyama[M15w-9] M14e,Frinkanohana[M16e-9] M14w,Kaiowaka[M10e-6] M15e,Beeftank[M13e-7] M15w,yamanoyama[M1e-1] M16e,Hironoumi[M12e-6] M16w,BlackPinkMawashi[J1e-8] J1e,Warusaru[J1w-8] J1w,Susanoo[J2w-10] J2e,reeeen[M7w-3] J2w,Yarimotsu[M14e-6] J3e,Fujisan[J4w-8] J3w,Metallica[J2e-7] J4e,Anjoboshi[J5e-8] J4w,Shatsume[J3w-7] J5e,tohru[M11e-2] J5w,Onzoushi_oyakata[J4e-6] J6e,ma-tyan[J10w-8] with Ginou-shou. J6w,DAI[J5w-5] J7e,Oyama[J7e-7] J7w,andonishiki[J12e-8] J8e,wakaiouzenjou[J14e-8] J8w,Kachikoshi[Ms8e-8]=Makushita Yuushou J9e,Balon[J8w-6] J9w,Eeve[J7w-5] J10e,Kishikaisei[J6e-2] J10w,Hakunojo[J3e-kyuujyou1] J11e,big-jordan[J10e-3] J11w,Iepi[J6w-kyuujyou1] J12e,yosouou[J11e-3] J12w,Terarno[J11w-2] J13e,Ganzohnesushi[J13e-7] J13w,Wamahada[J13w-6] J14e,sengyoumi[J8e-kyuujyou2] J14w,WAKATAKE[J9w-kyuujyou1] Ms1e,Asapedroryu[J14w-kyuujyou3] Ms1w,kannpei[Ms6w-6] Ms2e,Kunibiki[Ms4w-5] Ms2w,utinonami[Ms7w-5] Ms3e,Ruziklao[Ms2e-4] Ms3w,Takanorappa[Ms2w-4] Ms4e,Nantonoyama[Ms4e-2] Ms4w,hagiwara[Ms1e-kyuujyou3] Ms5e,Golynohana[Ms1w-kyuujyou4] Ms5w,Kintamayama[Ms3e-kyuujyou1] Ms6e,OGAWA[Ms3w-kyuujyou1] Ms6w,Tetsuba[Ms5e-kyuujou5] Ms7e,kaiou[Ms5w-kyuujyou4] Ms7w,Suwihuto[Ms6e-kyuujou5] Out of Banzuke Bariihachibenson ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2025、3 NC番付 東横綱,Oskanohana 西横綱,Kitakachiyama 東大関1,Kaito 西大関1,Pandaazuma 東大関2,Asashosakari 東関脇,大ボラ山 西関脇,やねん 東小結1,アシェット・デローサ 西小結1,川志 西小結2,Kajiyanosho 東前頭1,Bunbukuchagama 西前頭1Flohru, 東前頭2,Bill 西前頭2,大翔山 東前頭3,長州由紀 西前頭3,chishafuwaku 東前頭4,突っ張り太郎 西前頭4,はし 東前頭5,Kirinoumi 西前頭5,岩石岩 東前頭6,きっくざ勘九郎 西前頭6,Athenayama 東前頭7,joaoiyama 西前頭7,ScreechingOwl 東前頭8,のりぞう 西前頭8,馬六 東前頭9,琴筑紫 西前頭9,琴平山 東前頭10,雪氷 西前頭10,TochiYESshin 東前頭11,Kotononami 西前頭11,オットット 東前頭12,Joputosu 西前頭12,Oortael 東前頭13,ごんざぶろう 西前頭13,Unkonoyama 東前頭14,Frinkanohana 西前頭14,Kaiowaka 東前頭15,Beeftank 西前頭15,山の山 東前頭16,広之海 西前頭16,BlackPinkMawashi 東十両1,Warusaru 西十両1,素戔嗚 東十両2,レーン 西十両2,Yarimotsu 東十両3,Fujisan 西十両3,滅多力 東十両4,Anjoboshi 西十両4,Shatsume 東十両5,トール 西十両5,御曹司親方 東十両6,マーチャン 西十両6,DAI 東十両7,Oyama 西十両7,andonishiki 東十両8,鷲が嶺 西十両8,Kachikoshi 東十両9,Balon 西十両9,エーヴ 東十両10,Kishikaisei 西十両10,Hakunojo 東十両11,大上段 西十両11,いえピー 東十両12,予想皇 西十両12,Terarno 東十両13,Ganzohnesushi 西十両13,Wamahada 東十両14,仙漁海 西十両14,WAKATAKE 東幕下1,Asapedroryu 西幕下1,かんぺい 東幕下2,くにびき 西幕下2,内の浪 東幕下3,Ruziklao 西幕下3,Takanorappa 東幕下4,Nantonoyama 西幕下4,萩原 東幕下5,Golynohana 西幕下5,Kintamayama 東幕下6,OGAWA 西幕下6,Tetsuba 東幕下7,怪黄 西幕下7,Suwihuto 番付外 Bariihachibenson
NC Saiko-Yuushou kotochikushi-san [J12w-12wins] with Juuryou-Yuushou. Shukun-shou yukihyou-san [M14w-10wins] Kantou-shou chishafuwaku-san [M11w-11wins] with Makuuchi-Yuushou. Ginou-shou JONO-san [J9e 12wins] ma-tyan-san [J10w-8 wins] Kachikoshi-san [Hatsu-dohyou-8 wins] got Makushita-Yuushou. Congratulations to all winners! Tank you very much to all participants!
Day 15 Realise or not 6) Maegashira 1-3 only Banzuke West trio [got 20 wins in the previous Basho] will get at least 6 more wins than that of M 1-3 only Banzuke East trio [got 31 wins in the previous Basho] finally. East 20 : 28 West . Yes[38/ ] 9) At least 1 Makuuchi Rikishi will get at least 9 wins with 0 wins against foreign-born Rikishi. Only survivor Shounannoumi who had exactly 8 wins. No[48/ ] 11) The total number of wins of Midorifuji with Kimarite Katasukashi will exceed that of Oushouma with Kimarite Hatakikomi. Both Rikishi had only 1Specialtie. No[41/ ] Yuushou Houshouryuu with at least 8 wins against Maegashira Rikishi.[18/ ]
Day 14 Realise or not 5) At least 4 Rikishi will win in all opportunities of the match against Sekiwake-Komusubi. Both Rikishi Ouhou and Kirishima defeated all 4 Rikishi and they are comfirned so far. Houshouryuu, Wakatakakage Takerufuji and Ichiyamamoto had that matches and have no losses, and they don’t meet S-K tomorrow Yes[22/ ] 6) Maegashira 1-3 only Banzuke West trio [got 20 wins in the previous Basho] will get at least 6 more wins than that of M 1-3 only Banzuke East trio [got 31 wins in the previous Basho] finally. East 18 : 25 West so far. 7) In the matches among the Rikishi who are ranked in M4-10, at least 1 Rikishi will have at least 11 matches and at least 1 Rikishi will have at most 4 matches. Only Shoudai[4e] has exactly 4 matches, and Mitakeumi[7w] reached 11 matches, and other Rkishi have 5-10 matches so far. Shoudai meets Nishikifuji tomorrow. Yes[38/ ] 9) At least 1 Makuuchi Rikishi will get at least 9 wins with 0 wins against foreign-born Rikishi. Only survivor Shounannoumi who has 8 win, and meets Chiyoshouma tomorrow [past head-to-head records are Shounann 0-2]. . 11) The total number of wins of Midorifuji with Kimarite Katasukashi will exceed that of Oushouma with Kimarite Hatakikomi. Both Rikishi have 1Specialtie so far. Oushouma meets Nishikigi and Midorifuji meets Gounoyama tomorrow. Yuushou Houshouryuu with at least 8 wins against Maegashira Rikishi.[18/ ] Other Rikishi.(Kinbouzan, Ouhou)[ 1/ ] Matchups Houshouryuu ○vs ●Komusubi[Wakatakakage][34/ ] Ounosato ○vs● Sekiwake[Daieishou][54/ ] Maegashira 2[Tobizaru] ○vs● Ura[34/ ] Takayasu ○vs● Maegashira 9 [Oushouma][33/ ] Hiradoumi ○○vs●● Maegashira 7-8[Endou, Mitakeumi][42/ ]
In recent years, I have not been good at this game, but this time I was lucky enough to get a good result. Thank you to Kintamayama-san and everyone who fought with me.
Day 13 Realise or not 6) Maegashira 1-3 only Banzuke West trio [got 20 wins in the previous Basho] will get at least 6 more wins than that of M 1-3 only Banzuke East trio [got 31 wins in the previous Basho] finally. East 17 : 23 West so far. Maintaining the condition clear status since yesterday. 7) In the matches among the Rikishi who are ranked in M4-10, at least 1 Rikishi will have at least 11 matches and at least 1 Rikishi will have at most 4 matches. Only Shoudai[4e] has exactly 4 matches, and Mitakeumi[7w] hreached 11 matches, and other Rkishi have 5-9 matches so far. The result is depend on Shodai’s opponent’s Banzuke on Senshuuraku. For refelence, his opponent on day14 is Midorifuji[M11]. 9) At least 1 Makuuchi Rikishi will get at least 9 wins with 0 wins against foreign-born Rikishi. There were only 2 survivors, Ounokatsu and Shounannoumi have 7 wins. 13) Among the Shin-Nyuumaku and Sai-Nyuumaku Rikishi, Hakuouhou will get a win against the highest Banzuke ranking Rikishi who are defeated by them. Kinbouzan has a win against Ounosato. This is almost settled with No. No[15/ ] Yuushou Houshouryuu with at least 8 wins against Maegashira Rikishi.[18/ ] Houshouryuu with at most 7 wins against Maegashira Rikishi. 3/ ] Abi or Maegashira 1(Kirishima). [0/ ] Takerufuji. [3/ ] Other Rikishi.(Kinbouzan, Ouhou)[ 1/ ]
Day 12 Realise or not 4) There will be at least 9 days when the total number of wins of 4 Sekiwake-Komusubi in a day are equal to or exceed that of 3 Ozeki. day 1, SK exceed O, 3 : 2 day 2, equal 2 : 2 day 3, equal 2 : 2 day 4 exceed 1 : 2 day 5 exceed 2 : 0 day 6 less than 1 : 2 day 7 less than 1 : 3 day 8 less than 2 : 3 day 9 exceed 2 : 1 day10 equal 3 : 3 day11 equal 2 : 2 day12 equal 3 : 3 Yes[32/ ] 6) Maegashira 1-3 only Banzuke West trio [got 20 wins in the previous Basho] will get at least 6 more wins than that of M 1-3 only Banzuke East trio [got 31 wins in the previous Basho] finally. East 15 : 21 West so far. 7) In the matches among the Rikishi who are ranked in M4-10, at least 1 Rikishi will have at least 11 matches and at least 1 Rikishi will have at most 4 matches. Only Shoudai[4e] has exactly 4 matches, and Mitakeumi[7w] hreached 11 matches, and other Rkishi have 5-9 matches so far. 9) At least 1 Makuuchi Rikishi will get at least 9 wins with 0 wins against foreign-born Rikishi. There were only 5 survivors, Daieishou has 8 wins, Ounokatsu 7, Ura 6, Oushouma 6, and Shounan has 6 wins. 13) Among the Shin-Nyuumaku and Sai-Nyuumaku Rikishi, Hakuouhou will get a win against the highest Banzuke ranking Rikishi who are defeated by them. Kinbouzan has a win against Ounosato. This is almost settled with No. 15) There will be at least 1 Sekitori who has both at least 8 wins and at least 1 Fusen-pai[a loss by default]. Wakaikari had 9 wins and 1 Fusen-pai. Yes[34/ ] Matchups Maegashira 10[Meisei] ●vs ○ [Nishikifuji]Maegashira 17 [22/ ]
Day 11 Realise or not 4) There will be at least 9 days when the total number of wins of 4 Sekiwake-Komusubi in a day are equal to or exceed that of 3 Ozeki. day 1, SK exceed O, 3 : 2 day 2, equal 2 : 2 day 3, equal 2 : 2 day 4 exceed 1 : 2 day 5 exceed 2 : 0 day 6 less than 1 : 2 day 7 less than 1 : 3 day 8 less than 2 : 3 day 9 exceed 2 : 1 day10 equal 3 : 3 day11 equal 2 : 2 8 days under this condition so far. 6) Maegashira 1-3 only Banzuke West trio [got 20 wins in the previous Basho] will get at least 6 more wins than that of M 1-3 only Banzuke East trio [got 31 wins in the previous Basho] finally. East 14 : 19 West so far. 7) In the matches among the Rikishi who are ranked in M4-10, at least 1 Rikishi will have at least 11 matches and at least 1 Rikishi will have at most 4 matches. Only 2 Rikishi Shoudai[4e] and Meisei[10w] have exactly 4 matches, and only 2 Endo[7e] and Mitakeumi[7w] have exactly 10 matches, and other Rkishi have 5-9 matches so far. 8) Among the Rikishi ranked in M 11-17, there will be at least 1 day when Takerufuji will be in sole possession of the lead and the gap between him and the runner-up has widened to more than 3. Kinbouzan[10-1], Takerufuji[8-3] No[49/ ] 9) At least 1 Makuuchi Rikishi will get at least 9 wins with 0 wins against foreign-born Rikishi. There were only 5 survivors, Daieishou has 7 wins, Ura 6, Oushouma 5, Ounokatsu 6, and Shounan has 6 wins. 10) At least 1 Rikishi who didn’t reach Kachikoshi in the last Basho will get Yuushou regardless of division which he is ranked [Jonokuchi-Makuuchi]. In Jonokuchi, Daikishou[didn’t reach KK last basho] is the sole leader. In Jonidan, both Yago and Sekimoto who didn’t reach KK in the last basho] are 6-0 so far. In Sandanme, both Daimasakari and Daikoushou are 6-0, too. Yes[41/ ]
Day 10 Realise or not 4) There will be at least 9 days when the total number of wins of 4 Sekiwake-Komusubi in a day are equal to or exceed that of 3 Ozeki. day 1, SK exceed O, 3 : 2 day 2, equal 2 : 2 day 3, equal 2 : 2 day 4 exceed 1 : 2 day 5 exceed 2 : 0 day 6 less than 1 : 2 day 7 less than 1 : 3 day 8 less than 2 : 3 day 9 exceed 2 : 1 day10 equal 3 : 3 7 days so far 6) Maegashira 1-3 only Banzuke West trio [got 20 wins in the previous Basho] will get at least 6 more wins than that of M 1-3 only Banzuke East trio [got 31 wins in the previous Basho] finally. East 12 : 17 West so far.
Day 9 Realise or not 2)Houshouryuu will get 8 wins the eariest in Ozeki, and the other 2 will also get that by the day 13. Kotozakura had 6 losses. No[43/ ] 4) There will be at least 9 days when the total number of wins of 4 Sekiwake-Komusubi in a day are equal to or exceed that of 3 Ozeki. day 1, SK exceed O, 3 : 2 day 2, equal 2 : 2 day 3, equal 2 : 2 day 4 exceed 1 : 2 day 5 exceed 2 : 0 day 6 less than 1 : 2 day 7 less than 1 : 3 day 8 less than 2 : 3 day 9 exceed 2 : 1 5) At least 4 Rikishi will win in all opportunities of the match against Sekiwake-Komusubi. Both Rikishi Ouhou and Kirishima defeated all 4 Rikishi and they are comfirned so far. 6) Maegashira 1-3 only Banzuke West trio [got 20 wins in the previous Basho] will get at least 6 more wins than that of M 1-3 only Banzuke East trio [got 31 wins in the previous Basho] finally. East 12 : 15 West so far. 10) At least 1 Rikishi who didn’t reach Kachikoshi in the last Basho will get Yuushou regardless of division which he is ranked [Jonokuchi-Makuuchi]. 2 out of 3 Rikishi who are in the Yuushou leading growp in Jyuuryou[and in Makushita] didn’t reach KK in the last Basho, 4 out of 6 in Sndanme, 4 out of 5 in Jonidan and 1out of 2 in Jonokuchi , too 14) There will be at least 1 Makuuchi-Rikishi who gets at least 5 wins against the Rikishi whom he was defeated in the previous Basho. Ouhou got 5th win under this conditions against Atamifuji. (others : Wakataka, Wakamoto, Daiei, Ounosato) Yes[39/ ] Matchups Ounosato ○vs● Sekiwake[Daieishou] Maegashira 3 ●vs○ Shoudai [35/ ] Maegashira 13 vs Kitanowaka No matches [ 2/ ] to 30pts
Konnichiwa Oortael-san, Thank you for letting me know. You were right and I was wrong. I wish you success in the second half. Susanoo
Day 8 Realise or not 4) There will be at least 9 days when the total number of wins of 4 Sekiwake-Komusubi in a day are equal to or exceed that of 3 Ozeki. day 1, SK exceed O, 3 : 2 day 2, equal 2 : 2 day 3, equal 2 : 2 day 4 exceed 1 : 2 day 5 exceed 2 : 0 day 6 less than 1 : 2 day 7 less than 1 : 3 day 8 equal 2 : 2 14) There will be at least 1 Makuuchi-Rikishi who gets at least 5 wins against the Rikishi whom he was defeated in the previous Basho. Ouhou got 4 wins under this conditions by day4, and has a match[ vs Atamifuji] under this condition Matchups Takayasu ○vs● Maegashira 9 [Oushouma] Hiradoumi ○○vs●● Maegashira 7-8[Endou, Mitakeumi]
Day 7 Realise or not 4) There will be at least 9 days when the total number of wins of 4 Sekiwake-Komusubi in a day are equal to or exceed that of 3 Ozeki. day 1, SK exceed O, 3 : 2 day 2, equal 2 : 2 day 3, equal 2 : 2 day 4 exceed 1 : 2 day 5 exceed 2 : 0 day 6 less than 1 : 2 day 7 less than 1 : 3 Matchups Hiradoumi ○vs● Maegashira 7-8[Endou]