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About Chienoshima

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  • Birthday 01/11/1974

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  • Location
    Paris, France
  • Interests
    Chess, sumo

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  1. Chienoshima

    New Spanish Sumo Magazine

    Yes, this is truly a bad piece of news !! :-( Honestly, you were our source of motivation to start from scratch our french mag in december 2003, and you just did a worderful and an amazing job during this decade !! A lot of people went back to their spanish books because of you ! :-) Unfortunately, we are going through the same concerns (less people, busier jobs, private live changes...), but we are still fighting and keeping Le Monde du Sumo afloat ! Thanks a lot for everything, Eduardo ! :-D Ce n'est qu'un aurevoir...
  2. Chienoshima

    Sumo Reference Updates

    Hmm, sorry, but I rather stick with my black-on-white source, the Sumo magazine - which might be wrong or not. But kimarite are often decided differently from what you might feel. So I certainly will not correct this "error", unless someone presents me with a better source. The kawazugake playoff win was Takanonami's first yusho in 1996.01, not the second one in 1997.11 - Chienoshima, see here for an SML post from Kyushu 1997 which makes it clear that the bout in the Youtube video you linked on the SML yesterday can't be the one from 1997. (I am not worthy...) (In jonokuchi...) Yes, you are both right, it was the first yusho in 1996.01 !! I should have checked your database before sending my mistake twice !! Excellent database anyway ! I did not know Takanonami was such a Kawazugake master !! I miss him ! Greetings from Paris !
  3. Chienoshima

    Sumo Reference Updates

    Hi, First of all, thanks a lot for this great website !! I just noticed a very light error in the database on the kimarite list for ozeki Takanonami in the Kyushu basho 1997. Actually, Takanonami won the playoff bout against Takanohana by Kawazugake (What a beautiful bout!), and not by uwatenage. I don't remember his bout against Tochiazuma on senshuraku, but I don't think the kimarite was again the very rare kawazugake. You may simply have to switch the last two kimarite to fix everything. Keep up the good work !
  4. Chienoshima

    Le Monde du Sumo #28

    Hello, As usual, about 3 weeks after senshuraku, you can read your french e-zine named Le Monde du Sumo. For this number 28 featuring the first yusho clinched by an european citizen, you will get a complete sumary of this Natsu basho from Jonokuchi to Makuuchi divisions. You will also find some news around the sumo world. Everything can be freely downloaded here : Greetings from Paris,
  5. Chienoshima

    Le Petit Banzuke Illustr

    To all sumo-maniacs, We are a little bit late and we feel sorry about that, but eventually the Petit Banzuke Illustr
  6. Chienoshima

    Le Petit Banzuke Illustr

    Hello, The Aki basho 2007 is about to start, so it is the right time to read your guide for this basho. Here is the link to download the 23rd issue of Le Petit Banzuke Illustr
  7. Chienoshima

    Sumo Reference Updates

    I got a LOT of data for individual rikishi from Nishinoshima already. Weights and heights once per year are enough I think, and this I like to have for all rikishi, not just a few. OK, I can imagine that Nishinoshima has A LOT of data on rikishi, but you never know, you may miss the complete hoshitori of ozeki Kirishima Kazuhiro. I guess you can read japanese, and the great Liliane Fujimori did a wonderfull job. You can find all the hoshitori, with opponents and sometimes kimarite in her website. Here is the link : All hoshitori of Kirishima before makuuchi promotion If you need help on this case, let me know. Keep up the good work, Chienoshima
  8. Chienoshima

    Sumo Reference Updates

    Hi Doitsuyama, Thanks a lot for your great site !! This will help a lot the sumomaniacs who are looking for statistics !! Finally, I may have found a way to return the favor you gave when I wrote my article on ozeki Raiden Tameemon. I checked your website and here is a list of missing data I have in my hand, that may be interesting for you : 1. All basho results (from maezuma to retirement) of the former ozeki KIRISHIMA 2. All official weight and height measurements of the former yokozuna CHIYONOFUJI 3. All official weight and height measurements of the former yokozuna TAIHO 4. All official weight and height measurements of the former yokozuna WAKANOHANA III 5. Complete hoshitori of the mazeumo and the first basho of the former yokozuna WAKANOHANA III If you want those data, you will get them. One suggestion for your site: You should put your great rikishi strength analysis on yokozuna, ozeki, sekiwake, etc.. in your site, especially you keep on updating it. Greetings from Paris, Chienoshima
  9. Chienoshima

    Sumo Fan Magazine News Snippets

    I have a question regarding your news named "Where is the French Trophy ?" written by Mark Buckton. I was quite surprised while reading this, but I only hope you are not talking about me, because I never said that in the SML (not exactely online) !! This needed to be answered because I am angry ! (Laughing...) For your information, Jacques Chirac and Nicolas Sarkozy were respectively number 1 and 2 in the same political party, again not exactely political opponents !! I am not an expert in on-line journalism, but information should at least be checked before being uploaded ! Cheers,
  10. Chienoshima

    Le Petit Banzuke Illustr

    Hi ! The Nagoya basho 2007 is about to start, and as usual it is the perfect time to enjoy the reading of Le Petit Banzuke Illustr
  11. Chienoshima

    Le Petit Banzuke Illustr

    Hi, I know we are a little late, but hopefully Le Petit Banzuke Illustr
  12. Chienoshima

    Hokutouriki announces engagement

    Oh, I'm quite sure it exists here and there. At least on paper. But is it implemented? Is it "every rikishi, every time"? I highly doubt that. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I totally agree with Madorosumaru, even though I am sure about the figure. In his great book named "Dokuhaku", Wakanohana III clearly said that the NSK decided to fine the rikishi for doing matta. This move is not so new, as Wakanohana was not yokozuna at that time. If I remember correctly Masaru Hanada was rather upset by this move, as most of the rikishi at that time did. Best regards, Chienoshima
  13. Chienoshima

    Mitsuko Nishiwaki (Kaio's wife)

    Hi Kaiomitsuki, You should have told me this in the french forum, but here is qnother pic of Mitsuko Nishiwaki (in kanji 西脇充子 ) in her active days. Regards, Chienoshima aka joe le cogneur
  14. Chienoshima

    Oyakata in mawashi?

    In my opinion, Takanohana's legs still have powerfull muscles, and can definitely kick some makushita's butts ! (I am not worthy...) Regards, Chienoshima
  15. Chienoshima

    Oyakata in mawashi?

    Yep, I am completely with you. The skills and all his magical stuff he did on the tawara, let alone the will, are still there and can clearly put some surprises to an average makushita rikishi. I remember one story about the former great yokozuna Tochigiyama, who put on his mawashi to train a freshly promoted sekitori when he was well above 50 years old. Kasugano oyakata (who raised yokozuna Tochinishiki later on) actually put a real show on his deshi at that time. The great champ never loose their great technical skills. You should see our soccer legend Michel Platini play against very good and well trained amateurs, who try in vain to stop him. The man just turned 50 but is still too good with ball around his feet. On this pic from Nikkan, Takanohana oyakata wore the same mawashi he used to have when he was active. Actually, in his active, he wrapped this mawashi by doing 4 circles around his belly, but now he did 6 circles. At the training session, he said : "I have to teach myself the fundamentals to the very young wrestlers. It has been quite a long time, but compared to my active days, I had to say that I can barely move! (laughter)". I guess his right knee injury is still there. Regards, Chienoshima