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Everything posted by Benevolance

  1. Benevolance

    Bright colored mawashi, Ura among them...

    What makes you think he doesn't? He's the Mick Jagger of osumo digests.
  2. Benevolance

    Sumo Figure Spooking Equestrian Horses

    "The new fences include a life-sized samurai"... which is somehow better than ?
  3. Benevolance

    Bright colored mawashi, Ura among them...

    Nothing shows up for me, either. I'd hate to think that Seiyashi is intimating Kintamayama might lack a certain je ne sais quoi?
  4. Benevolance

    Bright colored mawashi, Ura among them...

    But first he must travel to the end of the Yellow Brick Paywall. And along the way, he shall meet three companions, one who desires Fighting Spirit, one who desires Outstanding Performance, and one who desires better Technique! And though the YDC will try to stop him, in the end Kintamayama will reach the Emerald Database and present the Wizard with his request. But the Wizard only agrees if Kintamayama fetches the Wizard Hakuho's latest controversy to quell his interbasho boredom. And so...
  5. Benevolance

    Bright colored mawashi, Ura among them...

    Aran was Alan, which was just Alan pronounced with a Japanese accent. As a foreigner watching sumo, I thought it was hilarious and sly that he was able to use his name as his shikona. From the east, the Almighty Noble Mountain! And on the west, it's Alan!
  6. Benevolance

    Hakuhou caught watching Judo

    We could all chip in and buy some kensho banner that read something like: "Oi, what happened to the judo scandal, eh?"
  7. Benevolance

    Takagenji Caught Smoking Weed

    I hear at Hollywood parties they line up rows of poppy seeds and lick them right off the table.
  8. Benevolance

    Bright colored mawashi, Ura among them...

    I still think Aran takes the cake for choice of shikona.
  9. Benevolance

    Takagenji Caught Smoking Weed

    Have you EVEN TRIED a poppy seed bagel?? There is no such thing as 'trace amounts' once you start. It's all or nothing. No survivors. A bakers dozen down.
  10. Benevolance

    Hakuhou caught watching Judo

    That gives us FIVE DAYS to speculate! We can get this threads power level to over 20 pages.
  11. Benevolance

    Hakuhou caught watching Judo

    Sir Not Appearing In This Film.
  12. Benevolance

    Hakuhou caught watching Judo

    They're probably just worried that if Hakuho watches judo, he might decide to expand his obviously limited technical repertoire and become a serious contender.
  13. Benevolance

    Takagenji Caught Smoking Weed

    I've learned that drug test will be orally administered. Kyokai: "Did you do drugs?" Rikishi: "No." Kyokai: "Okay. Let us know if that changes."
  14. Benevolance

    Sumo and the Olympics

    I think the sumo association gave up too easily. ANY even can be a sumo event with the correct mind set. So get out there, gambarize a little, and yorikiri some badminton folks.
  15. Benevolance

    Terunofuji is the 73rd Yokozuna.

    Now that Terunofuji has gained the rank, I look forward to endless discussions on the forums about his perceived hinkaku.
  16. Benevolance

    Bright colored mawashi, Ura among them...

    Customer review - Bright colored mawashi 1 out of 5 stars The title of this product led me to believe that I would be experiencing a "Where's Waldo" but with Ura hiding amongst colourful mawashi. When I opened the product thread, I was very unhappy to discover it was just a bunch of writing about other rikishi who wear colourful mawashi. There weren't even any pictures at all. Very disappointed. Would not purchase again.
  17. Benevolance

    Nagoya Basho 2021

    History supports the notion that Terunofuji is the more likely to henka in crucial matches. OH! OH! MAYBE WE WILL GET A DOUBLE HENKA!?!?!? It's like double rainbow but waaaay more fun.
  18. Benevolance

    Nagoya Basho 2021

    My money is on Hakuho.
  19. Benevolance

    Nagoya Basho 2021

    Shoot. This plan has holes in it.
  20. Benevolance

    Nagoya Basho 2021

    No, Hakuho needs Terunofuji to get the rope so he can outlast him until November and nudge that "outlasted junior yokozuna" counter to five.
  21. Benevolance

    Nagoya Basho 2021

    I feel bad because I clearly jinxed Takayasu.
  22. Benevolance

    Trivia bits

    And he might still have time to squeeze in a fourth...
  23. Benevolance

    Nagoya Basho 2021

    It seems likely that Takayasu will secure his kachikoshi, which I think is impressive given that it seemed possible he'd miss the tournament entirely. It's feels unlikely that he'll beat either Hakuho or Terunofuji, though, so he's probably topping off at a maximum 9 wins. Don't think that'll help his re-promotion chances all that much, but I've liked his fighting spirit.
  24. Benevolance

    Chonmage after intai?

    It's a little known fact that moto-Takatoriki is the NSK's current shadow enforcer of the chonmage rule. Together with his hand-picked squad of Barberians, they scour the country-side seeking out violators of the Imperial edict. The last thing you'll hear is a 'snip' before he hands you a mirror and asks "How does it look?"
  25. Benevolance

    Nagoya Basho 2021

    Morgan Freeman voice over: Hakuho did, in fact, have other plans...