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About Torideyama

  • Rank
    So I guess you can't change your shikona
  • Birthday 09/05/1959

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    Junction City, KS


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  1. Torideyama

    TORCHBEARER 2024: the picks, torch match notices, results

    Just to give Shimodahito something to do in his spare time :). What is the record score for non-bonus points in one basho?
  2. Torideyama

    TORCHBEARER 2024: the picks, torch match notices, results

    Safe Travels.
  3. Torideyama

    TORCHBEARER 2024: the picks, torch match notices, results

    Spoiler Alert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So the Sandanme Playoff pits Screeching Owl (Sadanohikari) vs. The Pack (Kyokukaiyu). Can the Gang of Nine regain the torch, or will the Loud Bird begin a possible run to glory?
  4. Torideyama

    TORCHBEARER 2024: the picks, torch match notices, results

    Kyokukaiyu has a chance to get the Torch back if he can win the Sandanme Yusho. He is 6-0, along with Chiyotaigo (and maybe others, but only following Chiyotaigo since he currently has the torch.)
  5. Torideyama

    Haru 2024 discussion (results)

    My apologies to all for my many postings, but when you have to kill 3 hours in an airport, you have to occupy your time somehow. Down in Jonidan, Ryuo and Tochimaru are both tied at 7-0 going into day 15. Does the winner of the playoff get an extra banzuke push for May over what the loser gets, even though their official records are both 7-0? I always sucked at GTB because I don't know all of the ins and outs.
  6. Torideyama

    Haru 2024 discussion (results)

    So I am sitting in Dallas eating my dinner at the airport awaiting my 10 pm flight back to Kansas, and this thought occurred to me. There have been sumotori who got fusen losses because of reasons other than injury (got the date wrong, didn't know I was wrestling today, etc). What it Takurofuji just didn't come to the ring for the Gonoyama match. He wouldn't be kyujo, he saves his foot, and he just can wait and see how the Onosato bout comes out.
  7. Torideyama

    Haru 2024 discussion (results)

    It seems to me that the only 'allow' would be by the Oyakata not submitting a kyujo request. Would the kyokai overrule that?
  8. Torideyama

    Haru 2024 discussion (results)

    So...what would be worse? 1. He goes kyujo and has no hope of a yusho if Onosato wins. Or 2. He shows up against Gonoyama, immediately (or shortly thereafter) rolls over and plays dead, thus giving him at least the opportunity for a playoof if Onosato wins. Is 2. against the 'hinkaku' spirit? To me, 2. is the better option, as the match against Gonoyama doesn't matter as he loses either way. But at least he can give it the old college try (if necessary) in a playoff. I am interested to hear the thought of the highly esteemed members of the forum.
  9. Torideyama

    TORCHBEARER 2024: invitation, rules, and your picks

    Kyokukaiyu Juryo 7E
  10. Torideyama

    TORCHBEARER 2023: the picks, torch match notices, results

    Way to go Tokihiyate! That keeps the torch towards the lower middle of Juryo, instead of up in Makuuchi. I still have a chance going into November. Gambatte!!!
  11. Torideyama

    'Tribute' Print For Sale - $250.00

    So I guess I should post the asking price. I would like to get $225 shipped, but will consider any other offers.
  12. Torideyama

    'Tribute' Print For Sale - $250.00

    I have a professionally framed print by Lynn Matsuoka entitled 'Tribute" for sale. I bought it from her some time ago, and had it framed. It hangs in my home office. But I am getting older, and no one in my family will want it nor take care of it. So I thought I would offer it here to someone who would appreciate it. Please see the photos for details. It is hand numbered 201/250. For those who aren't familiar with the print, it features the four most famous sumo wrestlers to come out of Hawaii: Takamiyama, Konishiki, Akebono, and Musasimaru. The price includes the print, the frame, proper packaging, and shipping in the United States. If you are not in the U.S., let me know and I will get exact shipping costs. Thanks for looking.
  13. Torideyama

    TORCHBEARER 2023: the picks, torch match notices, results

    Go Kotosato Go! One down, 6 more to go.
  14. Torideyama

    TORCHBEARER 2023: the picks, torch match notices, results

    Honorable shimodahito, I humbly request monoii on the final matches of the basho in Jonokuchi. Unless I am horribly mistaken (or there are two people using the same shikona), my pick of Kotosato should have brought me at least one point in the Tomoe-sen. Please accept my humble apologies if I am wrong, and I will endeavor to do my best going forward. Yoohoo
  15. Torideyama

    TORCHBEARER 2022: the picks, torch match notices, results

    So we have another chance for a lower level scorer to pull a win out of the fire with his bullseye pick. I did it in 2019, and ChickyStarr did it again in 2021. Can Obana join the club?