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Everything posted by Tsubame

  1. Tsubame

    BASHO TALK -- Natsu 2017 -- SPOILERS

    Maybe today Ura learnt that a non-henka plus "diving" (or however do you call his style) is a terrible combination that is almost guaranteed loss. With two fusen-sho in his yokozuna career Hakohu is nothing special and just in the middle: http://sumodb.sumogames.de/Query_bout.aspx?show_form=0&group_by=rikishi1&kimarite=74&shikona_changes1=on&rank1=y&onlyw1=on
  2. Tsubame

    BASHO TALK -- Natsu 2017 -- SPOILERS

    again, no bow from Takagenji this day...
  3. Tsubame

    Long Kachikoshi Streaks - Natsu 2017

    So you pled guilty for jinxing Kisenosato?
  4. Tsubame

    BASHO TALK -- Natsu 2017 -- SPOILERS

    after, I was surprised as well
  5. Tsubame

    May 2017 pics overview

    Why are the names on the yokozuna monument in different colours?
  6. Tsubame

    BASHO TALK -- Natsu 2017 -- SPOILERS

    Did you really expect that he stays the full 15 days in this basho?
  7. Tsubame

    Long Kachikoshi Streaks - Natsu 2017

    A kind reminder to all players who forgotten to guess the score for number 11 Tamawashi as well. There a some players who miss this...
  8. Tsubame

    Long Kachikoshi Streaks - Natsu 2017

    Kisenosato 12-3 Yamaguchi MK Daiarmani KK Yutakayama KK Asanoyama KK Takagenji KK Kizaki KK Takemasa MK Hatooka MK Kotoinagaki KK Tamawashi 3-12 Suekawa MK Kotokensei MK Kyokutaisei KK TB: 14 I just recognize that Suekawa participated three times in maezumo? wow...
  9. Tsubame

    East v West

    As mentioned above: The east side rikishi is considered higher (for historical reasons). And the banzuke makers are ranking the rikishi by their past performance: the better you were, the higher you are ranked. If you now write down the current banzuke from top to bottom you would start in this way: Y1E, Y1w, Y2e, Y2w, O1e, O1w, S1e, ... and so on... So the best performing yokozuna from the last basho will always be put on the number one east slot (Y1e). The second best on the Y1w. The third one, you will guess right, on Y2e. The best ozeki will be again the first on the east side: O1e, the second best O1w. The best sekiwake is put on S1e too. I guess you now understand the pattern?! And in this way the fill all the ranks from the first yokozuna to the last jonokuchi rikishi.
  10. Tsubame

    21 Natsu 17. The Results.

    B B B A B B X B B A A X A B A B A A A B B
  11. Tsubame

    When will Hakuho intai?

    Could there be a special exception for Hakuho? That he still could become an oyakata without a japanese citizenship? They have these ichidai-toshiyoris, so why not creating a special-ichidai-toshiyori? Or is this not possible at all?
  12. Tsubame

    Times We've got close to 5+ Yokozunae

    Was Terunofuji healthy the whole year? Does he not suffering from any injury? That the same logic. The same hyperbolic style. Does Takanohana II dishonour the rank of a yokozuna in 1999? He barely achieved four KK (two 8 wins, and 9 wins, and eleven wins) and had 36 wins in total that year. But no one would really argue that he dishonours anything. No. The same aplies (at least for me) to Terunofuji. His performances were overshadowed by injuries. So 2016 is no real indicator for his capabilities.
  13. As most of us know, the very first basho of a new yokozuna is hard. In the six basho era there were only two yokozuna who could win their debut tournament. And so the question rises how many wins will Kisenosato achieve at the haru basho in march?!
  14. Tsubame

    Makuuchi Consecutive Match Tracker

    Without that single abscent day Kisenosato would have broken the all time record just now in Haru 2017 with 1239 bouts.
  15. Tsubame

    Basho Talk ** Haru Basho 2017 ** (SPOILERS)

    Remainds me of the talks before Kakuryu's promotion...
  16. Tsubame

    Shinpan embarrassing fail

    Amusing to me was the fact that the end of the mawashi multiple times touched the ground before they ended the match.
  17. Tsubame

    Shinpan embarrassing fail

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=83&v=m-1I0wZHOfo link from sumo data base
  18. Tsubame

    Yokozuna Kisenosato first basho result

    The basho is over. Kisenosato got 13 wins as the majority of the tippers predicted correctly! The incredible win of his yokozuna debut tournament saw only three coming: Rocks, RabidJohn, ScottyJoyJrBebe. What a great and entertaining basho!
  19. Tsubame

    Trivia bits

    The other 15 were (I missed Tsunenoyama in my first querry due to his draws), descending by numbers of maegashira fought: Takanohana - Hatsu Basho 1995 - 13-2Y Terukuni - Haru Basho 1943 - 14-1J Asahifuji - Aki 1990 - 13-2J Tachiyama - Natsu 1911 - 10-0Y Wajima - Nagoya 1973 - 11-4 Hakuho - Nagoya 2007 - 11-4 Takanosato - Aki 1983 - 15-0Y Hokotumi - Nagoya 1987 - 11-4 Miyagiyama - Haru Basho - 10-1Y Tochigiyama - Natsu 1918 - 9-1Y Tsunenohana - Natsu 1924 - 5-2-1-2d-1a Chiyonoyama - Aki 1951 - 9-6 Futabayama - Haru 1938 - 13-0Y Kitanofuji - Haru 1970 - 13-2J Tamanoumi - Haru 1970 - 13-2J
  20. Tsubame

    Trivia bits

    Kisenosato is only the 15th yokozuna not giving away a kinboshi in his debut tournament as yokozuna.
  21. Tsubame

    Basho Talk ** Haru Basho 2017 ** (SPOILERS)

    When Gagamaru finally finishes his ozeki-run in the next years, he maybe will looking for higher goals...
  22. Tsubame

    Kensho Haru 2017

    Hard to believe. For a new record he have to achieve over 200 more kenshos in the last four days, so 50 per day on average. And he has to win all of those bouts left. So very unlikely... edit:
  23. Tsubame

    Basho Talk ** Haru Basho 2017 ** (SPOILERS)

    Very cunning approach by Takayasu today. He took advantage of Terunofuji's tachi-ai. Terunofuji mostly just bend slightly forward to absorb the others tachi-ai, but also he rarely grabs the mawashi. With a very strong and powerfull tachi-ai he easily broke the balance of Terunofuji, and could push him out. It was a pleasure to watch. Even it the bout was so simple and short.
  24. Tsubame

    Long Kachikoshi Streaks - Haru 2017

    Kisenosato 12 Kokutofuji MK Yamagushi MK Shonannoumi MK Daiamami KK Goshi MK Oyanagi KK Asanoyama KK Ichiki MK Takagenji KK Takemasa KK Kizaki KK Hatooka KK Kotoinagaki MK Tamawashi 7 Ryuden MK TB: 11
  25. Tsubame

    21 Har Har 17, The Results

    B A A B A A A A X B B B A B B B B B B A B