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Everything posted by Tsubame

  1. Tsubame

    Banzuke Aki 2016

    Put Osunaarashi's demotion in that context: They give him easier opponents, knowing of what he is capable of, so that his fights next basho will be more easy, and thus better chances to heal his injuries, to recover and comming back to makuuchi in a better physical state.
  2. Tsubame

    21 Aki 16, The Results

    B X B X B B A A A B B A B A A X B B B A A
  3. I beg to differ. An 11-4Y with losses to all top-rankers (e.g. 3Y + 1O) will never be enough for a direct promotion.
  4. Tsubame

    Which yokozuna/ozeki will be the last one standing?

    Last day of Hatsu 2014 was the only kyujo-day in Kisenasatos career.
  5. Tsubame

    Long Kachikoshi Streaks - Nagoya 2016

    Thanks, thanks, thanks! (Yusho winner...) (First prize...) (Big fish...) It seems this is the only sumo game I can win. I love it! So it's time to face the truth and head for the next goal: Ozeki at Hatsu! (Laughing...)
  6. Tsubame

    Trivia bits

    Nagoya basho 2016 is only the second basho for yokozuna Hakohu where he has more than two losses after day 12 (not counting his kyujo retreat for aki 2015 after day two). In the other (Natsu 2012) he finished 10-5. And his first yokozuna basho was excatly nine years before (Nagoya 2007), so that are 50 out of 52 bashos with at least 10 wins after day 12.
  7. But is anybody really surprised by Kisenosato crumble at the end of a basho?
  8. That is correct, indeed.
  9. I've been saying that for years. Hakuho simply doesn't care enough to practice the dohyo-iri. He seems content doing just enough to get by. Its disappointing to say the least. Whats wrong with Hakuho's dohyo iri? His shiko is higher than both Kakuryu's and Harumafuji's. and his coming up from the crouch takes longer than most yokozuna. Don't know where the accusations of laziness are coming from. I will not jump on masu^3's "Hakuho-is-unworthy"-bandwaggon, but I have to agree about the dohyo-iri. First of all, you cannot compare Hakuho's dohyo-iri with Kakuryu's (different styles, and that's also why Takanohana can't teach Hakuho some things as masu^3 implys), but with Harumafuji's. Two things are distinctive: (a) the comming up from the crouch Harumafuji's movements are smooth and his hip moves in a straight line upwards. On the other side, Hakuho's hip is going up and down while he comes up. Harumafuji's way looks much more dignified (and controlled) in my eyes. (b) the two shikos at the end Again Harumafuji is performing it in textbookstyle. One hand at your belly, the other raised followed by the stamp. He keeps this for both shikos. Hakuho on the other hand has his hands at the first shiko: right hand just hanging down (instead on his belly) and left hand raised half way up (not even above his head). And at the ssecond shiko his just grab his kesho-mawashi with both hands. That are two points why I (just personally) do not like Hakuho's dohyo-iri. He either do not really care about the shiranui style (what I don't think) or he just what to establish his very own style.
  10. Is there a reason why Terunofuji is wearing a plain black kesho mawashi? Never saw an unicolour one before.
  11. Tsubame

    Long Kachikoshi Streaks - Nagoya 2016

    Kisenosato 11-4 Chiyonokuni MK Iwasaki KK Rikito KK Ura KK Daiki KK Yamaguchi KK Kakuryu 12-3 Kotoshogiku 8-7 Okinofuji MK Hakuho 13-2 Harumafuji 9-6 Daishomaru MK TB: 15
  12. Tsubame

    21 Nagoya 16, The Results

    A A A A B A A B B X X A A B B A B B A A B (and thanks for the kind reminder)
  13. Don't worry...he simply won't. The gap that he has to jump through is between a recovering Terunofuji and a declining Hakuho. And its already shrinking as it is. Kisenosato couldn't win the yusho when Hakuho and Harumafuji were absent. Sad truth is that the only man between him and that cup is not Hakuho, but Kisenosato. But Kotoshogiku did won a yusho, despite the fact that all yokozuna and Ozeki were present. And I think most people will think that Kisenosato is a slightly better sekitori than Kotoshogiku. So, when he could win a yusho out of nothing, why not Kisenosato also?
  14. Tsubame

    Top 10 Sumo Records Natsu 2016 Edition

    I hope you don't mind the slightly offtopic question, but I couldn't find proper numbers. With 19 sanshos and 16 kinboshi how high were the regulary bonus Akinoshima recieved as a maegashira in the times he were active? I wonder if these bonuses were actually higher than his normal salary.
  15. I loved watching the famous sportsperson Williams (surname) excel in its sports on such a high and professionally level! Sure, I guess you all know which person I mean! Or not?! BTT: I really do not care as long as it it clear whom do you mean (and especially as there is no mandatory way of "romanisation"). An Asashouryou refer to the same person as Asashoryu did. The letter one is two letters shorter, so I prefer writing Asashoryu. And for our three active Satoyama applies the same as for the Williams above. To be sure you just need some more information. Tennis, racing or snooker and you know which Williams I meant.
  16. What impresses me with Shodai is, that he has a plan B if plan A in a match doesn't work. That is a trait you often find with upper ranks and not by a typical "elevator" maegashira.
  17. If you watch the bout more closely, you will see that Hakuho executed a rather nasty kick against Harumafuji's lower leg. From that moment on, Harumafuji was hopping through the dohyo as a one-legged man. Thanks for the response, Randomitsuki. I saw the kick. It came at 4:31 in Moti's digest, and Harumafuji recovers from it by 4:34. I was actually curious about Harumafuji's movement at 4:35. He appears to straighten up and just lets Hakuho walk him out without offering any resistance. By then, though, Hakuho had morozashi and perhaps Harumafuji felt there was no point in putting up any resistance any longer. As you can see in the slowmo Harumafuji was pushed back and then tried to get a grip on Hakuho's mawashi with his left hand. He failed twice and thus could not counter Hakuho's push and with his center of mass above Hakuho's, he quickly realized that this match against Hakuho was over.
  18. I wonder why just every possible ozeki yusho is connected with tsuna-hopes? Why not just enjoying the ozeki winning a yusho, instead of starting talking about future tsuna runs? Just relax and see someone else winning a yusho as our consistent long-runner Hakuho. Not every ozeki is ready (or worthily) for the yokozunahood. But a lot more ozekis could / should win yushos. Going for the tsuna is not the mandatory second step after winning a yusho as ozeki. That always puzzles me a bit.
  19. Either Ichinojo showed us the worst staged match for this year or he is really some kind of naive.
  20. Sorry, but a tachi-ai must not consindered to be excellent, if the executer loses to henkas so often. Storming forward with your head down is maybe very powerful, but in no way somehow close to excellence. Well, it's good enough to make him an ozeki. Oh, and he did win a tournament once, so there's that. He became Ozeki not because of his tachi-ai, but despite this tachi-ai. Kotoshogiku is a one-trick-pony (belly-bumps). Just like Chiyotaikai (tsuppari). More than good enough to dominate the lower ranks and to stay on top of the banzuke, and also to win a (lucky?) Yusho. Really like Chiyotaikai. A good ozeki, but you never had the thought or feeling that he could become more.
  21. Sorry, but a tachi-ai must not consindered to be excellent, if the executer loses to henkas so often. Storming forward with your head down is maybe very powerful, but in no way somehow close to excellence.
  22. Tsubame

    Sandanme Game Natsu 2016

    Take your time! I am glad that you run these games at all!
  23. Can someone tell me why SHODAI still fights under his real name and did not adopt a "proper" shikona?