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Everything posted by Taizeniki

  1. Taizeniki

    The Adoptee Watch (Hatsu 2006)

    Kazafuzan went KK with a 4-3 this time at Sde 7.... so maybe back to low Makushita... I hope. Go Tiger!
  2. Taizeniki


    Where's Ama's Technique or Fighting Spirit Prize? It's amazing he was not awared one of these! Is it because he won over "only" an injured yokozuna? >(Blushing...)
  3. Taizeniki


    since we've digressed into pimples and nipples and artwork.... what color IS Ama's mawashi anyway? lavender? metalic violet? I've never seen this particular shade before. Is it something the artist Ama decided on? And to digress further: I've noticed that many of the mongolian wrestlers seem to have smaller nipples, on average, than others. (Blushing...)
  4. Taizeniki


    So, will my baby-faced sekitori plumet to the depths of makushita? Or will he retire? He seems truly to either be chornically injured and/or lost his fighting spirit. We have discussed before that he has never been the same since "the slap" a couple of years ago. Thoughts?
  5. Taizeniki

    Loose Mawashi

    Doesn't KaioU do the same? put water on his mawashi?
  6. Taizeniki


    ;-) "Ooooooooooh! Taka!" What a voice... what a man! (faint, faint, faint... no fainting smilie) ;-)
  7. Taizeniki


  8. Taizeniki


    I've wondered if he lost a little weight it would help. When he was Sekiwake Hatsu 2003, I think he was fighting lighter, if I remember correctly. Indeed! ;-) Yes, I thought about this when the banzuke was released. From having, I think at one time, 4 makuuchi rikishi (including a perennial sekiwake in wakanosato) to a couple of mid-low rankers is a bit of a dip in Naruto's stock.
  9. Taizeniki


    Hi- Katrina and I took him to lunch in Fukuoka. He hadn't been very happy with his performnaces over the past year, despite "just" making kachi koshi. He put on a lot - and I mean a lot- of weight also in 2005. He IS looking good this basho and I will speak to him next week when I go to Tokyo.I'll take a photo and post it here. As for his adjustment - he's fine. He is well-liked by his heya-mates and by Nishikido Oyakata. He has quite a few supporters, including a married couple (Japanese) who regularly take him to lunch in the Kokugikan restaurant after his bouts. His ability to learn Japanese was no less than astounding. He was more or less fluent about 3 or 4 months after he got there! Oh - and his oyakata was permitting him to go back to Kazakhstan for Christmas, too! I hope he was able to go. Cheers and keep rooting for "Tiger", as we call him. (Applauding...) Barbara Thanks for the update. Good to hear the Tiger is getting along fine... May he continue to grow and prosper in the new year.
  10. Taizeniki

    Download and save..

    And the yellow gorilla? Ok... what/who is the yellow gorilla? the guy with the golden hat and fan?
  11. Taizeniki

    Day 4 pics Hatsu 2006

    As the Winter Olympics nears, Azuma and Roho ready themselves for pairs figure skating competition. (Doesn't Azuma look like he is about to turn into a jump?)
  12. Taizeniki

    It's official now: Ozeki Kotooshu

    OK, is it just me, or are the pictures from Sadogatake of Osh throwing the "little guy" around (see above post in Sadogatake "page023") a little strange? Who is he? A supporter with a death wish? I'm used to seeing pics of sekitori doing "kid sumo," but not tossing a seemingly grown man like a rag doll. :-O
  13. Taizeniki

    Post Basho Talk - Kyushu 2005

    Oh mein heiliger Vater kotooshu the Yokozuna. ;-)
  14. Taizeniki

    When do they meet?

    ...along with the full contingent of reporters, etc., I assume. flash bulbs galore. any hope for a video? (Showing respect...) Thanks for the information! (In jonokuchi...)
  15. Taizeniki

    When do they meet?

    So, remind me again (sorry for persistant ignorance! (In jonokuchi...) ) when does the deliberation committee meet to decide promotions, etc.? I know it's sometime soon after the basho, but when, exactly?
  16. Taizeniki


    I too have often wondered about his tachiai and have always chalked it up to his height, body shape, etc. He has rather long legs and arms. But maybe you're right; maybe there is more to the mystery of the Osh-iai.
  17. Taizeniki

    Day 4 pics Kyushu 2005

    Tamanoshima won by ushiromotare (backward lean out) - This technique becomes possible when the defender has managed to circle behind the attacker, usually at the edge of the ring. From this position the attacker will lean into his opponent, forcing him back and over the edge or back and down. Ushiromotare is one of the 12 techniques added in the 2001 winning technique list expansion. pretty odd way to win if you ask me! How, pray tell, is what happened between tama and ama an ushiromotare? Were the powers that be grasping at what to call a simultaneous shove and pull off the doyho? I was waiting for a monoii...
  18. Taizeniki

    Baruto Kyujo

    Yea, I was looking forward to his possible rise to the Makuuchi ranks.... Great saddness and mourning!
  19. Taizeniki


    among all the great new sumo smilies available, is there a madam uchidate one?
  20. Taizeniki


    ooooo... me like! it is indeed a (sadly) perfect image.
  21. Taizeniki


    very fun! thanks!
  22. Taizeniki

    Hurricane Katrina

    Many of us in Texas are taking in refugees from THE STORM. Please give to the charity of your choice if you can. Red Cross, Salvation Army, etc. The government has not yet kicked in to provide funds for food, etc. for helpers in Texas. (Rightly, all the money is going to Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi...) Mostly private, faith-based, and corporate donations are taking up the slack. Our little city of 18,000 will be housing around 400 folks until December. Houston, San Antonio, Dallas, and even El Paso are big time in on the relief effort: housing, feeding, caring, for tens of thousands.
  23. Taizeniki

    Akebono these days