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Everything posted by Taizeniki

  1. Taizeniki

    Adoptee Report

    Kazafuzan sadly got MK (3-4) this basho @ Mke 24. I was really hoping he'd pull off the KK, as he we 3-3 in the final days, and move up a bit. I wish I knew more about how he's doing in keiko, etc. He seems to be stuck in the mid-Makushita range. He is young yet... I still hope for his sekitorihood! Go Tiger!
  2. Taizeniki

    Gaijin Guide

    Great to hear that Tiger is doing so well! Thanks for the update. Juryo soon in sight, again, I hope.
  3. Taizeniki

    Adoptee Reports - Kyushu 06

    2004 article on Tiger...
  4. Taizeniki

    Adoptee Reports - Kyushu 06

    Kazafuzan, aka Tiger, got his KK, after a 2-5 "bump in the road" MK last basho, to get back on track this time out on his climb up the Makushita ladder! Congrats, Tiger!
  5. Taizeniki

    Rocketboom on Sumo

    Trendy Video blog, ROCKETBOOM, today gave coverage to a sumo blog. Wonder if we can get Amanda to regularly report on other sumo blogs? Very fun!
  6. Taizeniki

    splendid video of a basho in 1918

    Thanks for this great vid! Interesting dohyo-iri... very short.... and the shiko w/o leg extention... truly stomping out those evil spirits... squashing them like texas cock roaches! Also didn't know the given explanation in the vid about the yokozuna demonstrating in the dohyo-iri that he wouldn't go after wrestlers who killed or injured someone... hmmmm. I thought it all had to do with purifying the dohyo, etc.
  7. Taizeniki


    According to the Active University/College Grad Rikishi list of Sumo Fan Magazine: Thanks!
  8. Taizeniki


    So, I assume that Shimoda was one of the college, mid-makushita guys? What university did he attend? Was he a college yokozuna?
  9. Taizeniki

    What is wrong with kotooshu?

    I have watched him over the years and I believe he may have some serious mental depression problem. And it seemed to get worse the higher he went up in the ranks, pressure increasing on him. If you look at his interaction (or actualy non interaction) with fans, press and his fellow rikshi, that is what depressive people often do, they isolate themselves from the rest of the world. Whoa! Psycho-analysis of athletes is always risky. Like great artists, intensity of personality is often essential to the passion which fuels the fighting spirit. Osh will come around. He just needs time...
  10. Taizeniki

    Takanotsuru intai

    Indeed... a sad season for the doppleganger contingent.... :-S :-) (Toki...)
  11. Taizeniki

    No oh-ichoh-mage?

    I suppose this has been discussed before, but why don't Baruto and Homasho sport the traditional oh-ichoh-mage? Is it because they are newbees to the upper rank?
  12. Taizeniki


    Wow! What an incredible display of agility and just sheer determination on the part of Ama (aka Scappy Doo ) to win against 'Azuma--mental collapse or no...
  13. Things are not looking so good for my baby-faced, piano man! :'-( If he keeps on the slippery slope (0-4!) he will fall to makushita and maybe an intai? my heart weeps... :'-(
  14. Taizeniki

    Not looking good for the piano man

    yes, I had noticed his less than 'youthful' performance this year. He seems not able to move so well (vis a vis the knee injuries, as you pointed out) and looks generally 'tired' and lack-lustre. He was doing more interesting sumo during the keiko film (NARUTO KEIKO) than during hon-basho!!! B-) I am sad for this. His heart doesn't seem to be in it... his fighting spirit wanes...
  15. Taizeniki

    No oh-ichoh-mage?

    I see what you mean...
  16. Taizeniki

    No oh-ichoh-mage?

    (Blushing...) thanks for the chuckle.... however, their hair looks 'long enough' to me... but what do I know... i'm no tokoyama.... (Blushing...)
  17. Taizeniki

    Big Boys Don't Cry

  18. Taizeniki

    Intai Inevitable?

    So, if KaioU looses one more today do you think he will retire?
  19. Taizeniki

    The wrestlers from Tonga....

    Whoa! As a native Texan of many generations.... "whatch y'all fixin' to talk about cheer? We pert ner jaw dang good anglish ouch yonder in Texass! Just listen to W!" :-) (Yusho winner...)
  20. Taizeniki

    Podcast for Haru?

    I know what Dale does is a kind of podcast during bashos, but is there a way to get him listed with iTunes so during bashos we (I) could subscribe to a podcast digest of key bouts or something? Thoughts? Edit: Is this in the, "you go for it girl, since it's your idea" department? I guess I'm just wondering if something like this already exists... don't want to re-double efforts, etc.
  21. Taizeniki

    Podcast for Haru?

    Don't want to throw water on this, but to do something "commercial" like that would take approval from the Kyokai, NHK, etc. On the other hand, someone had started to do an audio podcast/commentary last year, but the casts were fairly erratic and I don't subscribe to the Feed demon carrier anymore to check its status. A google of the cast shows the last entries to have been made in 2005 Hatsu. I'm sure others on the forum know more about this issue than I do, though. So, for instance, does banzuke.com/Dale have permission then from the NHK to post his videos? I was just thinking, of course pending Dale's permission, of taking the available videos and putting them into an edited down podcast kind of format for the benefit of interested free subscribers, as done on itunes, where anyone can post a podcast.
  22. Taizeniki

    New and Returnee Juryo rikishis at Haru Basho

    Houchi-Kouchi is a Macho, Macho Man . . . kokkai, roho, houchi, hoki, osh, ama...
  23. Taizeniki


    Barbara (or others who know him): It seems that our represetative from Kazakhstan is starting off rather well this basho... 3-0. ;-) I have been watching him quietly and hoping for his improvement and forward progress up the ranks. Like most gaijin, I'm sure the adjustment to everything in Japan is difficult, esp. in a heya. How is he doing?
  24. Taizeniki


    from: Kazakhstan in Brief: "People of more than 100 ethnicities peacefully coexist in the republic. The country has had no religious or ethnic conflicts within its territory since independence, an exception in the region. The number of religious congregations has grown to 3,500 today, about half of which are non-Muslim. These religious communities represent 46 faiths and peacefully co-exist."