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Everything posted by Taizeniki

  1. Taizeniki

    who is this big dude?

    He is Anju from Ajigawa beya, the one who steals the food from Ama. and proves that size isn't everything....
  2. Taizeniki

    Adoptee Reports - Aki 07

    Kazafuzan is inching up the mountain. At Ms30e, another 4-3 basho (3 in a row). Go Tiger Go!
  3. Taizeniki

    Takanowaka intai

    very, very sad. the piano playing baby faced era is over! :-O (Laughing...) ;-)
  4. Taizeniki

    Aki Basho 2007, Pics of Day 11

    (Guido the Forklift from "Cars") =
  5. Taizeniki

    Asa in hot water-thread 2

    Thanks Moti. Nice to "hear" something from him himself. The last sentence made my eyes wide... does he REALLY not know or understand? amazing.... :-O
  6. Taizeniki


    There has been discussion about his weight gain before... see HERE for just one example. I agree that he does fine, technical sumo and is a hard worker, but unless he does gain something, I don't think he will rise above where he is.
  7. Taizeniki

    How did your "adoptees" do?

    Kazafuzan KK! 4-3 inching up the banzuke.... Go Tiger!
  8. Taizeniki

    Kotomitsuki's Focus

    In my crowd, Kotozakura was known as Jack or Koto Jack. or Ko-Jak? "Who loves ya baby?"
  9. Taizeniki

    what's the difference?

    ok, for the unintiated nippon-o-phile, what the *&^$#! is the significant difference between these two shikona? What new "mojo" is supposed to be found in the new one? They seem so similar... (I am not worthy...)
  10. Taizeniki

    Sumo in SI (again)

    Honestly, is this all SI can say about Sumo? I'm glad it at least got mentioned in the top100, but ripping groins is not likely to be a great calling card for the masses, now is it?!? (Blinking...)
  11. Taizeniki

    what's the difference?

    Actually, I never meant to imply that the change was subtle at all. In fact, I think it is a huge change: completely different meaning, completely different pronunciation, completely different kanji (to my way way of thinking), and he went from using his own surname to a real shikona for the first time in his career! I was only trying to show the original poster that much less "significant" changes have been made by others already. So it is in fact a big deal. It seems that indeed "little things mean alot." thanks for your erudite posts and clarifications.... (Dripping sweat...)
  12. Taizeniki

    what's the difference?

    (Showing respect...) Maybe we should dub him the "big O".... hmmm...
  13. Taizeniki

    Takanowaka - status quo

    I think I'm glad to hear this!?! I wonder if he has any desire or possibility to be oyakata? My dear baby-faced, fighting spirit-depressed, pianist of a sumo wrestler! (Sigh...)
  14. Taizeniki

    LA- Jungyo planned- June 2008

    Then, you'll have to go to IN-N-OUT BURGER and get a "Five by Five"--five meat patties and five slices of cheese. Also, order your fries "Animal Style" with melted cheese and grilled onions. Wash that down with a "Neoplolitan Shake," which has chocolate, vanilla and strawberry all mixed together! YUM! Then, you can go on the dohyo yourself and not look out of place. This is one of the smaller burgers. Wow! Seeing that pic of such a burger makes me want to run out and buy.... ...at least you won't feel like you should keep a defibrilator close at hand during the matches! (Just what doctor ordered...)
  15. Taizeniki

    70th Yokozuna

    No, I'm saying that (simplified) winning one is skill, winning two is probably luck. That Ichihara won two tournaments in the same year is no reason to expect him to be any better than, say, Futeno. If he had a Kotomitsuki- or Kushimaumi-like track record in the amateur ranks, it would be something different, but he doesn't. What he does have is a very well-developed sumo body and the Nichidai pedigree, but from my limited observations plus what people like Nishi and Verena have said who've seen him live, I don't think there's much upside. If I had to guess, I'd put him at the Futeno/Iwakiyama level of future success. I actually have no idea, but as always, we shall see.. from all the pre-Ichi advent hype I thought for sure the era of messiah had arisen! Indeed we shall see. He still has time to grow and learn. He hasn't fallen to the bottom of makushita yet.
  16. Taizeniki

    twitter next basho?

    Wondering how many of you have discovered this new-ish manifestation of instant info technology. It's a fun way to keep in touch with people. Thought this might also be a way for those in Japan during a basho to let us all know instantly from their cell phones--even from the venue--what's going on. you can choose to have messages sent to your phone and/or the web. faster than the mailing list, faster than a forum post... it's twitter! www.twitter.com here's my profile: http://twitter.com/kimberlyorr
  17. Taizeniki

    70th Yokozuna

    I agree here. If Ichi can learn the ways of the professional dohyo, he appears to have the seasoned mental toughness to pull off a yokozuna hunt. but we shall see if/when he makes his sanku debut in a few basho how tough he really is. For my money, that first sankyu basho reveals what a rikshi is really made of.
  18. Taizeniki

    Adoptee Reports - Natsu 2007

    Kazafuzan, aka "Tiger," has finally returned to KK-land w/ a 4-3 @ mk 45! Gamarize! Go Tiger!
  19. Taizeniki

    Pics Natsu Basho Day 04

    Will the officials really let Kokkai on the dohyo with that "5 o'clock" shadow of his? Seems like his beard could be an unauthorized weapon on some opponent's skin... (Laughing...) (Laughing...)
  20. Taizeniki

    How Did Your Adoptee Do?

    Mine (and Barbara's!) favorite, Kazafuzan got a striking 6-1 this time out at Makushita 47. May he continue to grow and prosper! Go Tiger!
  21. Taizeniki

    Rikishi Talk the Senshuraku Haru Basho 2007

    WOW! This sounds a bit ominous. For such a young man, this is scary... Best wishes to Tochiazuma....
  22. Taizeniki

    Adoptee Reports - Haru 07

    My poor Tiger! 3-4. seems to have hit "the ceiling/wall" in mid-Mk. Maybe lower Mk or upper Sd next time.... Gambarize, dear Tiger! Gambarize! (Dripping sweat...)
  23. Taizeniki

    Quietly winning down under

    I noticed that Masutoo, Aran, Hoshizakura & Hoshihikari are cruising along at 5-0. I am most happy for Masutoo who has struggled a bit and for Aran's strong debut.
  24. Taizeniki

    Sumo toolbar by Kintamayama

    Love my Kinta Tool Bar... I replaced my bog standard Google tool bar with the ever exciting Sumo-Israeli version. It's great! Thanks, Moti for building this.
  25. Taizeniki

    Wedding Questions

    I have a male friend who is getting married to a Japanese national. I am wondering 1) what would be a good, traditional wedding gift to get them and 2) is there a traditional Japanese wedding blessing I should greet them with? Thanks for your help!