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About Hoshimambo

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  1. Hoshimambo

    Juryo Game in trouble!

    Hi, all Thanks to Jejima-zeki and all for your kind messages about the Juryo Game. Well, at the moment, I'm proud to announce we've got a team of a couple of fans to carry on the game ! Senpai-zeki and Tameiki-zeki. That's very good to find such involved fans like them ready to keep it alive ! If they think they've got time enough to make the JG at two, well, I have to close my warning messages or maybe they could need the help of a third fan ? They have to decide too if they want to let the game like it is or to change it (a bit or completely) to make it a bit more personal to them ? Thanks to all for your interest for this game and for your interest for the underdogs of the lower divisions ! Low divisions wrestlers have got the faith too, maybe they are working very very much too, but even if they're not talented enough or physically not naturally strong enough to access the top flight, nevermind, they deserve to be followed ! That's the purpose of the Juryo Game. Thanx to Tameiki-zeki and to Senpai-zeki to keep that spirit alive. Thanx to the JG players too to keep the spirit alive. As far as I'm concerned, I am pained too much by the end of my favorite rikishi (Musoyama, Musashimaru, Akebono, Kotonowaka, Terao, Takatoriki, Gojoro, Wakanoyama ...) pained by the fact the Japanese are humiliated in their own sport-tradition, at the point I do not find any more sense to japanese traditional sumo dominated by the non-Japanese. I am nostalgic of the Taka-Waka-Hawaiians time. Now it's the time of worldwide sumo (worldwide except Hawaii), so definitively not my time ! Cheers, Thanx to all, From Paris, Hoshimambo aka Hoshif'ransu. Have an happy new Year 2006 !
  2. Hoshimambo

    TRIO Day 13

    Equipe A (2-1) Hoshifransu (aka Hoshimambo)
  3. Hoshimambo

    Juryo Game Shikona

    Hi, thanks a lot for your interest for the Juryo Game. Kasamatsuri-zeki used to draw these beautiful shikona for the JG, but that time, I decided to draw it by myself because I asked him so much in the past ...! So, I wish the result could be satisfying ! Maybe, maybe not ? Maybe I exagerated some shapes ... If you want to correct some aspects, don't hesitate and I will upload a new draw. Thanks to Azumaryu-zeki for giving me the information. The banzuke for Nagoya 2005, with the shikona draws, remains available on this link : http://juryo.sumogames.com/banzuke.asp A lighter version with no shikona draws : http://juryo.sumogames.com/banzuke2.asp Cheers, Jeff "more" Morgillo aka Hoshimambo aka Hoshifransu. Courtesy to Feginowaka-zeki for his big efforts for making the banzuke. See you all within a week for a brand new edition of the JG. (Eh?)
  4. This post is for the people living in London, or in Paris, but not only. Everybody having a satellite dish is concerned. In London and Paris, you can find a free monthly guide called "JSTV Guide". You can find all the schedules for both JSTV et JSTV2. JSTV broadcast the NHK. It's generally encrypted and it's very expensive to watch it : 150 euro + 50 euro per month ! source : http://www.jstv.co.uk/english/index.html Well ... But sometimes, JSTV broadcast the NHK free-to-air but the problem is to know when and what ! This guide, available in japanese restaurants and shops in London and Paris, gives you all the elements : all the NHK free-to-air broadcasts are written in blue policy meanwhile the encrypted ones are written in black policy. So, here comes a schedule for all the FTA broadcasts on the NHK : from monday to friday, CET : 5.00-5.15 BS NEWS 5.35-6.00 Tokyo Metropolis 6.00-7.00 Good Morning Japan 7 O'CLOCK (*) 7.00-7.15 BS NEWS 7.55-8.00 Overseas Security Information 8.00-8.15 BS NEWS 9.20-9.35 BS NEWS 11.00-11.30 NHK NEWS 7 (**) 11.30-11.35 Overseas Security Information 13.00-13.15 NHK NEWS 9 14.00-14.55 NHK NEWS AT 10 (**) 16.00-16.10 BS NEWS 17.00-17.10 BS NEWS 18.00-18.15 BS NEWS 19.25-19.45 BS NEWS 21.00-21.15 BS NEWS 23.00-23.30 Good morning Japan 23.30-23.56 Today's Close-up 23.56-0.15 Business Frontline (**) 0.45-1.00 News Commentary 1.00-1.05 NHK NEWS 3.00-3.15 BS NEWS 3.15-3.40 NHK NEWS WATCH (***) 3.40-3.55 Today's asiavision (***) 4.00-4.20 The Lunch Time News (****) 4.50-5.00 Point of view on saturdays, CET : 5.00-5.15 BS NEWS 6.00-6.10 BS NEWS 6.10-6.55 NHK Weekly News 7.00-7.15 BS NEWS 7.55-8.00 Overseas Security Information 8.00-8.15 BS NEWS 11.00-11.30 NHK NEWS 7 (**) 13.00-13.08 BS NEWS 13.08-13.15 Overseas Security Information 15.00-15.10 BS NEWS 17.00-17.10 BS NEWS 17.15-17.50 News for Kids Weekly 20.00-20.10 BS NEWS 23.00-23.45 Good morning Japan 2.50-3.00 BS NEWS 4.00-4.15 The Lunch Time News on sundays, CET : 7.00-7.10 BS NEWS 7.55-8.10 Overseas Security Information 9.00-10.00 Sunday Debate 10.00-10.10 NHK NEWS 10.10-11.00 Weekly Business Compass 11.00-11.30 NHK NEWS 7 (**) 13.00-13.08 BS NEWS 13.08-13.15 Overseas Security Information 17.00-17.10 BS NEWS 20.00-20.10 BS NEWS 23.00-23.30 Good morning Japan 1.00-1.05 NHK News 2.35-3.00 What's on Asia (**) 3.00-3.15 BS NEWS 4.00-4.20 The Lunch Time News (*) = Repeat (**) = Bilingual (japanese and english) (***) = English only (****) = Live How to catch the JSTV ? Satellite : Hotbird (13
  5. Hoshimambo

    Manga featuring Mainoumi

    Manga is surrealistic, as always ... just like a classic bout between Mainoumi Vs Konishiki !!! Enjoy ! :-O
  6. Hoshimambo

    On-line sumo manga

    Click here to read on-line ! Really beautiful and realistic Kokugikan ! Check it out ! (Applauding...)
  7. Hoshimambo

    Sumo fans Meetup Day

    Hi all, Some of you may have noticed (otherwise, watch that site) that, we, sumo french speaking fans, used to meet eachother every 2 months, just after a basho, generally. We used to eat in a japanese restaurant in Paris and during about 3 hours, it's a non-stop talking about sumo : favorite rikishi, past basho, etc.. So, we're ready for it, for july (certainly july, 10th, during the basho) and as always, many go on holidays and far away from Paris, so we will be only a few frenchies that time ... But in the past, we've already been more than 15 people, including fans from Belgium and Switzerland. So, the problem in july, is many of us go on holidays away from Paris, but there is an advantage too : France is very visited by the tourists and especially Paris, so, we have the idea that time, to meet other sumo fans from the worldwide, visiting Paris in july, 10th. Although the date is still not firmly closed. This could be another date. So, if you're visiting Paris during these holidays, thanx a lot for joining us at our party ! ;-) So, inform us please of your visit (the dates when you will be in Paris) and we could alter the date, to meet a maximum of fans or make two dates, for example. I wish we could meet many fans from many countries, so don't be shy and join us ! Don't hesitate to answer to this message if you'll be visiting France next months ! This will be a great pleasure to meet you ! (Proverbial apple...) (Exclamation...)
  8. From now on, Mongolian sumo has its own web site : www.sumo.mn It's new since the beginnig of the month, including articles (unfortunately, not in english), videos, a forum, and super galleries !
  9. Hoshimambo

    Featured rikishi: Toki

    Amazingly, that's a forum dedicated to base-ball which gives a precious information about Toki's sideburns ! Here's the link and here's what they say : "Posted 1:18 a.m., January 31, 2003 (#31) - CFiJ Toki belongs to the Takasago stable. Back in the 70s and early 80s one of Takasago's most prolific wrestlers was Jesse Kuhaulua, aka Takamiyama. Jesse, a native of Hawaii, was the first foreign wrestler to win a tournament. Later, as a stable elder, he recruited Konishiki, and went on to open his own stable and recruited Akebono. Toki has said that the sideburns are partly in reference to Jesse, and partly because it makes him distinctive. Also, while facial hair is not allowed (in general), sideburns are okay. The amazing thing is, Toki's sideburns actually go up! As for other people, there is a new top division wrestler from the Naruto stable named Takanotsuru." So, according to the member of this base-ball forum, 2 reasons : the reference to Jesse and to be distinctive ! Well, even with no sideburns, Toki would have been distinctive, I think. Rough style, big size, one time orange mawashi, Toki is unique, that's why I like him so much !!!
  10. Hoshimambo

    Arm-wrestling match vs a sumo !

    Have fun with this one : Click here !
  11. Hoshimambo

    Featured rikishi: Toki

    Hi, all ! I'm a sumo french fan. I also like Toki very much. (Hoshitango is one of my favorite too, as you guessed) I know Hoshifransu and the french fans very well. Toki offered a dedicated tegata to one of his greatest fan, "Jean" Hoshifransu, watch this : Well, about Toki's sideburns story, I used to hear which is in fact a bad version : It was after a love story : Toki decided not to shave himself at this spot and to let the sideburns grow up, but the truth is simpler : according to Eurosport's commentator Syd Hoare, this is Toki's first oyakata (RIP-Fujinishiki) who suggested it to Toki, to wear it like former champions did before him and especially during the 80's. This had to become Toki's trademark ! Jesse Kahaulua (Takamiyama) first nicknamed Toki, "Elvis". At this time, Toki was Konishiki's tsukebito and Konishiki was a rising champion, persuaded to move to Tokyo to begin a sumo career under the tutelage of Jesse. Well, what I like very much about Toki, is the paradox between the funny aspect of his looking and the extreme rigour of his engagements : no fun because strict variation of tsuppari, nodowa, slaps, etc.. Big respects to Toki ! Long career to him ! (In a state of confusion...)