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aderechelsea last won the day on August 13 2024

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Community Reputation

125 Excellent

About aderechelsea

  • Rank
    Chelsea above all ....
  • Birthday 26/03/1980

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  • Gender
  • Location
    body in Athens, mind in the SW6 1HS
  • Interests
    current favourite rikishi in this particular order:
    Daieisho,Takarafuji, Fujiseiun, Ura


  • Heya Affiliation
    Musashigawa Oshiogawa Nakamura
  • Favourite Rikishi
    Musashimaru and Kaiho

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  1. aderechelsea

    Nicholas Tarasenko - English Sumo Hopeful

    "curls herm on his murbahl fern!" I need to give this a go as a non-native that speaks the language. "Calls home on his mobile phone"????
  2. aderechelsea

    Banzuke for Aki 2024

    I have no prior history knowlege on the matter (or on any sumo weirdness-es) but i guess they were getting pressured from the sekiwakes being too many. Noone asked me but i would like a promotion for "my guy" (daiesho) but he got stuck in komosubi east. I speak as a fan most of the times .....
  3. aderechelsea

    Banzuke for Aki 2024

    I guess because you cannot demote a K1e with a kk. Edit Nishikifuji stayed in top div with a 6-9 mk from M17e ...
  4. aderechelsea

    New Oshiogawa beya

    As a Takekaze fan (he also looks like my mo) i am following his heya. I am sending Yokozuna wishes all over the place
  5. aderechelsea

    Heya A-Z with (partial) pictorial history

    You know ... life .... out of the kitchens and into jewelry making with my partner. Been around sumo for the most part as a quiet spectator. happy to be back. I am a bit older and sometimes grumpier. Humor is still alive and kicking.
  6. aderechelsea

    How many yusho will Terunofuji win in his career?

    I guess no more. So 10-11
  7. aderechelsea

    Aki 2024 discussion (results)

    Nice one. You won yourselves a customer when i need your services in the future.
  8. aderechelsea

    Olympic Gold Medalist credits sumo as help

    "Shiko" is the answer after all ... not "42" He did a great job in the final. Composed.
  9. aderechelsea

    Asanoyama condition

    He really wants to stay in sumo in his future. I like his persistence if he is doing it. Ozeki future will be hard to realise though. I hope he makes it. I like him. If he opens up a stable in the future i would follow his athletes' development.
  10. aderechelsea

    Heya A-Z with (partial) pictorial history

    This is another gem of a thread that i missed for mysterious reasons. Naganoyama .... you are a legend
  11. aderechelsea

    Betting odds for the upcoming basho

    Betting only for the yusho winner is kind of interesting but i BET (intentional pun) i will never see daily torikumi odds. And with my sumo gaming successes (nonexistent) i am happy i will never do
  12. aderechelsea

    39th Wampaku sumo 2024

    I love "modern times", "nowadays", or however you call today. We can watch the future of sumo online so easily Years ago we would ask Martina if she could take pics of our lower div "adoptees" too see how they look-evolve. Lovely stuff
  13. I remember be thinking what a yokozuna Mita will make when his run brings him there. A sekiwake with 3 yushos ... one third of the yushos yokozunas are ending their careers with ... But then he became Ozeki. You have seen the rest. I can imagine him being a good coach though. He looks like he knows his shit in the dohyo even though he is not doing it anymore.
  14. aderechelsea

    Yoshikaze situation

    Lets hope Nakamura will get something going since this is done with.
  15. aderechelsea

    Terunofuji Says Field Is Deepest He Has Seen

    "Recollections may vary" i would say (steal) to Teru.