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Feginowaka last won the day on June 30 2012

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53 Excellent

About Feginowaka

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  • Birthday 20/05/1967

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  • Interests
    Sumo (of course...), Basketball, Tennis, Golf, Computer Games (racing)


  • Heya Affiliation
    Musashigawa, Sadogatake
  • Favourite Rikishi
    Kotonowaka, Musashimaru, Chiyotaikai

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  1. Feginowaka

    GTB January 2019 Hanukka edition and results!

    I think you both are wrong. The wrong Yokozuna placement does NOT cost 5 points. It costs 3 points
  2. Feginowaka

    Metasumo 2019

    sorry, it wasn't meant like this and I had to correct my statement. I just wanted to say that this time I picked by performance instead of sympathy (when I only picked players that I know) and it was a hard decision between you and Asashosakari
  3. Feginowaka

    Metasumo 2019

    In 2018 I only made sympathy picks and was almost at the end of the ranking. Therefore I will pick the opposite this time, with only one (or Maybe two) exception(s) 1-5 : Pandaazuma 6-10 : Gurowake 11-20 : Andonishiki 21-40 : Asashosakari 41-80 : Fujisan 81-120 : Kobashi 121-200 : Seki Haruaki 201+ : Fukurou
  4. Feginowaka

    GTB 9-shoe 2018- Invitation to play and results

    I always like these postings with the provisional rankings. It's amazing that Okisuruga is "only" #3 with his (or her?, anybody knows who he/she is?) recent results. 7 consecutive Top 10 Basho must be a record, is there such a list? I thought my 5 Top10 GTB's this year are great, but 7 consecutive Top10's are Incredible. Good luck to all for the Kyushu GTB! My guess for the winner: 67 points
  5. Feginowaka

    Promotion/Demotion and Yusho discussion Aki 2018

    Nobody with a Juryo-Banzuke until now? Not even our "Grandmaster" Asashosakari? Ok, here is my try: (comments/corrections always welcome) Chiyomaru (M14w 6-9) J1 Kotoeko (J5e 9-6) Daishoho (J3e 8-7) J2 Kotoyuki (M16e 6-9) Aminishiki (J1w 7-8) J3 Takagenji (J5w 8-7) Tokushoryu (J11e 11-4 Y) J4 Hidenoumi (J6e 8-7) Terutsuyoshi (J8w 9-6) J5 Kyokutaisei (M11w 1-6-8) Wakatakakage (J7w 8-7) J6 Ishiura (M16w 4-11) Akiseyama (J3w 6-9) J7 Hakuyozan (J12w 10-5) Kyokushuho (J4w 5-10) J8 Tsurugisho (J8e 7-8) Takekaze (J6w 6-9) J9 Chiyonoo (J7e 6-9) Azumaryu (J13e 9-6) J10 Chiyonoumi (J11w 8-7) Enho (J13w 9-6) J11 Tobizaru (J10e 7-8) Mitoryu (J10w 7-8) J12 Gokushindo (ms5e 7-0 Y) Jokoryu (J14e 8-7) J13 Toyonoshima (ms1w 6-1) Shimanoumi (J9e 5-10) J14 Tomokaze (ms4w 5-2) interestingly there was a similar situation at Kyushu 2017 with J6w 6-9 / J13e 9-6 / J13w 9-6 / J11w 8-7 !!! But this time we additionally have a J7e 6-9 who makes things a little more complicated. This means somebody of those rikishi has to bite the bullet and be ranked at J11e At first I thought it might be Chiyonoo, but then chose Enho
  6. Feginowaka

    Juryo Promotions for 2018 Kyushu

    No, I don't think so. That didn't have a major impact on his promotion. It's rather the "exchange-bouts" on day 14 as Asashokari supposed. Nevertheless it's very strange that they leave their principles they had for decades. Especially when you look at the situation after Natsu 2018 where they favored a 4-3 from Ms4 over a 5-2 from Ms6 and a 6-1 from Ms7!
  7. Feginowaka

    Aki Basho 2018 Discussion [SPOILERS]

    will this be a basho without sansho? I can't see somebody deserving any of the sansho
  8. Feginowaka

    Aki Basho 2018 Discussion [SPOILERS]

    When talking about Mongolians, you should also mention Takanoiwa. After all it was him, who caused the Harumafuji-scandal by claiming that the time of the current (Mongolian) Yokozunas will soon be over and that it will their (his, Ichinojos and other younger Mongolians) time after that … or something like that... He might have the potential for Sanyaku as well as Mitoryu, but time will tell
  9. Feginowaka

    Aki Basho 2018 Discussion [SPOILERS]

    Maybe it's just that my trust in Tochinoshin caused a loss in Bench today. But anyway… I haven't been kidnapped by aliens and nonetheless think that there is yaocho in many bouts
  10. Feginowaka

    Pandaazuma Happy Birthday

    happy Birthday, PANDA!
  11. Feginowaka

    Aki Basho 2018 Discussion [SPOILERS]

    Come on, even my 77-year old mother would have shown more resistence than Tochinoshin! That was a really lame defense. One has to be blind or blue-eyed (or both) if one denies that there is NO yaocho in Sumo (especially in this fight today). Tochinoshin just needs 8 wins and there is also still the OBSC that will help him. Mitakeumi needs 11 wins, which is quite a bit more and therefore he needs every yaocho-yen to secure these wins.
  12. Feginowaka

    Aki Basho 2018 Discussion [SPOILERS]

    What a strange/funny "dance" was that, what Chiyoshoma did today after winning against Takanosho? Was the dohyo that hot or did Takanosho fall on on Chiyoshomas toe or was he just happy?
  13. Feginowaka

    Aki Basho 2018 Discussion [SPOILERS]

    looks like 1xbet also has Sumo betting: https://1xtvg.host/de/line/Sumo/
  14. Feginowaka

    Aki Basho 2018 Discussion [SPOILERS]

    What was wrong with this guy today? That was absolute nonsense what he narrated today. Is he getting old and deranged? Or was it just too much Sake before?
  15. Feginowaka

    GTB- Aki (nomaki) Basho 2018- Results!

    Congratulations for this great result. Should be the Yusho, as I can't imagine that someone is even better. Could you tell us, who is your contact person at the Banzuke Committee at the NSK? Getting 7 Yushos with such a huge competition nowadays (Gooner, Okisuruga, Pandaazuma, Susanoo, me, …) is tremendous!