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About badboy27

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  1. badboy27

    Haru basho IS canceled!

    I just saw on the news (6pm, Japan time) that all of the jungyou (巡業 - Provincial Tours) will all be cancelled for this year as well. Wow... (In a state of confusion...)
  2. badboy27

    Hatsu '11 - Absent/Withdrawn/Returned

    Tosanoumi''s retirement was announced on the first day on NHK.
  3. badboy27

    Sumo blog list

    But did apologize and announce he's closing it down because of lack of time. That's right, the last that was written was about the blog undergoing a "renewal."
  4. badboy27

    Sumo blog list

    I saw Futeno walk in on Day 12 of the Aki basho in Tokyo. Chiyotaikai hasn't posted anything since February. It's a shame about Kotoshogiku, I really liked his blog with all the pictures.
  5. badboy27

    Sumo blog list

    I think Kotoshogiku's blog has been deleted. It makes sense since he hasn't posted anything in a long time.
  6. badboy27

    ex-Chiyotaikai-it ain't over yet
  7. badboy27

    Have admitted publicly to baseball gambling

    What happened to Kotoshogiku? Did he have a leser involvement in gambling?
  8. badboy27

    Have admitted publicly to baseball gambling

    Because he must have admitted to the lesser sin of gambling on cards/mahjong/golf. Is he still going to be in the tournament though? Before the conference he had a post on Naruto's wesbite, after the conference it was deleted.
  9. badboy27

    Have admitted publicly to baseball gambling

    Because he must have admitted to the lesser sin of gambling on cards/mahjong/golf. Exactly! There is this post on Naruto's website: 無事番付発表もありホッとしています。 4日の相撲協会の会見の前にホームページには稀勢関の日記のコメントが入っており、会見後そのコメントが消されていました。白鵬の隣に稀勢関の姿を見た時はびっくりしましたが...仲間内で多少のお金を賭けての花札だとかトランプだとかゴルフだとか麻雀だとかは多くの方がやってる事だと思います。 普通ならば問題にならなかったと思います。そして稀勢関は正直に答えたのでしょうね。 鳴戸部屋ファンは決して稀勢関を責めはしないと思います。 コメントを消す前に、一言それに対してのコメントを書き込んでいただきたかったです。 お忙しいとは思いますが今回のこの相撲界の件に対して親方はどう思っているのかのコメントも知りたかったです。 閉ざされた相撲界!隠したがる相撲界!なんて言われてないで鳴戸部屋はオープンでいてほしいです。 生意気な事を書き込み申し訳ありません。 さて日曜日からの名古屋場所!どうぞ、どうぞ鳴戸部屋旋風を吹かせて下さい。皆様の大活躍祈っています。
  10. badboy27

    NO live broadcast of Nagoya basho

    Maybe they'll sell more tickets this way!
  11. badboy27

    Have admitted publicly to baseball gambling

    Why the hell does Kisenosato appear in this video at the end: At the conference on Sunday. (Sign of disapproval...)
  12. badboy27

    The victim

    I also read it could have been a set-up, but it's just speculation. Anyone see this music video:
  13. badboy27

    Asashoryu INTAI - Feb 4 2010

    If it was his time to go like older players such as Dejima (July Retirement), Chiyotaikai (Jan Retirement), he should have just left in a peaceful manner.
  14. badboy27

    Asashoryu INTAI - Feb 4 2010

    The Japanese article states that without obtaining Japanese nationality, there isn't a place with the Sumo Kyokai. "朝青龍は日本国籍を取得しておらず、相撲協会に残る ことはできない" It's kind of sad how his personal life had to affect his sumo career.
  15. badboy27

    Asashoryu INTAI - Feb 4 2010 大相撲で歴代3位の優勝25回を果たしたモンゴル出身 の横綱朝青龍(本名・ドルゴルスレン・ダグワドルジ) (29)(高砂部屋)が4日午後、現役引退を表明した 。  1月の初場所開催中に都内で泥酔した上、男性の顔を 殴ってけがをさせた責任を自ら取った。横綱は「(理事 会で)世間を騒がせたという意見があった。今は晴れた ような気持ち」と語った。  朝青龍は日本国籍を取得しておらず、相撲協会に残る ことはできない。 (2010年2月4日15時24分 読売新聞) English article: