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About sagi

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  1. Try this:
  2. Panda, you're too kind. I look forward to day 10.
  3. OK, Mr Panda. Streaking stopped. Tomorrow looks tricky, but it is just as difficult for everybody.
  4. Not one of my better days in SG, but I can live with it.
  5. We'll see about that webcam.
  6. I noticed some remarks about my possible streaking. Rest assured that I always wear some some kind of clothing when I am in the vicinity of a webcam. Two days left of this basho. In Sumo Game, my picks have always failed miserably two days or more each basho. Since that has not happened yet this basho, I fear that the statistics will catch up with me this weekend.
  7. For a while there, while I watched today’s results as they kept appearing, I did consider tossing coins for day 4. Tomorrow, I may regret that I didn’t.