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Everything posted by tarako

  1. tarako

    Akebono gravely ill (activities thread)

    Anything new about Akebono?
  2. tarako

    Akebono gravely ill (activities thread)

    Has anyone heard an update?
  3. tarako

    Banzuke Aki 2016

    Can you give some background on injury protection? I'd love to know
  4. tarako

    Chiyonofuji passing

    Once, while on vacation in Hawaii, we were eating mochi anpan outside a bakery tucked away in an abandoned strip mall in Kailua. We'd just come from a drive over to Waimanalo to see the Akebono statue. Some local ladies sat down and struck up a conversation with us. One lady was from Waimanalo, and we ended up talking about sumo for the next half an hour. We spent a lot of time talking about what a heartthrob Chiyonofuji was ("the skin!!!), and how they and their girlfriends would go to the airport just to get a glimpse of Chiyonofuji when he and other sumo wrestlers came to town. They talked about following sumo, and later how highly they regarded the Hawaiians who had gone to Japan to pursue their dreams. I'm thinking of those nice ladies today, and hoping they aren't too sad.
  5. This article was the result of a thread on the forum started by "skepticalsports" in May. I found both the discussion between the author and people on the forum and the resulting article really interesting: http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/the-sumo-matchup-centuries-in-the-making/
  6. tarako

    Kokugikan then and now

    What a tease, Mark ;)
  7. tarako

    Sumo World via iTunes

    I would love it.
  8. The one thing I noticed that I like is that the previous ranks of athletes name the rank in english words. In the old website they relied on various (similar) colors to convey the same information. If you couldn't tell teal from green, you couldn't tell someone's various ranks apart. Hooray for that.
  9. tarako

    Are sumo wrestlers sexy?

    Just like the rest of the population, some are and some aren't :) What is really not sexy is the original article, and its basic lack of knowledge about sumo (citing that Hawaiian wrestlers have begun taking titles away from native Japanese -- what year is this?!)
  10. tarako

    Akebono back in the heya

    You mean kawaigari?
  11. tarako

    Miyabiyama Intai

    I'll miss him. Over the last few years he wore more bandages than the rest of the makuuchi combined, but on a good day he could still bust a move :)
  12. tarako

    Forum Update Feedback

    I don't post very often, but I do lurk. Thanks so much :)
  13. tarako

    Forum Update Feedback

    I am not allowed to "like" anyone's posts. A pop-up tells me that I've reached my quota of positive feedback for the day (which is, apparently, nil)...
  14. tarako

    changes at the YDC

    What is the age of the youngest member of the YDC?
  15. It makes me sad to see so few sumo sponsors these days. What does it take to be a sponsor? Other than money (the sumo faq I read said 60000 yen), are there rules about who can sponsor? Are there rules about what can be on a banner? I'm totally fascinated by the idea. Thanks!
  16. tarako

    Giveaways at Nagoya basho

    Can anyone explain why these particular rikishi were chosen to be on the charms?
  17. Remember when poor form at tachiai was the big topic? I don't think that they've done much to improve it by monitoring it more closely. I wish that the Kyokai were good at policing their own but I don't think they are. That could be part of the solution but I think a more systemic approach is necessary (and I wish I knew what that would be).
  18. I don't care so much whether my favorite sekitori and his friends bet on a little card game amongst themselves. I care if their betting requires the services of scary dudes. I care if they bet on their own sport. I care if they take a dive for each other. I figured that they were trying to force Kotomitsuki to retire in order to make way for others to advance. Guess I was wrong. And get some help, guy!
  19. Part of me wonders whether this is coming up now as a way to ease him out.
  20. tarako

    Next Ozeki after Baruto

    I keep hoping that Aminishiki will rally :)
  21. tarako

    Is sumo being turned into "Japanese Idol"?

    This thread is fascinating. You guys never disappoint. I have no idea what kind of gaijin I am, but I'll strive to be a more observant sumo fan when I go to the basho in May. Here's my very practical question: I am easily distracted and would like to find seats that are both a) not facing Gold Hat and b) not in earshot of the flag waving lady. Is one side of the dohyo better than another to achieve my goal? And another: If I'm chatting with my husband in English about the match while it's going on, is that considered bad form? Thanks
  22. tarako

    New YDC member

    Who are the other current members?
  23. tarako

    Asashoryu INTAI - Feb 4 2010

    I have loved his powerful, fluid sumo and his beautiful dohyo iri. Regardless of the fact that he's been oblivious to what's required of him in order to maintain his status, the JSA has let it go on so long that I found his intai shocking. I will miss him, but I think there are interesting times ahead.
  24. tarako

    Tachi Mochi

    I just saw a picture of Asa with Hakutoriki as his Tachi Mochi (sword carrier). I feel like someone else (Takamasakari?) was his Tachi Mochi a few bashos ago. This leads me to ask: how are the Tachi Mochi chosen? Thanks, T
  25. tarako

    Another Vegas Jungyo Planned

    If this happens I will definitely go. Any more word on the timing?