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20% of voters choosing "No idea" or "Kotomitsuki" seemed strange, until I remembered that about 30% of Americans thought George W. Bush was doing a good job right until the end. At least the people who chose "Kaio (no yaocho)" got to deny the OBSC, while still choosing the obvious result. A sly position, that one is.
I wonder if the people who choose Kotomitsuki or "no idea" will stick their necks out and identify themselves in the thread. I'd be too embarrassed to admit it if I thought anything other than Kaio tomorrow. Of course, one can only hope that some legitimacy might reappear someday, and why not tomorrow? On second thought.....
I knew somebody would link the Kaio win to a failure of the club, so I had to make my first visit this basho and post a reply. I said to my girlfriend before the match that it would probably be a fair fight. There are reasons the club didn't apply this time, which should be obvious: 1. Kaio didn't have his 8, and would himself be in trouble if he threw the match. 2. More importantly, he knew Chiyo was screwed anyway! With 5 losses going in, Chiyo would have had to win every non-Yokozuna match he had left! That means he'd have to beat all 4 Ozeki. With Haruma seemingly not interested in joining, and Kotooshu in the yusho race (hopefully for a while), that seems unlikely. THEN he would also have to win both remaining matches against guys below Ozeki, one of whom should be Baruto (who is now on his own Ozeki quest and cannot helicopter himself out for Chiyo again). Chiyo was beyond help, as Asanomeshi already pointed out. As I've said a couple of times before, when the end comes, it would be fitting if Kaio finishes off Chiyo, or vice-versa. These 2 have been peers and equals for a long time.
So the Mayan calendar supposedly ends in December 2012, and the loony religious nutters have hijacked this to mean the end of the world or the rapture or some garbage. Discuss. If the Mayans were so smart, can they tell us who the next Japanese Yokozuna is? Or will that possibility be eliminated by the world ending?
I'd have to say, yes. Check this thread for related discussion. http://www.sumoforum.net/forums/index.php?...=16752&st=0
You know, I used to respect you for your knowledge of sumo, but why do you have to act like this all the time? Perhaps it's because I'm a teacher, but I think someone with your level of knowledge of the sport shouldn't be such a ...... to other people who perhaps know or understand less. You have more to offer than that. Now I'll let YOU have the last word. Go for it.
OK. Because I think he behaves very well to a normal person, and only somebody who expects some kind of super-human behaviour out of a human could expect him to do much better, given the pressures and situation he faces. Asashoryu would be a role-model athlete in most countries, where athletes are being arrested for illegal weapons, assault and torturing animals. The standard they're attempting to hold him to is too high, in my opinion. His fire is a big part of what allowed him to succeed. You notice when the media was covering his first "guts pose" that they used the same kind of music in the background as they did for that guy who killed the little girl in his apartment? If you live in Japan, you've probably seen his interviews he did with the media before he was named as the suspect. They're trying to make Asa look as evil as possible, just to sell some newspapers. That would piss me off! It's somewhat surprising that he manages to keep as much composure as he does.
Uh-oh, my computer calendar only goes up to December 31st, 2099!!!!!!! Beware the end of the world!
Well if Jonosuke hadn't continued to deny it today, I wouldn't have posted about it. Is there a denial watch? But I could also say that it will never be let go of as long as it keeps happening in the ring. It's continuing to keep 3 of the 7 highest-paid rikishi in business. Maybe some people just ignore it, but some of us continue to see it over and over again. I'll predict that if this is still going on in 2 years time, you'll continue to see posts about it. Why SHOULD we let go of a topic that continues to have a presence in the ring? Just because you're sick of it? You're good at Japanese, right? Why don't you write them and ask them to put a stop to the circus? It will probably be more helpful for your mind than implying people should just stop discussing it.
Huh.... well, unless you take any comment way too seriously when it is partly joke, or think that a guy hoping his mark would be passed was anything more than polite lip service.... ah, forget it.
You can't stand that it's happening, that we're talking about it, or both?
If I had a photo of the pose at the moment, I'd caption it with, "Screw you, Kitanoumi!" And I might draw two middle fingers pointing towards the ceiling.
I agree with your opinion, but not with your math.
That's one rikishi consistently having the number of an inferior rikishi. It's not 4 Ozeki who can beat each other when they need it, then exactly the opposite happens when the other one needs it. Repeatedly. I made a poll. Let's have a vote and see what the forum thinks. http://www.sumoforum.net/forums/index.php?...mp;#entry177027 But seriously, are you saying you didn't know the outcome of the Kaio-Mitsuki match before it took place? I'd like to see you write it explicitly.
you know....? What, you went in your seat?
They get caught Some don't? Gotta love the Irish. :)
Why are some people criminals and some aren't? Why do some people cheat on their spouses and some don't? Why do some guys throw bouts and others don't? Are you really waiting for a "theory of everything"? And (hopefully) for the last time, I am not saying that any money is changing hands at all. We've been over this before. If you go over to the other thread, you'll see that. I even pointed it out again today. With all of your questions, you're just confirming my suspicions that you aren't actually paying attention to my argument. That's why you didn't know that they don't all occur on Day 15. As for the reason they might want to continue..... they like sumo? They want records? Again, if I could explain these things, I'd be a criminal psychologist. And if anybody could explain them perfectly, we might not have such a thing as criminals anymore. (Please don't say I'm accusing the Ozeki of being criminals. The connection should be obvious, though.) Your demands for universal explanations of the behaviour of people are not within reason. You choose to continue to deny, which you can do forever. The way the goalposts keep moving, I'm going to admit that this is a lost cause, and you're not going to accept it. Anyway, if you do choose to continue the discussion, let's do it over in the Ozeki thread. I'd really like to hear your impression of yesterday's ultra-dramatic match-up between Kaio and Kotomitsuki, and how you were wondering who would win. But deep down, I think you knew.
It has a name of its own: mukiryoku-zumo. Generally, the more loudly somebody complains about yaocho, the less likely they are to acknowledge the difference, or that there even is one. I want to ask whether or not this was a shot at me. I, for the record, do not believe that money is changing hands. But what I believe about that is irrelevant. The only thing I have any reason to suspect is that the matches are not legit, which is suggested by the numbers in front of me. Oh, and it seems I miscounted before when I said 15 back in May. It was 14 then, and 15 now. (That assumes I just counted correctly this time. I only have so many fingers, you know)
It doesn't make a difference to me what they call it. It's happening, and it's a good guide to pick winners in the games (Sign of approval...)
Just to remind everybody, here is the appropriate thread for the Ozeki discussion, with the latest results link included: http://www.sumoforum.net/forums/index.php?...mp;#entry169568 http://sumodb.sumogames.com/Query_bout.asp...&winsopt2=1 We're now up to 15 (not 20 as I stated above) consecutive matches (not involving Hakuho or Haruma) in which the right guy has won. Jonosuke should note that not all of them are on Day 15.
Because I don't believe in such club exists..... Well then, I hope the Kaio match was very dramatic for you yesterday. You must have been thinking Kaio was in big trouble, and this time he wasn't going to escape! *Leg drop* *crowd goes nuts* How many consecutive matches like this would it take for you to be convinced? We're at about 20 now. Would 40 do it? What about 80? Let's see.... they do and have! When a guy needs more than 1 win, they take care of it early. If you've ever looked at the search I've done in the database, you'll see occasions in which it was taken care of on Days 13 or 14. But you also think they don't know who is coming up on the schedule for each other in the next few days, and know whether or not they're safe? We can do it, and it ain't exactly rocket science. I think based on comments in this thread and in the current Chiyo retirement threads, you'll find that a whole lot of people know it. You might even find that you're in very thin company as a denier of an obvious pattern. If you get a job for the tabloids and write a story about the Ozeki, then they'll be fighting an accusation too. Kaio's in really big trouble next time, right? I know betting is against the rules of the forum, but it would be so nice if I could relieve you of some cash over this.
Unfortunately, the standards set for maintaining the rank don't suggest that they're much different. That's one thing they should look at. Numerous suggestions for changing this have been given in various threads in the past. I expect the Kyokai to make their move once Kaio and Chiyo are gone (if they'll make a move at all), or maybe after Mitsuki is gone too. Raise the bar to 9-6 to avoid kadoban? Make them win 10 at least twice a year?
I know which one would make his wallet happier.
Once again Jonosuke, you fail to grasp the scope of the Ozeki co-operation accusation. I'm honestly not sure why this keeps happening. Nobody has accused Hakuho or Asa, or for that matter, even Haruma, of being involved in that club. It is not because they are Ozeki. Ozeki is not some disease that makes you give away wins to your needy opponent. (The last 2 sentences contain the information that you have repeatedly ignored in these discussions) These are 3 guys who are too old to legitimately hold the rank, and one youngster who needed a lot of help at first and has returned the favour. So yes, it is completely possible for 4 Ozeki to help each other and for Yokozunas, who are different individuals in different circumstances, to not do such a thing. Especially with hundreds of thousands of USD on the line. Assuming you still don't quite buy the Ozeki thing, did the result of yesterday's Kaio-Kotomitsuki match surprise you or provide you with any suspense at all? If it did, then you must think it was amazing that Hulk Hogan always managed to turn around a losing match and finish it off with that big leg drop while the crowd went nuts.