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About Kirinoumi

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  1. Kirinoumi

    Norizo Cup BANZUKE 2025.1

    Wow, that has to be some of the worst banzuke luck ever. :(
  2. Kirinoumi

    Games Bugs

    Thank you for pointing this out, Rocks. This does change the result of my Day 2 match and affects the point total of many contestants (78% apparently, plus anyone who took Atamifuji). I wanted to add @Takanotaki (who I think may be the administrator), but they don’t seem to be on this forum. Can anyone reach them? I tried the “Contact Us” link, but I’m not sure if that’s for the game or for the whole japan-guide .com website.
  3. Kirinoumi

    Haru 2024 discussion (results)

    On Abema Sumo, they were talking about how the two were in the Saitama Sakae High School sumo club together, so they routinely practiced with each other. Kotoshoho was fighting to uphold his honor as the senior of the two (senpai no iji wo miseru), while Kitanowaka was fighting to avoid makekoshi, so both were extra determined. The announcer also commented that the generally affable Kotoshoho looked unusually stern after the bout, possibly because of the unexpected harite he received from his junior.
  4. Kirinoumi

    Games Bugs

    This shouldn't alter the rankings too much, but the Hoshitori results appear to be missing the points for Wakamotoharu's gino-sho. The main effect of adding the points will be a drop in the rankings for the 21 contestants who omitted the middle brother from their lineups. Still, it's probably worth fixing since it could bump a few people over or under the kachikoshi line.
  5. Kirinoumi

    Games Bugs

    I know this is not really a "bug," but Day 9 of the tournament is in the books, and there is no sign of life in the Hoshitori Game. I realize, if it's Doitsuyama who still manages this game, that he is very busy with the Sumo Reference site, and that is a marvelous resource for all of us. I also don't know what it takes to get the game up and running each basho. It could be quite involved. So, I don't want to be disrespectful and suggest anyone is lollygagging. However, it really takes away a lot of enjoyment from the game not to have results into the second week. For many of us who have a group of friends playing the game with us, exchanging banter about our daily rises and falls in the chart is nearly as enjoyable as watching the actual matches. If Doitsuyama's schedule no longer allows for timely updates, is it possible we have another enthusiastic and technically savvy fan among us who could take over and restore this most venerable of sumo games to its former glory?
  6. Kirinoumi

    Rikishi identification

    Thank you! I think you may be right. He has the Hokkaido background, and his age (19) and upper-Makushita ranking in 1979 would match up with his youthful lower-ranking appearance in the photo. Future Ozeki Hokutenyu it (probably) is! Amazing. I really appreciate the tip.
  7. Kirinoumi

    Rikishi identification

    I have a little more info. Apparently it was in Hokkaido in 1979, so maybe a Hokkaido-shusshin rikishi?
  8. A friend has this picture from sometime between 1979 and 1981. Can any of the historians here help identify who this rikishi might be? I tried looking through the banzuke on Sumo Reference, but I couldn’t find a match.
  9. Kirinoumi


    Very sad news indeed. He was a great ambassador for sumo and only in his mid-30s. This is a big loss for the international sumo community. I imagine some on here may have known him personally as well. If so, my condolences.
  10. Kirinoumi

    Trump coming to the basho

    [Deleted. After further thought, I agree my original post was inappropriately political for this forum.] I am pleased that today’s event went smoothly, and I hope the publicity results in more people becoming knowledgeable sumo fans.
  11. Kirinoumi

    Games Bugs

    I’m not sure this can be called a bug, but my sub in the Hoshitori Game replaced Takakeisho for days 6 and 7. Then he covered for Ichinojo in days 9-11. However, he doesn’t seem to have moved back to Takakeisho ‘s slot now that Ichinojo is back. Is this perhaps because Ichinojo’s return still needs to be manually entered into the system?
  12. Kirinoumi

    Rikishi Status Kyushu 2018 - D14 Late Withdraw

    Yes, of course, I see that now. Sumo Reference tricked me again by defaulting to Day 6. (There goes my Sumo Game lineup. At least I’m ready for tomorrow!)
  13. Kirinoumi

    Rikishi Status Kyushu 2018 - D14 Late Withdraw

    Interesting that he is not in the torikumi for today. Rikishi usually pick up one more loss on the day they withdraw.
  14. Kirinoumi

    Games Bugs

    It's great to hear Randomitsuki will be continuing all of his efforts with these games. However, my particular group of friends is most concerned about the Hoshitori, which we have all played together for well over a decade. We are now spread all over the globe, and participating in this game has been a wonderful way for us to stay in touch every two months and enjoy sumo together. I greatly appreciate Doitsuyama's many years of hard work in keeping the game running, but not getting the results until Day 7 or even later really takes the fun out of participating. If it is true that our longtime leader is no longer playing the games himself, then maybe it is time to pass the baton to another more invested volunteer. I personally lack the computer expertise, but I know I speak for all of my friends when I say we would be very appreciative if anyone were to take on the task of keeping the Hoshitori alive. Unfortunately, if things continue as they are, we will likely have to let our tradition die and look for other ways to enjoy the basho. Many thanks in advance, Kirinoumi/Kiriazuma