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Everything posted by Doitsuyama

  1. Doitsuyama

    Games Bugs

    I fixed the Kawazoe bug, and added the 6 records to the DB.
  2. Doitsuyama

    Sumo Reference Updates

    If you are not happy with my site, feel free to grab from the official NSK site. But be warned, you have absolutely no idea how often I had to change my code to adapt to changes on the NSK site.
  3. Doitsuyama

    What's so special about Hokuseiho?

    Yeah, the Japanese surely don't have such a national sport with long heritage to draw inspiration from. /s
  4. Doitsuyama

    Trivia bits

    This seems like a dangerous bet with Tsukahara threatening to get to Juryo pretty soon.
  5. Doitsuyama

    Promotion/Demotion and Yūshō Discussion Aki 2022

    If the number of sanyaku gets slimmed down by two (which seems pretty likely at this point), there even will be a full maegashira 17 rank added to the bottom and I wonder what effect this will have on possible demotions...
  6. Doitsuyama

    New recruits Nagoya 2022

    I think it's weird that there was only one bout on day 4, why would Okuyama and Otani sit the day out? They didn't meet on day 5 as well, and it doesn't make sense to not have them meet at all as both are 2-0 against the other two. They also aren't from the same heya. I'm going to assume that they met on day 4 and that Otani won...
  7. Doitsuyama

    Games Bugs

    The database for most games is different from the Sumo Reference DB and has its own torikumi. Oh, and Golynohana's games have another database with their own torikumi. They all draw the torikumi from the main DB, but the process sometimes needs to be kicked.
  8. Doitsuyama

    Games Bugs

    Yes, day 15 torikumi was not grabbed yet, I kicked it now.
  9. Doitsuyama

    Sumo Reference Updates

    What second column? (It indeed used to be an order column over all bouts of the day, but it is bugged with the automated grabbing and I'm never using it anyway, so I removed it now)
  10. Doitsuyama

    Sumo Reference Updates

    These ID numbers are not at all times present. For example if you just list the torikumi of a day, you don't see this ID (and sometimes there even isn't an hyperlink where you could see the ID in the url). For this reason it does make sense for a mainstream outlet like the NSK website to change the shikona from the standard romanization. The Sumo Reference is a niche website though, and so I don't see urge for me to make shikona "changes" to cater for the audience. I thought about using unicode characters for long vowels but decided against it, as unicode wasn't too widespread. By now it seems to be more usual, so I might make a change to unicode characters (ō and ū) with another checkbox option on the left not to use unicode. But I'm not sure if this would even be conceived as a positive change from the users of Sumo Reference.
  11. Doitsuyama

    Sumo Reference Updates

    They do have an id number, it's in the url.
  12. Doitsuyama

    Sumo Reference Updates

    That's right, but I'm happily correcting birthdays if needed. I didn't quite see what has to be fixed though?
  13. Doitsuyama

    Sumo Reference Updates

    I'm pretty sure I got that reading from such a yearbook or another source and from that took it for his real name. But sure, if the Kyokai lists his name as Yoshiaki I will change this now, and also the old shikona names on the assumption that a mistake is more likely than a different reading (which would also not be impossible).
  14. Doitsuyama

    Sumo Reference Updates

    No, I just did that today. I think since about mid basho you hit the DB so frequently that ressources like images never left your cache and didn't need to be loaded.
  15. Doitsuyama

    Sumo Reference Updates

    Performance at least was much better now, pages are loading very fast for me. But I see that one page (especially the first after a while) may load several elements like images. So I changed it from 6 requests in 10 seconds to 20 requests in 20 seconds. I can change that of course again if needed, and if performance doesn't suffer.
  16. Doitsuyama

    New recruits Natsu 2022

    If anyone is willing and able to list the mae-zumo bouts I can add them to the DB.
  17. Doitsuyama

    Sumo Reference Updates

    The server is actually pretty good. I indeed suppose there are too many bots overloading the site, so I added IP rate limiting now with no more than 6 page visits in 10 seconds. If you get a 403 error now (access denied) it's because of this minor inconvenience.
  18. Doitsuyama

    Games Bugs

  19. Doitsuyama

    Hanakaze retires

    And the new guy with the longest tenure is Sawaisamu. Hatsu dohyo in Nagoya 1992.
  20. Doitsuyama

    New recruits Hatsu 2022

    Some news out of the useless trivia department: - Chiyotsurugi set a new record with 8 losses in the current mae-zumo system (at least within my collected data), beating Shunpo who went 0-7. - Chiyotsurugi is the first rikishi to lose 3 times against the same opponent in mae-zumo (again, within my collected data). Before this only Sakashita and Yamakawa met 3 times in Haru 2020 and they went 2-1. - In fact, only once before one rikishi had 3 wins against the same rikishi in the same basho with Nanzan against Fujitora in Nagoya 1990 (of course again, among my collected data). I have 4 more cases of rikishi meeting in hon-basho and then twice in playoff bouts (but all 2-1): Roho against Wakanoyama in Hatsu 2004, Shimamusashi against Haguronada in Kyushu 1994, Konishiki against Hokutoumi in Haru 1990 and Tochifuji against Yoshinohana in Aki 1972. Edit: I just realize that Shimamusashi and Haguronada had all 3 bouts in the playoff, making it the only case of the same match three times on the same day.
  21. Doitsuyama

    Games Bugs

    I fixed the email address on the juryo games website and will write you in PM about your problem.
  22. Doitsuyama

    Hatsu 2022 - Day 11: Wardrobe malfunction?

    Nice charts, but the highest BMI on the far right seems to be a serious mistake...
  23. Doitsuyama


    Hmm, since there are 3 height-weight entries I should have those details somewhere, but I will need some time to investigate.
  24. Doitsuyama

    New Juryo for Kyushu 2021

    I rather thought it's not about disciplinary-related incidents here, but about not listing a person twice on the banzuke and he will be listed as Magaki. Obviously Sokokurai got listed twice but as was said already, Makushita is different from Makuuchi and especially Yokozuna.
  25. Doitsuyama

    Hakuho retires

    Why "Hardenne"? At the time of retirement she wasn't married anymore and was back to Henin.