The new banzuke is out, so I'm posting the lineups for the 8th edition of SHG, the least popular sumo game :)
Only 8 teams this time - we lost Tokitsukaze, due to Tokitenku's demotion (get well soon, Tokitenku-zeki!)
Kokonoe is the biggest team again - all the Chiyos managed to keep their sekitorihood.
Sadly, we're closer to losing another team this basho than getting some new ones on board... (let's hope Amakaze gets his KK to keep Oguruma in the game, but also for an excellent basho by Ms7 Kotoeko which could bring back Sadogatake. Also theoretically possible for Natsu 2016 are: debut appearances for Takadagawa (Kagayaki + Ms4 Hakuyozan, Ms13 Ryuden, Ms14 Akinokawa) and Yamahibiki (Kitataiki, Kitaharima + Ms15 Nionoumi) and a comeback for Onomatsu (Amuru, Onosho + Ms10 Keitenkai)
If someone wants to participate in the 8th edition of SHG, please send me your predictions (and your shikona) to or post them in this topic before the start of sekitori bouts on Day 1.
UPDATE: You can now submit your entry without the others seeing it by filling out the entry form here:
"Teams" are formed by sekitori belonging to the same heya (only heya with 3 or more sekitori are included). Each player assigns numbers from 1 to [the number of sekitori in the heya] to the members of each "team" according to how many wins he/she thinks they will score (for example: if a heya has 4 sekitori, the rikishi who the player thinks will have the most wins is assigned a 1 and the one who the player thinks will have the least wins gets a 4.) In case of two rikishi with identical number of wins, the score of the one with a higher rank will be considered better.
It's Kyushu 2000. Futagoyama-beya has 4 sekitori:
Y Takanohana,
S Takanonami,
M1 Akinoshima
M5 Takatoriki.
Let's say you predict that Takanohana will get 10 wins, Takanonami will get 11 wins, Akinoshima and Takatoriki - 5 wins each. Your entry will then probably look as follows:
Y Takanohana 2 (second most wins)
S Takanonami 1 (the most wins)
M1 Akinoshima 3 (same number of wins as Takatoriki, but ranked higher)
M5 Takatoriki 4 (same number of wins as Akinoshima, but ranked lower)
After the basho, 1 point will be awarded for every correctly guessed A>B-type (A has more wins than B) relation between every two members of a "team".
Let's go back to our Kyushu 2000 Futagoyama-beya team and see how the 4 rikishi did in the basho:
Y Takanohana 11-4
S Takanonami 6-9
M1 Akinoshima 5-10
M5 Takatoriki 4-11
(Our prediction was: 1 Takanonami, 2 Takanohana, 3 Akinoshima, 4 Takatoriki)
We earned 5 points: 1. Takanonami>Akinoshima, 2. Takanonami>Takatoriki, 3. Takanohana>Akinoshima, 4. Takanohana>Takatoriki, 5. Akinoshima>Takatoriki
Bull’s-eye points will be awarded for getting the order of the whole "team" right (a bull's-eye) (the more sekitori in a heya, the higher the bonus): +3 for a 3-sekitori heya, +5 for a 4-sekitori heya +8 for a 5-sekitori heya +12 for a 6-sekitori heya
+17 for a 7-sekitori heya etc.
There are also 2 bonus question for 4 points each:
1. Which of the featured teams do you think will have the highest average number of wins?
2. Which of the featured teams do you think will have the lowest average number of wins?
(in case of an identical average number of wins, the scores of bigger teams will be treated as better. In case of two or more equally big teams getting the same best average number of wins, all of them will be considered "winners")
Highest possible score for Haru 2016: 115+ 8 = 123 points
1. Number of bull's-eyes
2. Points for 7-sekitori heya
3. Points for 6-sekitori heya
4. Points for 5-sekitori heya
Isegahama (assign numbers from 1 to 5; 1 - most wins, 5 - least wins. In case of a tie, higher rank is better):
Y Harumafuji
O Terunofuji
K Takarafuji
M3 Aminishiki
J3 Homarefuji
Kasugano (1-3):
K Tochiozan
M2 Tochinoshin
M3 Aoiyama
M10 Gagamaru
M12E Tokushoryu
M12W Hidenoumi
M16 Akiseyama
J6 Jokoryu
M8 Chiyotairyu
M13 Chiyootori
J7 Chiyonokuni
J10E Chiyoshoma
J10W Chiyoo
J11 Chiyomaru
S Yoshikaze
M7 Takekaze
J13 Amakaze
M14E Daishomaru
M14W Daieisho
J6 Endo
J9 Tsurugisho
O Goeido
M6 Myogiryu
M9E Toyohibiki
M9W Sadanoumi
J4 Sadanofuji
M5 Kyokushuho
M7 Kaisei
J9 Asahisho
J14 Kyokutaisei
!!!Bonus questions for 4 points each!!!
#1 Which of the featured teams do you think will have the HIGHEST average number of wins?
#2 Which of the featured teams do you think will have the LOWEST average number of wins?
(in case of an identical average number of wins, the scores of bigger teams will be treated as better. In case of two or more equally big teams getting the same best average number of wins, all of them will be considered "winners")
send your picks to or post them in this topic.
UPDATE: You can now submit your entry without the others seeing it by filling out the entry form here:
3, 2, 1..... GO!!!